
before this.

"Shake your hand."

After seeing Kushida and Horikita Suzune coming, he extended his hand to Horikita-san.

"..." Ringtone.

After looking at him, Suzune didn't say anything, but raised her right hand to hold it with him.

It lasted about ten seconds before Oreki let her go.

"..." Kushida.

Kushida came too.

As a result, I saw this picture.

But throughout the whole process, Kushida-san maintained the smile of a little angel.

In fact, I feel very unhappy.

Because the relationship between Oreki and Horikita Suzune is still so good, and this also shows that Oreki is really doing what he said, he can't imagine the process of falling in love with Horikita, but he will want to marry Horikita.

But Oreki Houtarou, don’t you think you are going too far?

You and Horikita Suzune just shook hands.

As a result, he kept getting love experience points from her and even made excessive demands.


So, did she really become Horikita Suzune's substitute?

Is she passively fulfilling her lover's demands on behalf of Horikita Suzune?

"This is a special exam." Oreki-san said. "There's nothing to make money on."


Horikita Suzune came here for this special exam, but found out that there was no money to be made.

So stay calm.

"So, why did Oreki-san ask us out this time?" Kushida-san showed a cute expression.

"This time." Oreki-san said. "I hope you can keep up your appearance."

"It's just a study session or something."

"Then increase your popularity. Especially Horikita-san, I got the class points you collected while eating. However, the current Class C students have no money, and it is easy for these people to hold grudges, so it is better to take precautions and improve Instant popularity."


That's it.

So isn't it just to gain popularity for Horikita Suzune?

Kushida was not happy.

ps:rua! Today’s update has arrived!

Chapter 127 Requesting from the senior class, Nayunya: Don’t come!

Oreki-san suggested that Kushida help Horikita participate in study sessions to increase his popularity.

This point has its own considerations.

Horikita's class was promoted from Class D, and some students in Class D have become money spies because they have no points.

So their class probably became a sieve or something.

And this kind of behavior also shows that it is easy to be manipulated by outsiders.

It can be controlled by Class A or other classes.

Especially in Class B, some people started to react, starting from angels to fallen angels, which also shows that they need to pay attention.

It makes people feel somewhat interested. I want to see which angel is black.

During the matching exam, Oreki-san had already asked Mr. Majima, explaining that the punishment for the matching exam was an instruction from the new principal.

There is almost no need to doubt that this new principal should be the one arranged by Ayanokouji's father.

Then he came here specifically to drop out of school Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Therefore, as long as Ayanokouji is in the class, the new principal will target this class, and others... may be affected.

And like Horikita-san.

She also sends him private points worth 270 class evaluation points every month. But it’s a deal for two.

But to others, it was Horikita-san who took 320 points alone.

Although she deserves it, if everyone is so poor, won't they be considerate of everyone?

That is to say.

It's easy to complain.

The students in her class are different from those in Class A, Class B or even Longyuan Class. They only give money when it concerns themselves, and they are willing to pay for their own sake, so they are unwilling to do anything else.

In other words, these people are unreliable.

The new principal will definitely not give up on dropping out Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, so in the future examination direction, there will be an increase in dropping out.

Then Horikita-san can easily be pushed out to block the gun.

In other words, this was Oreki-san’s reaction because he didn’t want Horikita to be harmed by Ayanokouji’s side.

Increase her popularity.

If something happens, sacrifice someone else.

What he has at hand is the information of seven students in Class C, and he/they all have information evidence of contact with other classes.

So they are all people who can be pushed out as sacrifices.

Although it is unethical, if you become a spy, you must be prepared to be tricked.

And this kind of thing.

Kushida-san, do you understand?

You are also considered a traitor to the class.

Seeing that even though Kushida remained a little angel, he was unhappy in his heart because he wanted to help Horikita become more popular. Oreki-san felt that tonight, for the first time twice a week, she could properly tell him that she It used to be such a serious thing to be a traitor in the sports festival.

So, at Kushida-san's suggestion, the two times a week became three times a week.


After the head teachers of each class on the 1st announced the exam rules, and the students also learned that this time the exam can only be done hard and no shortcuts can be taken.

Everyone has their own preparations.

Students in Class B held a study meeting on the second floor of the library.

They originally wanted to go to the fourth floor, but found... senior students there. Various books are placed to take up space.

Not only that.

Now even the first grade is occupied by senior students who don't usually study.

And this means that not only them, but also the special exams for senior students this month are the same, written exams, and hard exams.

There are no shortcuts.

So after thinking about it, Ichinose and the others finally chose another milk tea shop with booths besides Nagumo-senpai from 19 to 21 p.m.

You can reward yourself with a drink after studying.

Students in Class B enjoy it more.

But Oreki-san thinks this is probably to relax his mood.

In other words, for the students in Class B, this time they also want to go all out to get the highest class evaluation score of 100 points.


The students in Class B are the ones who work harder. When Oreki-san visits the library, he will also see some students in Class B studying by themselves without taking exams.

Therefore, those who need to study more intensively now are the areas in which they/they are good at.

This is how Class B prepares for the exam.

On the other side of Class C, Kushida followed Oreki's instructions and dragged Horikita-san to the study meeting. They are responsible for the girls' category.


"Can't stand it——"

The second day of the study session.

"Horikita Suzune not only doesn't understand people's hearts, she can't even speak properly."

"What are you talking about? Why did you fail? You can't even do a linear equation in two variables? I can't teach you. After all, just listen carefully in class, then you don't have to worry."

"What do you do during class?"

That’s what Kushida-san complained about.

Even though she said that, everyone knew that Horikita-san had good grades.

Especially in the written examination after admission, Horikita-san had very good grades, but in order to lower the average score, she pulled students with lower scores, and then scored 51 points in each subject.

So this brought a wave of popularity.

It's just that this happened a long time ago.

The students in the class are also people who never look back on the past. If you keep holding on to your past contributions, they won't be grateful.

So Horikita's popularity is declining.

"Then just slow down," Oreki-san said. "Horikita-san, don't force her. If she is really targeted because of her popularity, then I will choose a spy who defected to Class A as a sacrifice to drop out of school."

"..." Kushida.

Horikita is now taking money from the class. Once everyone's points are in the account, they will transfer the money.

Although it is not everyone’s share.

That was originally promised to Horikita-san and Takaharaji-san.

But sure enough, it feels like I have to pay the money into my own account and then have to transfer the money to the other party.

As for Gaoyuanji, two consecutive study sessions were held in the class, and some students in the class were quite grateful to him.

But Horikita-san is a little worse.

That’s why Oreki suggested that Horikita participate in the study session.


Isn’t it completely impossible to do it now? And she also needs to help smooth things over and adjust the atmosphere.

And Oreki said this, which shows that he initially wanted Horikita to increase her popularity and then prevent her from being targeted.

But now, it doesn't matter that Horikita is being targeted.

He will sacrifice spies here.

"Then, if I am targeted for expulsion from school——" Kushida-san seemed to ask hesitantly.

"Will you be targeted?" Oreki-san asked.

"I hate it—it's Class D. If the sports festival comes out, I'll be attacked too."

The first half of the sentence is still in Kushida's state, but the second half of the sentence has completely transformed into a blackened state.

"Rather, I will definitely be targeted."

"Because even if I am a little angel that everyone loves, as long as it concerns whether they will be dropped out of school, they will definitely choose to drop me out." Kushida said.

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