And Horikita's sister, who seemed to have said what was in her heart and knew nothing about it, seemed to be in a good mood.

Then, as always, he is not good at getting along with others. He seems to think that he has helped, and then hopes to return the favor.

But this is quite cute, so don’t point it out.

So, after having dinner together and sending Horikita-san back, Oreki-san prepared to go to Sakayanagi-san's room.

I just met Ichinose-san who was also going upstairs.

Today's Archangel is still quite beautiful and still wears calf socks.

It makes people feel healthy and fair, but... I still look forward to her wearing knee-high socks.

"Oreki-san...were you with Horikita-san just now?" Ichinose asked.


Ichinose-san is so perceptive, Oreki hugged Horikita-san just now when he was sending him back.

It was probably around that time that I got the scent of Horikita-san.

As a result, Ichinose recognized it quickly.

"Then do you have anything to ask?" Oreki asked.

Oreki-san feels that this is not what Ichinose is focusing on.

Now both of them are in the elevator, and then there are only two of them in the elevator.

In other words, what might Ichinose-san want to ask?

Oreki wanted to go to the 6th floor where Sakayanagi was.

So soon, I arrived at my destination and stood by the elevator. And Ichinose also followed.

Her dormitory has to go up to another floor, but it's quick to take the elevator or take the stairs directly.

But she had something curious to ask.

"This -"

Ichinose gently touched the ends of his smooth orange hair and said, "The rumors are almost over."

"Everyone here in Class B will no longer talk about this matter."

"Then I owe you a favor," Oreki-san said.

This time Horikita's acting battle was actually Ichinose's idea. Of course, she thought it was too strange that her classmates would treat Horikita Suzune like this. Although she didn't have much contact with the students of Class D, Class D was like this His attitude is incredible.

Hence the Horikita acting incident.

It's probably similar to treating people how they should be treated, talking about people and talking about ghosts and so on.

"Ah, it's okay, after all, I owe you a lot of favors——" After hearing Oreki-san's words, Ichinose waved his hands quickly.

How could she hope that he would owe her a favor? It would be a big help if he could reduce the number of favors he owed her to once or twice.


"Hey, Oreki-san, what exactly do you think about this matter?"

Ichinose's expression became much more serious, "I always feel that my handling method is too gentle, and you should not like it, but you agreed to implement it. I always feel weird."

Is it.

And Oreki-san did tell her his solution.

Spreading rumors into the school must be taken seriously.

Then Horikita-san's rumor can be suppressed with the help of the school.

He is very resolute, and then... he hurts other people at the same time.

But Ichinose's plan seemed much softer.

"Indeed." Oreki said, "Your method is too gentle. But your method also has merits. For example, you don't need to destroy the emotions between classmates."

"Not to destroy the emotions between classmates? Or is it to avoid pursuing the mastermind behind the scenes?" Ichinose looked at him gently.

Her eyes are beautiful.

Some people say that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

And Ichinose is actually not stupid.

She also understood that using such a gentle approach to suppress rumors meant not discussing them, and naturally she would not investigate further.

In other words, I was forced to let this matter go away like this.

Then the mastermind behind the scenes and so on were ignored.

As for this mastermind, after thinking about it, she finally analyzed the profiteers after Horikita-san's rumor incident.

I already have a guess in my mind.

So I want to check the answer.

"There is really no need to pursue it," Oreki said, "because we already know who it is. Rather, if we pursue it, I don't know whose side I should side with."

"Eh?" Ichinose was puzzled.

She speculated that the man behind this time might actually be another central figure in the rumors - Manabu Horikita.

The result, isn't it?


If we think about Oreki-san's words, he said that he was going to investigate the mastermind behind this, so he doesn't know whose side he is on.

This statement obviously does not mean that Horikita Manabu is behind the scenes.

It's more like choosing between Horikita Suzune and who else.

So who else can be suspected?

Ichinose was thinking.

"I'm right." Oreki-san suddenly took a step forward, and only then did Ichinose find a cute girl standing at the door of the girls' dormitory in front of Oreki-san.

The other person was holding a black cane.

Slender and small.

Silver hair, skin as white as porcelain.

It’s Yusu Sakayanagi from Class A.

He is also one of the representatives of Class A.

She didn't know how long the other party had been standing there, but this meant that the other party had heard what she and Oreki had just said.

"Saka, Sakayanagi-san!"

Ichinose was surprised.

Because she suddenly thought that if Sakayanagi-san did not appear here by chance, then corresponding to what Oreki just said, that is to say... the rumor this time is actually...

Is she the mastermind?

Probably because he felt that he had heard some extremely private news, Ichinose did not dare to stay any longer.

Instead, he showed a somewhat embarrassed expression and left first.

But Oreki-san didn’t leave.

Rather, he really came to see Sakayanagi Arisu.

Turn on the lights.

The cat immediately ran over after hearing the sound, stretched as usual, and then lay down actively waiting for someone to pet it.

Oreki-san entered Sakayanagi-san's dormitory with ease, and then played with his cat.

The cat Hayate became fatter after being raised by Sakayanagi.

Now it stands on the edge of the window and retreats, meowing as it retreats, which makes people feel like "Please stay back, reverse the car, please stay back and reverse the car."

It shows that the tonnage has increased by one.

"So, is black tea okay?"

Sakayanagi Yusu said with a sweet expression.

The tea was warm, which meant that Kamuro-san was probably still there ten minutes ago, but now he was probably assigned to do something else.


Sakayanagi Yusu didn't mean to hide anything. "Is there anything you want to ask me, Oreki-san? Because you didn't come here specifically to visit Hayate today, right?"

"Then why do you do this?" Oreki said. "If it's directed at Horikita-san, then you won't get any benefits."

"And if it's not directed at Horikita-san—" Oreki-san paused.

This is talking about the rumor incident this time. The method is not very clever, and it does not seem like something Sakayanagi would do.

So this is what Oreki-san was thinking about after discovering this.

That's why I asked Horikita Manabu through Hiyori.

When consulting Horikita Manabu, Horikita Manabu said that the reason why he went to Hiyori to arrange the rumors was that someone came to him and asked him if his brother-sister relationship with Suzune was true.

According to his character, he would not deny his brother-sister relationship with his sister.

So this means that Suzune may have a reason to be attacked.

So he went to Hiyori to get rid of this problem.

So it became a situation like this... everyone won and only Class D lost.

As for the person who came to see Horikita, Oreki guessed it was Sakayanagi-san.

So why did she do it?

If it were a class rivalry, it would make sense for her to target representatives of other classes.

It's just that Sakayanagi-san has never been interested in class confrontation, and then Oreki-san wanted her to participate and put the blame on her.

So the reason why she took the initiative this time is——

"Horikita-san has a huge amount of points," Sakayanagi Yusu said. "And she's still a bit more than the student council president."

"The third grade will graduate in less than four months. This means that the student council president will also leave this school."

"So, although the possibility is not very high, there is still a situation where the student council president directly completes Horikita Suzune's 20 million points."

"In other words, Horikita Suzune may have come to Class A when she graduated from third grade."

"However, this is a climb up from a lower class. And Horikita-san was originally assigned to Class D according to the school's standards. So will being promoted to Class A become a laggard for our class?"

"In this case, if you only get resource points from your brother, then you may not be qualified to become a standard Class A student." Sakayanagi Yusu said.

"But if she can pass this test."

"Then it means she still has capital."


This consideration seems very mature. The thinking is also careful.

Turn this rumor incident into a trial for Horikita Suzune.

at the same time.

We also take into account the risk that those who are promoted to upper-level classes may be held back.

This idea is quite interesting.

Everyone wants to be in Class A, and promotion to Class A must either rely on the strength of the class or go solo. But is it really okay to fly solo?

In the past, no one in this school achieved it.

But now, this thing is about to be broken.

Oreki-san himself has a lot of points and can be taken care of... Bah, he can arrange for 1-2 students to fly over from other classes.

And Horikita-san also had the opportunity to be promoted in vain because of the strong presence of his brother who is the student council president.

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