Although the weather has turned cold now.

But she really didn't have a cold.

So why is this happening.

"But." Kushida said. "There is also a 20-kilometer endurance race in the afternoon."

"Finally, our exam also includes a relay race."

“Everyone must travel at least 1.2 kilometers,” Kushida said.


At this time, the person sitting next door who was in poor physical condition seemed to have been hit hard.

This is Sakura Airi.

"Although the 20-kilometer relay race is set, I can't help you complete the 1.2 kilometers that must be completed, but Sakura-san, I can help you complete your evenly divided share," Kushida said.

Kushida and Sakura are in the same group.

There are only 12 people in their group.

So evenly divided, if one person is guaranteed a minimum of 1.2 kilometers, then there is still 5.6 kilometers left. According to the even distribution, it is simply torture for Sakura, who is poor in exercise.

So Kushida is now willing to help her with some of the running.

"Thank you, Kushida-san."

Sakura-san feels that she is lucky today.

Got help from the little angel Kushida.

Because of the relationship.

Oreki-san and Asahina-senpai changed places to talk.

After all, it is really inconvenient for people to come and go in the corridor.

And as the chat progressed, it quickly became.

"Actually, I have no intention of interfering with second-year students," Oreki-san said. "On the contrary, it is Nagumo-senpai who has been interfering with me."


"That's it-"

The senior sister understood somewhat.

"But," the senior said. "I'm also a second-year student in Class A, so although I get along well with Oreki-senpai, I also have my own stand."

"So I can't reveal the information."

The senior sister seemed to refuse directly.

But she's already revealing.

Asahina revealed that the girls' team has been arranged. Even if they struggle, there is no chance of a comeback.

So the second-year trump card that Nagumo can use is probably... all second-year girls.

And against the same grade plus Class B of the third grade.

It's true that Alexander makes people feel unable to deal with it.

However, this also shows that Nan Yun probably hopes that in this exam, the girls in Class A of the third grade will score the worst, while the girls in Class B of the third grade will score the highest.


"I don't really agree with Nagumo-senpai's philosophy," Oreki-san said. "So it's best to start the class fight again normally."

"I think the school will recognize you more."

"So, do you want to defeat Miyabi?" Asahina blinked lightly.

"It's quite interesting," Asahina said. "If possible, I would also like to see this scene."

"He was too proud after our class was promoted to Class A. If we can dampen his spirit, then our class may be more stable." Asahina smiled disapprovingly.

Although she also somewhat agrees with Oreki-san’s statement.

There is a huge gap in the ABCD classes of current first graders.

And now there is a huge gap in their second-grade class evaluation scores.

So even if they don't control points, it's possible for sophomore class A to maintain an advantage.

And this is what worries her.

Will the school agree with Ya's plan? It would be better to say that Ya herself has some scruples, so in the past few months, she has been controlling her points and no longer asks for so many points from the school.

But in some exams, they can get points in their second grade.

Every year, the school gives a grade a time to draw scores.

As a result, in order to deal with the school, their class did not get points in that opportunity.

This is quite uncomfortable.

Oreki-san, on the other hand, remained quiet after the provocation.

Although this time the exam is over, it can be completed by extracting 50 million points from the senior students.

So there is no need to ask Nayun to withdraw money.

However, it is still possible to leave a window for withdrawing money after inciting.

After obtaining the information, Oreki-san and Asahina-senpai separated.

After all, the lunch break is not that long and everyone has afternoon classes to attend.

And that night, Nayunya came to play with the ghost cards just like before.

It's just that the cards are no longer the same as the first night, but a new one.

In other words, it is no longer cheating, but pure entertainment.

But he was the only one who didn’t come to Oreki-san’s dormitory.

As for Oreki-san's dormitory, it was Hashimoto who started the task of completing the team's cohesion.

The members of Oreki's group are complicated, and as the person in charge, Yukimura Teruhiko is not outstanding and has no appeal.

So how to solve this situation?

At least everyone should be present for the final exam.

Therefore, temporary cohesion and mutual cooperation are needed.

There are two options for doing this.

1. Be honest with each other. Draw relationships.

2. Have a common enemy and be consistent with the outside world.

And Hashimoto’s choice is...

"Actually, I'm a pretty bad person -" Masayoshi Hashimoto said.

When Nanyun was not here, he told everyone about his past, and of course he was ridiculing himself and making fun of himself.

However, such an atmosphere was created.

Soon, Yukimura also told everyone about his shortcomings, admitting that he was physically rubbish and that he was only good at academics and worked hard.

As a thorn in the side, Ishizaki was quickly infected by the atmosphere, and finally expressed his willingness to help in this exam.

Group problem solving.

This situation continued until the sixth day.


After the morning round-trip endurance run, students who have completed their tasks can go to the cafeteria to eat.

And Oreki-san walked towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

Because a super cute girl with a beautiful golden single ponytail was standing against the wall.

It seems that he is waiting for someone.

Oreki-san walked towards there.

But the moment he passed by, Oreki-san's palm was facing up, and soon, Megumi handed him a small note.

This is an exchange of information.

After following and paying attention, she finally caught the information about Akane Tachibana-senpai from Class A of the third grade.

And now Tachibana-senpai is also alone.

Just when he was checking the note and preparing to go to the location on the note, Oreki-san looked over.

Because there was an episode in the cafeteria.

There were several men and women gathered together, and there seemed to be some commotion.

Take a closer look.

Yamauchi stretched out his hand to the girl who fell on the ground with an apologetic expression.

The girl waved her hand, indicating that she was fine.

She didn't hold Yamauchi's hand. Instead, he was stubbornly prepared to choose to stand up on his own.

He seemed to be preparing to pick up the cane that fell on the ground, and then stood up slowly while holding on to the wall.

I found myself being rejected, and I also felt that I was being watched.

Yamauchi seemed embarrassed.

Embarrassed, he retracted his hanging hand and prepared to turn around and leave, but he didn't forget to comment before leaving. "Although Sakayanagi-chan is quite cute, she's just a little clumsy."


Sakayanagi Yusu ignored his comments and prepared to stand up by holding on to the wall.

However, no matter how unhappy I feel, it is still a fact that my body is weak.

She stubbornly prepared to stand up while holding on to the wall.

As a result, a pair of hands appeared in front of her.

He almost picked her up without waiting for her to choose or refuse.

Sakayanagi-san was a little stunned by being suddenly vacated.

Then he quickly found the person hugging him.


Chapter 157 Senior Ju Akane, why are you crying here?

Sakayanagi Yusu soon discovered that the person who picked her up was Oreki Houtarou.

After Oreki-san hugged her, he looked around and sent her to the seat at the nearest dining table.

"So. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

He knelt down and looked at her legs, but placed his left hand on her small hand.

Hold her right hand.

"It's probably no big problem." Liu'er said.

Even though Sakayanagi said this, her body's frailty also warranted concern.

I said in class before that there are very few opportunities to see the sea.

It was her parents who were worried about her health.

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