Then the other person [knows] him.

However, the current Chabashira has no such thoughts at all. In other words, perhaps only by traveling through time and space and taking actions can it affect the present.


If he traveled through time and space to cure Kosaka Liu's heart disease.

There is a high chance that Sakayanagi's body will be cured now.

So, this plan is feasible.

After walking up the stairs, Oreki-san arrived at the door of the science laboratory.

But there was a girl standing at the door, seemingly ready to stand guard.

At the same time, the laboratory windows were sealed from the inside with newspapers.

So, you can't see what is going on in the classroom at all.

From a confidentiality point of view, it's done well.

"You're still here." Oreki-san greeted the standing girl.


This girl has relatively short hair and good motor skills.

The name is Onodera.

He is a rare athlete in Class D.

However, her appearance is relatively ordinary, so now she is chosen to be the keeper of confidentiality...well, it is quite reasonable.

And thinking about it.

"Dong dong——"

"Oreki Houtarou is here." Onodera knocked on the door.

The room seemed to be surprised, as the sound of Yugi's rapid footsteps could be heard.

But quickly.

"Let him come in." Karuizawa's voice sounded.

And Oreki-san opened the door.

Almost instantly, the vision of the eyes touched the beautiful pink color.

The first thing you notice is the room decorated with various ornaments and colorful strips.

And then there’s…

"Welcome back, Gou Xiu Jin Sa——"

The six girls, uniformly dressed in red maid uniforms with white aprons, looked at Oreki-san and saluted at the same time.

I instantly felt the impact of a girl.


All the girls with good looks call you master at the same time.


This really exciting.

Chapter 285 Notorious, everyone unanimously quits the exam and begins!

Although I know that the girls in Class D are very cute, and they are also familiar people.

But I have to say that Oreki-san was shocked.

They are obviously the same person, but after putting on a sweet and cute maid outfit, they give people a strong sense of contrast.

It's like she is usually your roommate, but at various parties she goes directly to the stage to perform, extremely dazzling.

But now this feels... great.

There are six maids in total.

Among them are Karuizawa, who wears a single blond ponytail, Sato-san, who wears a hairpin specially, and Haruka Hasebe, who looks quite natural. As well as Kushida-san, whose hair has grown long enough for a haircut, and her best friend Wang Miyu-san.

Then there is Chiaki Matsushita, whom I have met twice before.

They were probably all in the same circle, so she must have participated.

"Welcome~ This is the maid cafe Maimai!"

Hasebe-san said.

"Then Gouxiu Jinsa, please come here."

"Here is the menu, you can choose anything? (^_-)——"

It was obviously a conversation, but Oreki-san felt that Hasebe’s words were laced with emojis.

Moreover, although they only asked him to come and take a look first, the decoration was quite decent.

Because when I came in.

The first thing that leaps into view is the unexpected array of colors.

There are many brightly decorated decorations inside, making it difficult to imagine that this is a cold and ordinary classroom.

By the way, generally speaking, classroom equipment has been updated and blackboards have been replaced with screens, but the laboratory building, which is rarely used, still has a whiteboard. Then they used the whiteboard to cutely write the name of the store on it with whiteboard markers.

Really decent.

"So, what do you think of Houtarou?" Sato-san asked.

"It's very attractive," Oreki-san said. "But it's just you beautiful girls forming a team, so I feel like there's something missing."

"Eh..." Karuizawa also joined the conversation, but her voice was drawn out. "So who else do you want to join in?"

Who else do you want to add?

Or who else hasn’t come?

Oreki counted the people in the room.

There are a total of 6 girls already wearing maid outfits.

Sakura Airi sat aside obediently, but she was dressed in school uniform.

Obviously, she still wasn't prepared to participate.

So... Kushida-san is here now.

And what about Horikita Suzune?

"Isn't Horikita-san here?" Oreki said.

“She was in charge of logistics and decoration,” Karuizawa said. "So I don't participate in the maid's division of labor."

"You have such a beautiful posture, but you don't change your clothes." Karuizawa said. It seems that he has some regrets about Horikita-san’s choice.

Is it.

Oreki looked around and found no sign of Horikita Suzune.

Horikita Suzune is repeating her old path.

Probably because I finally realized the emotion of love and couldn't look directly at him.


Kushida-san said before when taking out the trash that it was hard to imagine Horikita Suzune falling in love.

And now, haven’t you just seen it?

Very innocent.


Now the girls are all talking about Oreki-san, but Oreki-san mentions Horikita-san.


Karuizawa and Sato already understand this. Horikita Suzune seems to be completely incompetent or uninterested in love matters, but she turns out to be the ultimate winner.

They just couldn't do anything like being hostile to such Horikita Suzune.

after all.

Houtarou's current girlfriend is Sakayanagi Yusu.

If you want to be angry, it should be Sakayanagi-san who is angry.

"Actually, I just had an idea." Oreki-san said. "After seeing your maid uniform, I felt refreshed and refreshed."

"It suits you very well."

"But." Oreki said. "I met Chabashira-sensei on my way upstairs."

"So, since it is a cultural festival, is it possible to have a greater impact on people?" Oreki-san said. "So, although your maid outfit is very beautiful and very impactful, I think it is."

"Perhaps we can increase our intensity," Oreki said.

"Increase... intensity?" Matsushita-san made a note.

She is probably the one among the girls who has relatively little contact with Oreki-san.

But it’s not easy to act in unison with everyone.


Although Sato Kazue's maid outfit is very cute, Oreki thinks that someone like Matsushita-kun who looks slender and has a bit of a mature big sister vibe will be more attractive.

"Yes." Oreki said. "Your strengths are your beauty and cuteness, but in terms of impact, I think you can add a little more."

"Then what's added?"

Now Sato and the others also paid attention.

"For example, if we add a special candidate, what do you think would happen if Chabashira-sensei also participates?" Oreki said.


But almost as soon as he said this, everyone looked over in surprise.


"Are you actually asking Chabashira-sensei to put on a maid outfit?" Karuizawa said.

"But it's pretty good, isn't it?" Hasebe Haruka became interested.

As for Hasebe-san, Oreki's impression of her remains that "Ichinose-san is like an angel." "But I want to see her fall."

He is a different person.

And now.

Of course, I am also interested in this unique topic.

"Chabashira-sensei is usually very cold. If you put on a maid uniform, it would be better to show a little shyness, then... it will definitely be very attractive!" Hasebe said.

"Then I gave you the suggestion." Oreki-san said, "It depends on you how to get the other party's consent."

"Yeah." The girls had no objection.

Sakura Airi, who is good at photography, also nodded quickly.


She had already imagined what Chabashira-sensei looked like in her maid costume.

I's quite feasible.

If Chabashira-sensei were to put on a maid outfit, even she would want to take a photo with her counterpart or name her.

in this way.

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