Select 33 votes in favor.

Choose 7 votes against.

Seven of them were against it.

Generally speaking, if one student is voted out, everyone who stays can get a lot of benefits.

Then voting is the best option.

But does anyone disagree?

Do you not recognize this?

Probably not.

Oreki felt that maybe it was just these six people who felt that they were unsatisfactory in various aspects and might be voted out.

So... they don't want to be kicked out of school like this.


Six students objected, and Oreki-san was one of them.

"Intermission!" Teacher Ogura continued.

Then the space and time were given back to the students.

Chapter 293 So that’s it!

Because a unanimous result was not achieved, a 10-minute intermission was entered.

Ogura honestly stepped aside and gave time and space to the students.

And at this time.

"Midorita-san, how do you think we should deal with it?" Oreki-san said after some thought.

Midorita is his roommate and class representative.

Generally speaking, class representatives also need to provide guidance at this time.

But as soon as the fifth question came out, Midorita lost his role as the leader.

It would be better to say that it was a prophecy. Oreki-san had previously proposed the option of dropping out of school, and then Midorita-san, in order to reassure everyone, said in public that if there really was a drop-out crisis that required him to drop out, then he would be willing to do so. to take this risk.

So do you have to choose to drop out of school now?

This kind of thing is not a good idea.

But it's dangerous.


When it comes to the third question, there are some students in the class who are willing to sacrifice 300 points for the class evaluation. Then I got the option of being directly promoted to Class A.

Among them, the class evaluation scores are everyone’s scores. In other words, these students are thinking about themselves.

In other words, if he expresses his stance now, Midorita-san... even as a class representative, may be sacrificed.

After all, this time it is not only possible for a person to go to Class A, but it is even possible to directly add 100 points for completing the exam requirements, and then students who vote to drop out can also get an additional 200 points for this question.

So that's 300 points.

Their class is only 340 points away from Class A, and once Class A refuses to vote students out, or fails to complete the questions within the prescribed time, their class can almost cross the gap with Class A at once.

This is a huge choice.

Even if he is the class representative... he is still at risk of being voted out of school.

in this way.

He chose to remain quiet.


Now Oreki-san has brought the topic back to him?

"About this." Midorita-san said. "This question is very cautious."

"So, I think it needs to be carefully considered, and everyone can consider it. After all, it is difficult to make a decision."

"Furthermore, even though this exam is over and the last written exam is confirmed, I feel that next month's special exam is also crucial."

This seems to have been said but not said.

Obviously, Midorita-san didn't want to mention the words he said in class that he wanted to drop out of school.

In fact, it is understandable.

Because we have worked hard to achieve this, and then at this last moment, it is necessary to make sacrifices, but... no one wants to be sacrificed.

Why is everyone going to Class A, and then he will be expelled?

Even if you are a kind person, it is difficult to refuse the plan of being promoted to Class A and changing your destiny.

So he deliberately pointed out that the special exam next month is very important.

There is no problem with this.

Because it has been confirmed that the exam in the last month will be a written exam.

And this class was promoted from Class D, so it was still a long way from Class A.

Therefore, there is a high probability that you will lose the written test.

Then the special exam next month will be crucial, and if it is crucial, then surely such an important person as the class representative cannot be withdrawn, right?

Midorita-san has a strong desire to survive.

So does the mission have to be terminated like this?

Oreki-san started thinking about a solution.

According to the obtained history, it stands to reason that Midorita-san chose to quit, and then Chabashira disapproved of this move.

Then continued voting against it.

Then the final exam ended due to timeout, and Class B did not receive any reward. As a result, the possibility of impacting Class A was lost.

So what to do now?

"Midorita-san is right," Oreki-san said. "And I also believe that someone has to drop out to save the class."

"This kind of thing——" But as Oreki-san said this, someone immediately looked over.

There was no OAA system in this era, but when the exam questions asked everyone to unanimously designate a student to drop out, some people knew that their scores were at the bottom.

So, it's very dangerous.

And Oreki continued.

"Generally speaking, from the first grade to the present, no one in our class has dropped out. Everyone has worked hard until now."

“I don’t want anyone to be left behind, if I can.”

"But now there is hope."


"For other classes, it may be an opportunity to delete classmates who are not suitable for climbing together," Oreki said.

"Wait! Oreki-san!" Oreki-san said, and a girl immediately interrupted.


She probably feels that she is the "superfluous" one.

Because during the intermission of the last game, everyone was recommending what they had done for the class, so some people played a very small role.

Then if distinguished by contribution to the class.

So isn't she super dangerous?

"No one can decide who to delete," Oreki said. "It's based on academic ability..."

"Wait a minute, Oreki-san!"

At this time, someone interrupted him again.


The opponent's academic ability is probably at the bottom.

Along the way, after taking many written exams, some people will know the ranking of their scores.

"So in terms of sports -" Oreki-san continued.

"Wait! Oreki-san, this is too one-sided, and the special exam next month may not be related to sports." Someone interrupted.


This student's athletic ability is probably at the bottom.

"Right." Oreki-san said. "Although there are many criteria for judging, but..."

"I don't think that's fair."

"Because now we have to sacrifice a classmate to obtain this crucial three hundred points." Oreki said. "The judging criteria are meaningless, because this classmate was sacrificed and everyone could complete the exam."

"Huh——" It was almost Oreki-san who said this, and several students seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

And these classmates were the ones who frequently interrupted Oreki-san's words just now.

In other words, if the people at the bottom of the ranking are eliminated, they will be the selected ones.

So as long as they don't follow these standards, then they feel they are safe.


Is it really safe?

"In other words, Oreki-kun, you want to say that you can choose to drop a student and get a 300-point class evaluation score, right?" At this time, Chabashira, a girl with a single ponytail, said.

Oreki-san usually sees Sae Chabashira as an adult, so the current girlhood is quite new to him.

So when she was talking, I looked at her a few more times.

"Kosae." But Hoshinomiya Chie also joined the conversation. "You are right. If Oreki-san can say that, then he must have made a decision. After all, wasn't he the one who originally proposed the idea that someone would have to drop out of school if there was an exam?"

"So he already has a solution." Hoshinomiya Chie said with a smile.

It should be said that it was Hoshinomiya Chie who once again wrote down the little notebook of grudges.


Hoshinomiya-san, do you know how much your small actions can hurt others?

Oreki-san is not affected.

But there was one person who couldn't.

Isn’t that right, Midorita-san?

Oreki-san clearly saw that Midorita-san's expression became a little stiff, probably because he didn't want everyone to recall or mention his previous promise in the class that if someone needed to drop out, he would be willing to drop out.

"It's okay if I drop out of school." Oreki-san said.



But when he said this, the classmates in the class looked at him in surprise.

Even my roommate Midorita looked over in astonishment.

Because, is there anyone... really willing to... choose to drop out of school at such a critical moment?

"But I have a request." Oreki-san said. "If you sacrifice one of me in exchange for 300 points, I think it's valuable, but it's not free."

"Because, as a classmate, I didn't do anything wrong, why should I drop out of school?"

"So, if you pay the price, then I can do it."

"What price do you want to charge?" the girl Chabashira said.

Her brows wrinkled slightly.

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