And Megumi's hot girl image is not the real her, it's just for self-preservation.

At the same time, in order to let the image of hot girls being bad and not easy to be bullied be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, she usually has a bad attitude towards the boys in the class.

And now, are you just standing up and voting to leave?

It seems a bit excessive.


Oreki-san doesn't interfere in this kind of thing.

Rather, because he has seen the future, he knows that Hui has always been by his side, helping with work and raising children, and sometimes having to deal with his needs.

Work diligently and without complaint.


If Megumi and the others are thirsty, Oreki-san will help.


Now let’s go see Sakayanagi Arisu.

Think so.

Oreki-san walked down the stairs.

Just walked down the stairs.

"Isn't this Oreki?"

However, a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses walked towards him.

The other party is characterized by a beautiful short silver hair.

The silver color of this short hair is the same as that of Sakayanagi Yusu.

In other words.

This is Sakayanagi Arisu’s father, Chairman Sakayanagi.

"..." Oreki.


"Hello, Chairman." Oreki-san greeted.

He doesn't look so confident.

Of course.

Because he traveled through time and space and returned to eighteen years ago, he touched the belly of the other party's wife in front of the other party, and then ran away.

It's a very bad image.

And now.

If something has changed in the past, then the other person may have some memories now.

"Come here to Class D..."

As Chairman Sakayanagi said this, he suddenly thought of something.

Then he pushed up his glasses.

"I just realized now that your appearance looks familiar to me." Chairman Sakayanagi said. "When my wife was just pregnant with Arisu, she was scorned by a young boy."

"Then, Arisu was born in bad health," the chairman said. "I wonder if Arisu was badly photographed by the other party at that time."

"What a hateful little devil!" the chairman said. "If the other party doesn't cause trouble, then Arisu's body may be fine!"


Isn't it actually cured?

Chapter 296 Sakayanagi Yusu is unhappy! Hit!

Oreki-san’s behavior is indeed misleading.

The chairman also remembers this particularly deeply.

But good luck.

Probably because it had been too long, the chairman did not suspect that Oreki-san was the one who touched his wife's belly.

However, this also makes people feel a little disappointed.

Because this also means that Kosakayanagi was not cured?

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said things like "Arisu's health is not good" and "Maybe he was touched by the brat from back then."

In other words, efforts are still needed.

Oreki-san thought to himself.

However, during his conversation with Chairman Sakayanagi, the exam for second-year Class D also ended.

The reason was that after a while, I saw Mr. Majima going to the bulletin board on the first floor to fill in the results of this special examination.

Generally speaking, the announcement of scores is handled by the student union, but sometimes teachers will update it themselves.

And now, the exam is over unanimously.

Exam results announced.

Grade 2 Class A scored 3568.5 points

Grade 2 Class B 1701.5 points

Class C, Grade 2, scored 588 points

Class D, Grade 2, scored 992 points

Among them, only second-year class D received an additional 500 points, while the scores of other classes remained unchanged.

In other words, in the last question of the assessment where they chose to sacrifice a classmate in exchange for 500 points, only second grade Class D made the choice.

"I don't want to drop out of school!"

And the results are clear.

I heard in the corridor that classmate Ye Chi was chosen to drop out of school, and now, this matter has become the result.

"It's a pity, but you only have 2 hours now, and then you will be arranged to leave this school."

Saying this, Teacher Chabashira and Ike Kanji walked down the stairs.

This is a normal procedure in this school. Students who are dismissed from school need to pack their personal belongings in a very short period of time. Then he was sent to the school gate.

Of course, there are also students who are unwilling, so the school security needs to take action at this time.


There is another step before this, which is to submit your mobile phone to the president of the student union before leaving school.

However, Chi Kuanzhi seemed to realize that there was no possibility of defense, so he went back to the dormitory to pack his personal belongings.

Although life in Class D is not very good, there are still some personal items that are valuable and can be taken out to exchange for money or used again.

From this perspective, he is actually much more reliable than Yamauchi.

Yamauchi was dissatisfied when he was expelled from school, but Chi was able to quickly accept the current results and cope with it.


Oreki-san's focus has never been on him, but on Chabashira, who is the homeroom teacher.

Oreki-san has just completed the task of taking the unanimous test for Class B 9 years ago.

But his solution was different from what he got from Hoshinomiya Chie, that is to say, he changed the past.

So what will it look like now?

During this gap, the head teacher of Class B also came down from the classroom.

"This exam is over." Hoshinomiya Chie said.

She stared at Majima's updated data.

"Speaking of it." Hoshinomiya Chie said. "This exam reminds me of the exam we took nine years ago when we were about to graduate."

"That was the same unanimous vote back then."


"The scores of our four classes at that time were also very interesting." Hoshinomiya Chie said.


She remembered that although some students in Class B voluntarily dropped out of school at that time, everyone also received a 300-point reward for that special exam.


it is a pity.

When the results were finally announced, it was discovered that Class A’s class evaluation score had also been increased by 300 points.

In other words, Class A also chose to sacrifice a classmate and gained points.

For the sake of most people's ideals, they chose to sacrifice their companions.

And because the scores were not high enough, Hoshinomiya and the others graduated as Class B.

"Those are things in the past." And Majima said.

"Oh, you're in a bad mood." Hoshinomiya Chie said. "Is it because you are sacrificing your classmates? Are you sacrificing your classmates for your own future?"

"..." Majima. "Can you please stop talking about this?"

"Xiao Sae, what are you thinking about?"

But Hoshinomiya Chie completely ignored Teacher Majima, and instead paid attention to her best friend.

"..." Chabashira. "This test is unlike anything we have experienced in the past."

"And students have their own choices."

"But it's a bit regretful." Chabashira said. "Because we couldn't continue to climb up. Obviously at that time..."

"Isn't that reasonable?"

At this time, the numbers on Class C’s homeroom teacher’s board also came down.

"If we are overtaken by you, we will lose face." Teacher Banban said.

He and Majima were both students in Class A in the past.

However, now Majima is the homeroom teacher of Class A, and he is the homeroom teacher of Class C, and then... Hoshinomiya Chie, who is in the next class, is the homeroom teacher of Class B, which makes people a little uncomfortable.

"Then have you made compensation for the classmate who was sacrificed by you?" Hoshinomiya Chie said.

"Compensation? What compensation?" The board was puzzled.

"Yeah, it seems you haven't found the optimal solution either." Hoshinomiya Chie said. "This is what the dropouts in our class suggested. Dropping out is okay, but compensation is required."

"If everyone is successfully promoted to Class A, then everyone will pay 5 million in cash to those who dropped out."

"Because of his sacrifice, everyone has a bright future, so of course we have to come back to help him." Hoshinomiya Chie said.

"Is there still such a plan?" Teacher Mashima touched his chin.

Obviously, he was once a student of this school, but in the unanimous special examination, he was eliminated from his classmates, which brought him psychological guilt.

But if a price is given, then this knot may be untied.

"..." Numbers on the board.

"Mashima, please don't be confused." But the teacher on it stopped this idea.

It's not that he doesn't approve.

But he still owes money and has no money, and he doesn't want to add another debt.

rather say.

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