Chapter 306: Don’t you feel guilty even if you cheat?

When Oreki-san asked Karuizawa what to do with the tip he gave him for personal points, he directly chose to let them divide it among themselves.

They are all girls I know and are familiar with, so there is no need to skimp on this part.

According to Hui in the precognitive dream, in the future, the company he asked her to manage will also be involved in similar projects.

It exists to distribute money to the girls involved.

So there’s nothing wrong with trying it now.

after all.

Now, unlike before, there is no shortage of money.

rather say.

Because of superpowers, it is easy to get money, so there is no need for girls to worry about it.

However, this is the result.

After paying a large amount of points, Oreki-san's account returned to life with only about 10 million points left.


"Speaking of which, this is the cultural festival."

After the cultural festival, in the evening, Oreki-san was invited by President Sakayanagi.

To be precise, after the cultural festival, the two started dating in the shopping street.

Generally speaking, although the cultural festivals held by students are fun, the shopping street is more professional whether it is to play or buy things.


Perhaps the greatest significance of a cultural festival date is to declare sovereignty.

But this was already done after Sakayanagi Arisu took office as the student council president.


I felt very free and easy at the time.

And now I feel like it’s useless.


Kamuro-san is always around, nagging Oreki-san about his cheating and cheating.

So Sakayanagi-san exercised her rights as a girlfriend.

"Speaking of it," she said. "Some classmates saw you hanging out with different girls during the cultural festival.\

,""If you don't know, then you might think you are a couple." Sakayanagi said.

In other words, he was really a little angry.

Oreki paid attention to Sakayanagi's condition.

But this anger is of no use.

Because in her precognitive dream about the future, she completely accepted the situation around him calmly, and even teased him from time to time about going to see lawyer Horikita.

It shows that she is not that possessive person.

"I'm following Ichika Amasawa," Oreki said. "She seemed to have called Kushida away. Considering the threat she posed to Kushida, I contacted her after letting Kushida escape."

Is it.

Then you are very kind to Kushida.

By the way, is Kushida actually afraid of Ichika Amasawa?

For those who have read the records of the whole grade, Sakayanagi learned about Kushida’s past from the files. The class of Kushida Junior High School collapsed directly. From teachers to students, they were absent from school for a month. Then the person who caused this incident was Kushida. Platycodon.

There is no specific description of how this resulted.

However, it can be confirmed from the words that Kushida-san is very destructive, but in actual performance, he is completely invincible.

He was manipulated by Oreki-san, and then also by Amasawa-san.

And this time the cultural festival even needs Oreki-san to save.

Kushida-san is really useless.

He was criticizing his spies and colleagues unceremoniously in his heart, but Sakayanagi-san kept a smile on his face.

"Amazawa Ichika," Yusu Sakayanagi said. "This school girl really needs attention."

"So." Oreki-san looked at Sakayanagi.

"Why did you specially arrange for Ichika Amasawa to come close to or even attack me?" Oreki asked directly.

"..." Sakayanagi.


Although Sakayanagi wanted to exercise his authority as a girlfriend, he asked Oreki-san to restrain himself.

But now she was being questioned.

Just that kind of thing.

"Maybe it's because of Amasawa-senpai's physical strength," Arisu said. "Although my body has recovered somewhat, I am still unable to perform in bed."


Did you just think of looking for someone with good physical fitness to replace you?

Ichika Amasawa comes from Shirifang, and Shirifang's basic training includes physical training.

So her physical ability is beyond the average of everyone.

Therefore, Sakayanagi chose someone who was beyond ordinary people to take on the responsibility.

But Oreki felt that Sakayanagi was obviously very enthusiastic, but when he was also very enthusiastic, she gave up.

And now he says that he is too strong.

Just this, it cannot be denied.

Because his physique has been improved, his physical fitness and energy have improved at the same time.

Previously, considering Sakayanagi's health, he could only restrain himself.

But after confirming that her body is cured, there is no need to restrain herself.

The burden turned out to be too strong for her.

"I made you worry," Oreki said.

"No." Sakayanagi said.

In fact, I feel speechless.


Her behavior was outrageous, as if she was looking for a mistress for her boyfriend, but her boyfriend not only didn't feel ashamed at all, but accepted it as a matter of course.

That is to say.

Sure enough that's the case.

In Houtaro's heart, there is no such thing as single-mindedness or devotion.


This made Yusu Sakayanagi sigh lightly.


If she hadn't slept in from the beginning, during the vacation, then Oreki-san wouldn't have dated other girls, let alone lost her first kiss with a loser like Sato.

Then he realized that it seemed that other girls were fine too.

The result made her so green.

Life is not easy, Kosaka Liu sighed softly.


While she was thinking this, she saw Oreki reaching out to her.

The two of them are now in the shopping street.

And Oreki seemed to want to hold hands with her.


As long as there is no change in the fact that he still desires her.

A smile appeared on Sakayanagi Arisu's face again.

She held Oreki-san’s left hand. Accepted the other person's body temperature.

Of course, there is no need to take the temperature tonight.

in this way.

The cultural festival is over.

But there was a slight hiccup.

That was when Oreki-san sent Yusu Sakayanagi back to the dormitory and found that his cell phone had received a message.

There is no note for the other party's number.


Oreki knew the other person's number.

Because this number is saved in Horikita’s mobile phone.

And this person is... Chabashira Sae.

[Oreki-san, as expected, I can’t accept the 10 million points. ] by Chabashira.


Is it.

It looks like the girls have done their share of points.

Chabashira is the main dark horse of the maid cafe. Although it ended in the end, the fact that she is the core of attraction has not changed, so she is distributed according to her work.

Chabashira deserves the lion's share.

As a result, why not now?

"Let's meet at the railing next to the lake." After some thought, Oreki-san replied to the message.

The railing was Kushida-san's secret base, but because too many people came, she stopped going there.

But she could choose to take pictures of the railing there, which meant that few people would come, so it was indeed a good place to talk.

in this way.

Oreki turned around and headed to the railing.

But when Oreki arrived at his destination, he found that someone had already arrived.

It was a young woman with beautiful long black hair tied into a single ponytail.

In good shape.

Unlike the shy mature elder sister in the cafe at the cultural festival today, Chabashira is now back to being an ordinary female teacher.

Her back was turned to Oreki, her left hand pressed on the railing, as if she was thinking about something.

Watch this back.


This can be considered a revisit to the old place.

When receiving a mission to gain the super power of time travel, Oreki-san went back to 9 years ago.

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