
Chapter 938 Artificial Skin

Fang Yi took the initiative to ask Ying to be responsible for coordinating the work this time, and the reason why he took the initiative to ask Ying was because he knew that Wu Zhongyuan was a powerful being that was close to a god. If he could get his support and guidance, even if he only had a little bit, he would be of great use. But I didn't expect that after arriving, I wouldn't even have a chance to talk to Wu Zhongyuan. I had to recruit prisoners from outside. In this way, the good job turned into drudgery. Of course, the sooner the drudgery ends, the better.

The last female prisoner was a girl who lost her footing. To be precise, she should have been a girl who had lost her footing. She should have been a girl when she lost her footing, but now she has become a woman. Her age is listed in the file, which is thirty-four years old.

This person committed the crime of theft and was sentenced to ten years. Theft is not a violent crime and it stands to reason that the sentence should not be so severe. However, because she stole a huge amount and never realized her mistake, she was sentenced to a severe sentence. Judgment.

This woman has a decent figure and looks, but her face has obviously undergone surgery, and it's not just a minor plastic surgery, but a massive plastic surgery, especially her chin, which is so sharp that it looks like the snake spirit in Calabash Baby.

Snake Spirit didn't know who Wu Zhongyuan was, so she thought he was the one who was trying the case. After coming in, she couldn't wait to ask if her case was going to be retried.

There was a reason why Snake Spirit asked this. In her opinion, even if she was punished for several crimes, the sentence should not be so severe. She always believed that a watch should not be valued at 850,000 yuan, and she was not stealing. , but it was given to her after she slept with the other person.

In order to continue the conversation, Wu Zhongyuan did not deny that he was a case investigator. He first emphasized to Snake Jing the policy of leniency for confessions and strictness for resistance, and then asked her to explain her crimes in detail.

Snake Spirit is a delinquent woman who has basically done everything related to Huang. Her narration is in the form of backward narration, that is, she first talks about what happened recently, and then gradually recalls the past.

The reason why she stumbled was because she caught a Kaizi in the bar. Wu Zhongyuan didn't understand what Kaizi meant, so he asked more questions. The snake spirit replied that Kaizi was the one who took advantage of him.

This scapegoat was a middle-aged man who looked very wealthy. Wu Zhongyuan himself had no prejudice against bars. He only regarded them as a place to drink. However, Snake Spirit knew the inside story better than him and gave him some knowledge. He found that bars were a place for casual encounters and dates. .

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. Maybe some people just want to drink." Wu Zhongyuan was dubious.

The snake spirit tilted his head and curled his lips, "The drinks in the bar are ten times more expensive than outside. Who would go there if not to pick up boys and girls? If you want to drink, can't you drink at home? Can't you drink at the table? Can't you drink at the mass-market KTV?"

Wu Zhongyuan had never been to that kind of place and had no right to speak, so he waved his hand for her to continue.

After meeting by chance in a bar, the two flirted with each other and invited Snake to drink. Then they drank too much, and then stayed in a hotel. Under the dual effects of alcohol and hormones, they naturally got along. Afterwards, Snake met The victim had no intention of giving her money, and felt unbalanced. She felt that he was a freeloader, so he coquettishly asked for money. The victim also drank too much, so he casually took off his watch and gave it to her, and then fell asleep.

After the victim fell asleep, the snake girl put on her clothes and left. The whole thing happened as simple as that. However, the snake spirit was caught the next day. The victim called the police, saying that she had stolen his watch.

Watches are different from watches. The enemy is wearing a customized Patek Philippe, which is more expensive than a Rolex. The enemy may just want to get his watch back, but this watch is too expensive. The price is more than 800,000. Directly It became a public prosecution case.

People who can wear this kind of watch are not ordinary people. The gangster is frantically trying to find a way to withdraw the case from outside, but the snake spirit has no idea what the gangster is doing outside. He just thinks that he has been tricked and insists on killing the gangster with the hope of sharing the same death. She was raped and the enemy was captured.

Both people went in, and they could not meet each other to confess, and no one could move outside, so the bite got deeper and deeper. In the end, they were all unlucky, and both charges were found guilty.

To put it simply, the crime of theft is the illegal possession of other people's property. The victim refused to admit that he gave the watch to Snake Jing. Snake Jing said it was useless. The watch was in her hand, and the evidence was irrefutable.

There are two major elements in the crime of rape. One is against the woman's will, and the other is contact with certain parts. Whether it is against the woman's will is entirely up to the woman. Even if the woman drags the man into the room during surveillance, the woman can still beat him up afterwards. . Even if a woman is caught on surveillance camera stripping herself naked, she can say afterwards that she regretted it at a critical moment, and the other bully took advantage of it and made sure to tell the truth. This matter cannot be deduced according to logic, and only the facts are accepted. , if a woman says she doesn’t want to, it is against her will.

The second element is even simpler. As long as certain parts of the body are touched, it does not matter. It does not mean that it has to be finished or halfway done. As long as it is touched, even if it is just a knock on the door, it is a forced annihilation. That’s it.

Wu Zhongyuan chose her because Snake Spirit had never confessed her crime and repented. He originally thought she had some hidden agenda, but he didn't expect that she would be such a stinky mess. These two guys can be regarded as bad stars, and they both fell into the same category. It's in people's hands.

In order to win leniency, Snake Spirit began to confess completely that she had done everything from bartendering, delivering food, and performing fairy dances. The bartender was to lure the gangsters in the bar and let them spend money to buy drinks, and they would get a certain commission. According to Snake Spirit, According to the saying, men all like to pretend to be bossy in front of women. They are obviously reluctant to spend money, but they insist on showing off their wealth. The cheapest bottle of red wine costs two to three thousand.

The bartenders may not necessarily let the bullies go, they are all masters, have read countless people, and have sharp eyes. They can tell at a glance which bully is really rich and which one is just pretending. They will also follow the other party if they are really rich. He didn't have much money, so he tricked them into buying a few bottles of wine and then they made excuses to run away.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't quite understand what delivering food meant. After Snake Jing explained it, he realized that it was door-to-door delivery. To be precise, it was door-to-door delivery. Food delivery and immortal dance were carried out at the same time. The so-called immortal dance was a group of men breaking into the door at a critical moment. As for whether to deliver food or to perform as a fairy, it is up to a woman like Snake Jing to decide on the spur of the moment. In the eyes of uninformed men, Snake Jing and others are just lambs to be slaughtered. Little do they know that they are the lambs, and Snake Jing and others are all Fairies with profound moral knowledge can tell at a glance whether a man is brave enough, whether he dares to resist, whether he will kneel down and beg for mercy after being intimidated, and he will kill him if he can, and sell him if he can't.

Women like Snake Jing have been attacked and dealt with by relevant departments many times, but this does not prevent her from suing her wrongdoer for annihilation. Even if the woman regrets the moment before betraying her, the man insists on continuing. That can be considered a forced annihilation.

After listening to Snake Spirit's story, Wu Zhongyuan smiled coldly. Many people think that feasting, drunkenness, sensuality, and extravagance are a kind of enjoyment. However, they don't know that there are huge risks hidden behind the temptation. When they are hot-headed and want to find some excitement, Being blackmailed by a trick is relatively minor, but it is not impossible that your reputation will be ruined and your family will be destroyed if you are caught.

At this time, it was still dark, so Wu Zhongyuan did not end the conversation, but asked casually, "How did you end up on the path you are on now?"

Snake Spirit took more than forty minutes to answer this question. No one is bad from the beginning, and Snake Spirit is no exception. The process of becoming bad is very complicated, but it can be summed up very simply, that is, it becomes bad bit by bit. of.

To put it bluntly, the bottom line is lost bit by bit. At first, when we were drinking together, we asked the man to touch his hands. Later, when he saw that his peers made more than him, he relaxed the rules against his will and let other parts of the body be touched. Then it feels like this is already the case, and a kiss is no big deal. In the end, even the last limit is lost. Once the last limit is lost, it doesn't matter anymore.

Snake Spirit's words inspired Wu Zhongyuan a lot. As the saying goes, those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. No one can come out clean after staying in a dirty environment for a long time. Furthermore, the bottom line is lost bit by bit. This applies not only to prostitutes, but also to everyone. For example, people who like Mercedes-Benz and BMW lower their standards again and again because they can't afford it, and finally buy it. A small eDonkey, this is actually losing his own bottom line step by step. Anyone who can lower his standards is a person who is likely to lose his bottom line. It is an extremely valuable quality to rather lack than to overindulge.

Snake Spirit has a pair of artificial skin, but his IQ is horrifyingly low. Until the end, he regarded Wu Zhongyuan as an interrogator and kept explaining to him that he really did not steal the watch, but gave it to someone who was taken advantage of.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't like to owe others, even if the other person was not a good person. After thinking about it, he gave Snake Jing an idea, asking her to retract her confession and try to free the culprit.

The snake spirit didn't want to do it, and just said that it was easy for him to take advantage of him.

"Only if you let him out will he fish you out." Wu Zhongyuan held his words back as he spoke. There is no need to rescue a person who is always thinking about harming others.

After pressing the button on the table, someone came from outside and took away the snake spirit.

It was already dawn. Fang Yi had not slept all night and walked in yawning, "Is it true that there will be no more interrogations?"

"Forget it, pack up and go back." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"It's hard to get the procedures completed and coordinated. It's a bit of a loss to only try so many," Fang Yi said, "How about we try a few more, but don't arrange the time so tightly, balance work and rest, and one day There will be fewer trials.”

"This is not a buffet. It's more economical to eat a few more bites," Wu Zhongyuan said with a smile, "the six people I talked to are all relatively representative, and the others are nothing new."

"Then let's go back?" Fang Yi asked.

"Inform the prison authorities and I will send you back," Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Aren't you going back?" Fang Yi asked.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, "I want to go somewhere else, and I will send you back."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry. I'll accompany you wherever you want to go." Fang Yi didn't want to leave Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan thought for a while and said, "Go and say hello to them. Let's go out to eat. Let's talk after dinner..."

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