
Chapter 90 Bloody Battle

The moment the huge wave appeared, two words appeared in Wu Zhongyuan's mind, "power". The huge wave stirred up by the collision in the distance was more than six meters high. Without the huge body and huge power, it would be impossible to cause Such a horrific result.

Before the huge wave fell, the lake below had begun to churn violently. Since the fight took place underwater, the mandible turtle and the dragon could not be seen on the surface, but the violent churn of the lake clearly showed how fierce the fight was underwater. , within a hundred meters was the center of the battle. The undercurrent caused by the fight even spread to several miles away, and the speedboats everyone was riding also undulated and swayed.

The young man driving the motorboat took advantage of the chaos and drove away from the Black Dragon Pond, speeding upstream to pick up his companion who had fallen into the water.

If this fight had taken place on land, the momentum would have been even more terrifying. Even if it took place underwater, you could still feel the intensity and danger of the fight from the thick dragon tail that was thrown out of the water quickly and the huge turtle shell that rolled out of the water.

In less than ten seconds, the water turned red. It was not known which party was injured, or both were injured. In such a fierce battle, no party involved could escape intact.

Wu Zhongyuan and others were watching the battle nervously, and no one said anything. Not only him, but also Wang Xinran and others looked stunned. Needless to say, this was probably the first time they had seen such a fight.

Until this moment, Wu Zhongyuan had not seen the true face of the dragon. He only saw the dragon's tail swung out of the water. This was a real dragon's tail. It was completely different from the slender snake's tail. It was wide and flat, and the end of the tail and the entire ridge were thick. They have black hair similar to mammalian body hair.

After the fight lasted for thirty seconds, the intentions of both sides gradually became clear. It can be seen that the black dragon was the one taking the initiative to attack in this fight. It was the one who took the initiative to attack the mandible turtle before. At this time, it still took the initiative and passed through the water. If you can get a glimpse of the leopard from what you can see, you can infer that it is frantically rushing, biting, twisting and sweeping underwater.

The mangy turtle has always been passive, mostly passive defense, rarely active attack, always trying to move upstream, and has no intention of fighting for its life with the dragon.

A minute later, the situation changed again. Seeing that there was no hope of breaking out, the mangy turtle began to turn from defense to offense. As for whether it turned from defense to attack because it felt that there was no hope of breaking out, or was angered by the black dragon, only it knew. After turning from defense to offense, There is no longer any flinch. Even if the black dragon temporarily turns back to gather strength, it will no longer take the opportunity to retreat, rush to catch up, claw and bite wildly.

Animals are different from people. They don't bluff and make noises like people do. Once they take action, they will fight to death. They will never maim them if they can kill them, and they will never injure them if they can maim them. Moreover, they attack but not defend, and they don't care at all. Whether they will be injured or not, their purpose is very clear, to kill their opponents before they are killed.

No one had any hope of seeing the whole black dragon, but they did see it. The black dragon came out of the water. It was thrown out of the water by the mangy-headed turtle biting its tail. The time from when the black dragon came out of the water to when it fell into the water did not take more than three seconds. Bell, in these three seconds, Wu Zhongyuan saw two details. The first one was that the mangy turtle was injured. There were at least five or six wounds all over the body. The most serious one was on the neck, near the flesh and blood of the right neck of the carapace. Blurry, you can clearly see a large number of defects in the skin and flesh tissue. The second detail is that the body of the black dragon should be about twelve meters long, completely black, with a head that looks like a bull's head without horns, and a ring of thick black hair on its neck, about fifty centimeters long, like a horse's hair. More like lion's mane.

After the black dragon fell into the water, the manic-headed turtle was still biting half of the dragon's tail. The reason why the black dragon was able to regain freedom was not because the manic-headed turtle let go or because the black dragon broke free, but because its tail was damaged by the manicured dragon. The head turtle snapped.

After losing the goal,

The mangy turtle was stunned for a moment, its head and neck surfaced from the water, and it looked around anxiously, looking for its target.

At this moment, the black dragon recoiled from the water and entangled the mangy-headed turtle. Since the dragon's tail emerged from the water when it was entangled, everyone could see the detailed process of the black dragon entangling the mangy-headed turtle from a distance. Therefore, the complete tail is rolled around first, then dragged and wrapped again.

In Wu Zhongyuan's view, the black dragon's move was a bad move, because its opponent had a hard carapace, and no matter how strong its entanglement was, it would not be able to strangle the opponent to death.

Wu Zhongyuan may not be the only one who has this idea, Wang Xinran and others are also frowning.

Soon, the black dragon responded with practical actions to everyone's underestimation of its intelligence. Its entanglement was not to strangle the mango-headed turtle, but to draw out its coils. After entangling the mango-headed turtle, it immediately exerted its force in a straight line. Rush outward.

Its action was very much like a child whipping a top, and its action indeed had the effect of whipping a top. Under its powerful pull, the mandible turtle flipped out of the water and fell into the water crookedly.

The black dragon turned back quickly, raising its body high as it rushed back. Except for its incomplete tail, almost all other parts of its body came out of the water. It gathered momentum from an altitude of nearly ten meters, roared and hissed, and dived into the water.

"I've learned a lot." Wu Zhongyuan thought to himself. This was the first time he heard the cry of a dragon. It was a bit like a cow's cry, but it was deeper and more penetrating than a cow's cry.

The ensuing battle took place underwater again, or to be precise, deep under the water. The black dragon's previous dive knocked the mango-headed turtle to the bottom of the lake. In addition to blood, the surging lake water was also mixed with a large amount of black sand.

At this moment, everyone had a chance to take a breather. Wang Xinran took out a cigarette, lit one, and took a deep breath.

"Have you never seen a live dragon before?" Wu Zhongyuan asked. He could see that there was some tension hidden in Wang Xinran's calmness.

Wang Xinran shook his head, "We have only seen the skeleton and related information."

"What to do now?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Drive the speedboat over and launch it into the water." Wang Xinran said casually.

"Are you kidding?" Wu Zhongyuan was stunned.

"You discovered it," Wang Xinran said with disdain, "Can you please stop asking nonsense, what else can I do, just wait."

Wu Zhongyuan is often choked, and he is used to it. "Looking at this posture, they are not ready to tell the winner. They will not give up regardless of life or death. Which one of them do you think has a chance of winning?"

Wang Xinran took a sip from his cigarette, and then said with a wry smile, "I hope the old turtle can win, otherwise we will not dare to go into the water."

As soon as Wang Xinran finished speaking, the mane-headed turtle rushed out of the water, but it did not come out of the water on its own initiative, but was knocked out by the black dragon. Under the violent impact of the black dragon, the mane-headed turtle's huge body was completely out of the water, and It's the belly facing up.

The mangy-headed turtle was huge. It jumped up four to five meters and then began to fall. As it fell, the black dragon rushed out. This time, its whole body was out of the water. It rushed straight up, turned around in mid-air, and dived quickly, before the mangy turtle could catch up. Before the turtle fell into the water, it bit its neck and pushed it into the water.

When the two entered the water, Wu Zhongyuan frowned and looked at Wang Xinran.

Although he didn't speak, Wang Xinran knew what he wanted to say. With this attitude, the old turtle's chances of winning were slim.

At this time, Zhang Shukai and Lu Jiahui on the speedboat also looked ugly. Lu Jiahui exclaimed in a low voice, "Why are they so flexible underwater?"

Zhang Shukai continued, "They have always lived in the water. They are underwater just like we are on land."

No one knew what the black dragon and the mane-headed turtle were doing underwater. Ten seconds later, the mane-headed turtle came out of the water again. This time, the water was not completely released. Only part of the carapace came out of the water, and then disappeared.

A few seconds later, the mane-headed mollusc's carapace was partially out of the water again. This time, the second half of the black dragon came out of the water together with the mane-headed mollusk. Judging from the situation, the mane-headed mollusk once again bit the injured tail of the black dragon. The black dragon was trying to Shake it off.

After two efforts to no avail, the black dragon changed its strategy and rushed forward, trying to break away from the mango-headed turtle. However, it only rushed out four or five meters before being dragged back into the water by the mango-headed turtle. Immediately, there was another violent churning in the water.

A few dozen seconds later, the black dragon came out of the water again. In the previous few dozen seconds, it may have been scratched vigorously by the mango-headed mollusk. A large area of ​​its body scales fell off, and there were many bleeding wounds between its neck and abdomen.

The black dragon charged up this time, and its whole body came out of the water, dragging the mane-headed turtle partially out of the water. The mane-headed turtle's head and neck were mainly exposed from the water. It can be seen that its injuries were also very serious. The head was bloody and fleshy, and the sarcoma had been bitten off. , there were at least three bite wounds on the neck, one of which could even clearly see the bones and esophagus.

The fact that the black dragon can produce water all over its body shows that although it is seriously injured, it still has strength. In comparison, the mandarin turtle looks very sluggish and lacks stamina. It almost lets go under the strong drag of the black dragon.

At this moment, Wang Xinran suddenly said loudly, "They are still alive."

Wu Zhongyuan turned his head when he heard the sound, "What?"

"Look." Wang Xinran stretched out his hand and pointed.

Wu Zhongyuan followed what Wang Xinran pointed and turned around to look. At this time, the black dragon and the mangy turtle had already fallen back into the water.

Wang Xinran turned around and took the display device from Lu Jiahui's hand. After taking it, he remembered that the drone had not returned from replacing the battery and had not recorded the previous images. He casually returned the display device to Lu Jiahui, turned to Wu Zhongyuan and said, "The body of Jiaolong With a fish arrow stuck in it, it should be..."

Before Wang Xinran finished speaking, a black thing flew into the air from the water in the distance. Before their eyes caught the black thing, everyone already knew what the black thing was, because it appeared with the black thing. There was also a shrill scream.

Taking a closer look, the black thing was indeed a person wearing a diving suit. Naturally, this guy didn't fly into the air by himself. If nothing else, he should have been smashed out by the dragon's tail.

If this is the case, it means that the black dragon has broken free from the mangy-headed turtle's bite.

After the man flew five or six meters, his strength disappeared and he fell into the water. Although he was seriously injured, the man did not die immediately. He was still struggling after falling into the water.

Just as everyone focused their attention on the man, the black dragon suddenly appeared next to the man, gathering strength, trying to give him the final fatal blow. At the same time as it was biting, the mangy-headed turtle suddenly stretched out its head from the water, stretched out its long neck, bit the black dragon by seven inches, and dragged it under the water.

Zhang Shukai pointed to the man floating on the water and asked Wang Xinran, "Do you want to go over and rescue him?"

"He is dead." After Wang Xinran said that, he turned to look at Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan said nothing because the man in the diving suit was very tall and obviously not Lin Qingming.

At this time, the lake is still churning, but compared with the initial violent churning, the churning at this time can only be regarded as a turbulence. After fierce fighting and competition, both the mangy turtle and the black dragon are at the end of their strength. No matter who wins or loses, the battle will be over soon.

The drone flew over from a distance at this time, but what it captured was only the surging lake water and the bodies floating downstream with the current.

A few minutes later, the lake surface returned to calm, but neither the mandible turtle nor the black dragon surfaced, and the body happened to float not far from the speedboat. Zhang Shukai quietly entered the water and dragged the body over.

I tried snorting and pulse, but it turned out that he was dead. He was a strange man in his thirties, with sharp facial features. He was probably of mixed Chinese and foreign descent.

This person was also carrying a waterproof backpack. Wang Xinran took the backpack and opened it for inspection. The first thing he took out was a yellow object, round, much like a plate.

Wang Xinran was not sure about the origin of this thing and frowned as he looked at it.

"This is a compass." Wu Zhongyuan knew this thing.

"It seems to be pure gold." Wang Xinran handed the compass to Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan reached out and took it, and it was heavy. It was indeed made of gold. This compass obviously showed signs of use, and there were wear and tear around it, but the compass itself showed no signs of being soaked in lake water. It should have been in a dry environment before.

While Wu Zhongyuan was looking at the compass, Wang Xinran took out another object from his backpack. It was about the size of a fist and square. It looked like it should be a seal.

Wang Xinran handed the seal to Wu Zhongyuan, "Whose seal is this?"

Wu Zhongyuan took it and looked at it carefully, "This is not someone's seal, this is a seal used by Taoist priests..."

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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