Orochi Longevity

Chapter 124 Life and Death Battle

anti bone cancer

Hui Niang's venomous breath turned into rippling ripples and scattered in all directions, flickering rapidly in this space.

At the same time, it is constantly echoing in the snake's eyes and mind.

It was her memory, it was her pain.

How ridiculous!

The snake heard the woman's crazy laughter, and the emotions contained in it were too complicated, so complicated that it couldn't bear to taste it, and it was indescribable.

Hui Niang's face peeled off continuously, exposing her bright red muscles, her eyes turned into a big black hole, and two lines of blood kept coming out of it.

After the oil seller and his grandmother saw the birthmark on Hui Niang's body, the family of three who realized the truth went crazy. It is also too much stimulation, maybe just want to escape from reality.

The grandmother and the oil seller began to call her by her mother's name, and softly called her Lotus. But my grandmother is getting old and always forgets things, so she often calls her real name Hui Niang.

He was called Lotus for a while, and Hui Niang for a while.

Although the oil seller and Hui Niang pretended to be confused and completely ignorant of the past, the depression and pain in their hearts were increasing day by day.

She is getting more and more tired.

There seems to be a big hole in the chest, a hole that can suck everything in, and nothing can be heard when thrown into it.

In the midst of this pain and numbness, one day, when Hui Niang was lying quietly on the bed, she felt that someone had sneaked into her bedside.

It's an oil seller, she knows it's an oil seller.

She heard the oil seller crying because her cheeks touched the oil seller's tears. So she couldn't help crying silently, and the tears flowed out like she didn't want money.

Hui Niang felt the oil seller's hands pinching her neck, but instead of fear and anger, she felt extremely at ease.

She expects the oil seller to kill her.

Hui Niang didn't resist, she felt the strong suffocation without moving.

But as the oil seller's hands tightened, she couldn't control her physical reaction and coughed violently.

The oil seller immediately let go of her neck in a panic... Then, her throat suddenly hurt, and she opened her eyes to see that the oil seller was frantically raising his ax to hit herself again and again.

Hui Niang died.

She thought that death would be a relief.

However, what she didn't expect was that after she died, she could still see everything that happened around her... She saw her grandmother and father spent all their savings and effort to bury her by the lotus pond in memory.

That was her favorite place to go when she was a child.

Hui Niang thought that her death would relieve the oil seller and grandmother, and enable them to start anew and welcome a new life.

Who knows, that's not the case.

At the beginning of her death, the two of them did feel relieved, but on the day of burying her, she heard the most depressing and painful cry in the world.

The cry shook her soul and made her miserable.

What makes Huiniang even more unacceptable is that the grandmother and the oil seller not only did not get rid of the pain, but became more and more sinking, unable to extricate themselves.

They were crazier and more numb than before.

...Later, the two cats came over.

It is somewhat similar to its memory, but somewhat different.

The black cat got into her tomb, woke her up, and told her about the human book.

Only then did Hui Niang realize that her fate was already doomed!

"Ridiculous! Extremely ridiculous!!!"

"Tell me, why did God treat me like this?! Why!!"

"tell me!!"

Hui Niang opened her mouth wide and screamed, waves of ripples spread out from her.

Snake suddenly felt countless irritability and resentment in his heart, and lowered his head to stare at the ugly girl in front of him.

The muscles on Hui Niang's face had completely rotted away.

Hidden in her cloudy eyes are anger towards the world, despair of survival, and even more intense hatred.

It was the stubbornness, unwillingness, and resentment that originated from the depths of the soul.

She hates everything in the world, all living beings, and even herself.

"Perhaps... it's because you did a lot of evil in your previous life, that's why Ren Shu made such an arrangement, which made you feel remorseful?"

The snake manipulated the corpse of the white-clothed scholar, and replied uncertainly.

In fact, although it can somewhat understand Hui Niang's desire to vent at the moment, it also has something that it is eager to do.

When Hui Niang got this answer, she was stunned for a while, and then she laughed coldly, her resentment suddenly increased, and there was a kind of terrifying power accumulated in it.

The snake knew that its answer did not satisfy Hui Niang, but it really couldn't answer Hui Niang's question, so it had to say coldly:

"I'm not a Yin division, you have found the wrong person."

"It was the cat that called me to come here! If you are not its owner, please call it out."

When Hui Niang heard this, her eyes became even colder.

Without saying a word, she stretched out her skinny fingers and pointed at the snake. Immediately, endless darkness attacked the snake!

The black mist filled the air, enveloping the white-clothed scholar!

There was a shrill roar in the darkness.

The snake felt that the skin displayed by the corpse was being corroded continuously, and the painful tingling was constantly fed back to the white snake.

Snake sneered in his heart, and immediately urged the immortal energy to diffuse from his body, dispelling the black mist in an instant.

It is a willow fairy, born to restrain evil spirits!

Just now, it has seen from the fragmented images floating in the space that Huiniang is not a big monster like Mrs. Liu born out of a thousand years of resentment.

On the contrary, she was awakened by Xuanmao with supernatural powers. Although her resentment is strong, her cultivation is not very high! With the current strength of the snake, it seems that there is no need to be afraid of her.

Since the black cat is inextricably linked with this woman, it doesn't believe that the black cat won't show up until it takes down the woman.

The clear air reverberated and the black mist dissipated.

The rotting skin of the white-clothed scholar quickly recovered under the nourishment of the fresh air.

Immediately afterwards, the white-clothed scholar's eyes suddenly lost their focus, and his face became lifeless.

He opened his mouth wide, and soon, a pointed triangular snake head wriggled out of his mouth.

It is a white snake.


The snake spat out the scarlet letter, and looked at Hui Niang with cold eyes.

Its coldness and indifference formed a very strong contrast with the extreme pain and resentment of the female corpse.

"Go to hell!"

Hui Niang's holey eyes turned towards the white flower snake, and she spat out venomous words. She stretched out her hands, and her nails suddenly grew longer!


The White Flower Snake circled and swam, and suddenly shot towards Hui Niang.

The snake's body swelled against the wind, and soon it turned into a five-meter-long python. The scales around its body were slightly raised, revealing a gloomy light.

The sharp claws hit the black and white scales, and they collided with sparks! Hui Niang's long nails shattered, but the snake was unscathed.

Hui Niang snorted coldly, stretched out her arms, leaped forward, and rushed straight towards the giant python.

Hui Niang's speed was extremely fast, she came to the giant python in a few steps, and raised her hand to grab the giant python.

The snake's body shrank into a ball suddenly, avoiding Hui Niang's attack, and its tail wrapped around Hui Niang's waist.

At this time, Hui Niang's long black hair suddenly stretched out and wrapped around the snake's seven inches in an instant.

Countless venomous air poured into the snake's seven inches above the snake along its long hair, and even penetrated the snake's scales directly. The pain seemed to be transformed into countless golden needles, directly piercing into its flesh and blood.

The snake's body trembled violently, and howled again and again.

"You, you crazy woman!" The snake gritted its teeth.

"I'm a crazy woman, I'm a bitch, so what are you? A beast?"

Hui Niang taunted, clenched her other hand into a fist, and slammed the python seven inches hard.

The python screamed again, its body curled up, entangled Hui Niang's hands and feet.

Hui Niang sneered, and was about to raise her hand to continue smashing down, when suddenly she backed up convulsively, and her whole body fell to the ground.

Then she raised her head, shaking like chaff all over her body.

She found that she had lost all her powers and could not use all her magical powers.

The resentment around her seemed to be blocked by some invisible force, and she couldn't mobilize it no matter what.

It's the supernatural power to subdue demons!

Taking advantage of Hui Niang's attack on him, the snake forcibly resisted several attacks, and finally completely entangled her.

When Hui Niang realizes that she has lost her strength, not only does she not feel fear like He Bo and Yin Yu did, begging for mercy.

On the contrary, her expression was even more crazed and resentful, and she bit the snake with her hands and feet.

"...Kill it, kill it!!!"

She barked her teeth and screamed.

Immediately, an astonishing coercion erupted from the darkness, the giant python's tail froze suddenly, and was unexpectedly nailed to the ground by an extremely powerful force.

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