Orochi Longevity

Chapter 138 Splendid cassock

However, when the snake was drowsy, an accident happened.

Venerable Master Xuanzang clasped his palms together, expressing sincere admiration:

"Elder Jinchi is so familiar with the Buddhist scriptures, he can remember every chapter and volume so clearly, it can be said that he has memorized it fluently, Xuanzang sighed that he was not as good."

Jin Chi also laughed and said:

"...The poor monk just recited a few more sutras and memorized the scriptures. Master Xuanzang was able to comprehend it at a young age. It is really not easy to have such attainments..."

Master Xuanzang said:

"Talking with the elder today has really benefited the poor monk a lot."

On the contrary, Guangwu and Guangzhi, who had been standing by the side, were always full of dissatisfaction.

They watched Master Xuanzang for a long time, Guangwu finally couldn't help but said:

"That's natural! I see that you are only in your twenties. No matter how talented you are, how many people and things you can meet and how many scriptures you have read? Do you know that our elder is over 270 years old this year, he The scriptures you have read are more than the meals you have eaten."

Guangzhi answered quickly:

"That's right. I still think our elder's argument is more reasonable."

But Master Xuanzang just humbly chanted a Buddha's name. He raised his eyes and looked in all directions. He saw that the Guanyin Temple was magnificent everywhere, and the monks were all in good health and in good spirits.

He couldn't help sighing:

"I see that every brick and every tree in this Guanyin Temple is solemn and solemn, and everywhere is full of aura. The golden statue of Bodhisattva I saw before also fully shows the Bodhisattva

Prestige. Such a boundary is really awe-inspiring. Although the poor monk has never seen the scene of brightly lit incense in this courtyard, he can still imagine the scene of thousands of believers praying devoutly. "

"The bricks and the wood are all the painstaking efforts of the elders!"

Hearing this, Elder Jin Chi lowered his head and fell silent.

Seeing this situation, Guangzhi next to him couldn't help but said:

"That's natural! You, a monk from Chang'an, certainly don't know how much our elders are admired by pilgrims, let alone how powerful our elders are..."

"...Do you know that the teacup in your hand is nothing ordinary?"

Xuanzang shook his head in doubt.

"This is the best purple sand, worth hundreds of taels of silver! And it's just a Pu'er teacup..." Guangzhi said proudly, "There are so many treasures in our courtyard that you may never have seen them before."

Guangwu looked at Master Xuanzang and said:

"I heard that you came to us from Chang'an Shangbang... What treasure do you have?"

When the drowsy snake heard this, it immediately woke up.

That Guangwu Guangzhi repeated his words with guns and sticks, even an unsophisticated person like Snake could hear something was wrong.

Guangwu Guangzhi seems to be very hostile to Master Xuanzang?

And judging from their tone, it seems that they intend to compare with Master Xuanzang? They want to compare Master Xuanzang?

The snake's ears were pricked up, listening intently to the conversation between the two.

What made Snake even more puzzled was that Elder Jin Chi hadn't spoken a word during this process.

He seems to have acquiesced in the actions of Guangwu and Guangzhi.

The snake began to speculate on the motives of the two... It soon realized why the two did not get along well with Master Xuanzang.

When it participated in the Black Wind Dharma Assembly for the first time, the Black Bear Spirit had told everyone about the Buddhist scriptures. At that time, everyone believed that Elder Jin Chi was the person who was appointed to learn Buddhist scriptures, and that he could make Guanyin's Dharma teachings come true.

At that time, Jinchi even went down to Hongyuan, dragging his broken body to hope to prolong his life with pills, so as to take on the important task of learning scriptures.

He even began to learn the art of strengthening the body with the black bear spirit with his old body...

But it didn't take long for news to spread from Chang'an, saying that Guanyin had revealed his true body, and a young monk took on the important task of learning scriptures.

Upon learning of this news, Elder Jin Chi became seriously ill for several days.

When Snake returned to live in Guanyin Temple, the elder was still ill and could not see anyone.

It can be seen that he is very concerned about this matter!

That Guangwu Guangzhi is the closest to Elder Jinchi, he must know what is wrong with him.

This time, the person who caused Elder Jinchi to suffer a great blow appeared in the Guanyin Temple, they naturally wanted to come out and have a look, what is it about Master Xuanzang that the Bodhisattva values?

After meeting Master Xuanzang, Jin Chi couldn't help but want to compete with Xuanzang again. He has devoted himself to worshiping the Buddha for more than two hundred years, so he is naturally unwilling to lose to the little boy.

Guangwu Guangzhi knew what Jin Chi was thinking, so he tried his best to help speak up, trying to suppress Xuanzang's limelight.

Master Xuanzang was taken aback by what the two said. He put down the tea set, but he didn't have any intention of winning. He just said modestly:

"Poor! I don't have any treasures in my eastern land. If there is, how can I recite it since the journey to the west is so far away?"

At this time, the snake heard the monkey's voice coming from the house.

The snake could see that Guangwu Guangzhi had the intention to suppress, but the monkey didn't know it. It was just enjoying the melons, fruits and wine, but suddenly said:

"Why not? Master, did you forget? My old grandson remembers that we carried a cassock in our luggage, that is a big treasure!"

When Xuanzang heard this, he just chanted the Buddha's name and bowed his head in silence.

At this time, Guangzhi smiled:

"The cassock? If it's something else, forget it. Our elders have more than 700 cassocks, and all of them are treasures! No matter how good your master's cassock is, it is incomparable."

Before Master Xuanzang and the monkey could react, Guangwu Guangzhi immediately arranged for the young monks to fetch the cassock.

The monks from the Guanyin Temple rushed out immediately, and quickly brought out twelve mahogany cabinets and placed them in the courtyard. Then he unlocked the wooden cabinet, set up clothes hangers on both sides, pulled ropes around, shook out the cassocks one by one and hung them up, leading the Tang monk and his disciples to watch them one by one.

These cassocks come in three colors, yellow, white and green, in different styles, and the cloth is smooth and soft.

These cassocks are all made of high-quality silk, and under the moonlight, they glow as warm and moist as jade, as if they can reflect human figures.

Master Xuanzang was amazed again and again, Guangzhi Guangwu showed complacency, and even Elder Jinchi seemed to be smiling.

But at this time, the monkey waved his hand and said with a smile:

"What else should I be? It turns out to be these mortal things. Do you know that my master's cassock was given by Guanyin? This beautiful cassock is inlaid with the seven Buddhist treasures, water and fire are inviolable, and evil spirits are difficult to approach. You old monk, It doesn’t matter if there are ten thousand cassocks, one of my master’s can be worth ten thousand of yours.”

Hearing this, Elder Jinchi and Guangwu Guangzhi were in shock.

Master Xuanzang had a dignified expression. He folded his palms together and repeatedly proclaimed his sins.

The monkey was delighted to see everyone's reaction, and jumped up and down to get the brocade cassock, to open the eyes of the group of monks.

Seeing this, Xuanzang hurriedly followed, and only when the two of them came to the land of no one, he pulled the monkey and sighed:

"Wukong, Wukong! Stop quickly, don't take out the cassock!"

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