Orochi Longevity

Chapter 156 Cloud Stack Cave Mansion

The girl's eyes dimmed slightly, and she sighed, "...I understand."

"What do you want me to do, just tell me to do it."

She knew that Princess Gao had made up her mind, and a few words could not change her opinion.

He really wanted to get rid of the pig demon so as to avoid future troubles.

In fact, from the young girl's point of view, Mr. Gao's heart is very sinister... The pig demon helped him make a fortune and earned a huge fortune.

Even if he doesn't want to work as hard as before, he deserves it, but Taigong Gao doesn't feel grateful. Instead, he thinks that the pig demon is useless, and he will be slandered by everyone, so he wants to take his life.

The end is to kill donkeys and throw people away after they have been used.

To be honest, the pig demon was subjugated by the mage several times, and he didn't fly into a rage and rise up to kill, which is already a great kindness in the girl's eyes.

However, she knew her purpose of coming to Gao Laozhuang, and she was unwilling to waste any more time with Mrs. Gao, so she straightforwardly followed her will.

After hearing the girl's words, Grandpa Gao burst into tears of gratitude and thanked her repeatedly.

The girl pursed her lips slightly, turned her mind, and said softly:

"In that case, do you know where that pig demon is?"

Grandpa Gao excitedly said:

"...that pig demon used to live in my house, but since he locked my daughter in the backyard, he rarely comes back, and he's running amok outside all day long."

"I heard that the woman who has been entangled with that pig demon lives in Yunzhan Cave on Mount FL. If the old man's prediction is correct, my son-in-law must be hanging out in this Yunzhan Cave!"

"That woman seems to be called Second Sister Mao!"

Yunzhan Cave? The girl said it silently in her heart and remembered it in her mind.

She seemed to have some impressions of this place, but she was not deeply impressed, so she asked Mr. Gao carefully for a while before she left.

She has never heard of Second Sister Mao who hangs out with the pig demon...

It was said that Marshal Tianpeng was lustful, and he couldn't walk when he saw a beautiful woman.

If it is said that he is entangled with women in the mortal world, it seems not surprising.

But...the Gao Mansion's inspection this time found something unexpected for the girl and the snake, and they couldn't help but feel vigilant.

While thinking about it, Gao Taigong sent the girl to the door, watched her disappear at the end of the alley, and then turned back to the house.

"...Master, did she agree?"

The old servant followed him attentively and asked.

"That's right!" Grandpa Gao clapped his palms and smiled, "Finally I got rid of that beast..."

The old servant laughed and said, "Congratulations, master!"


It was noon when the girl found Yunzhan Cave in Mt.

As soon as she stepped into the cave, her footsteps became slightly stagnant. She turned her head and looked at the left sleeve:

"...What are we going to do next?"

The black in the sleeve swam slowly, spitting out a scarlet letter, and transmitted a voice in the girl's heart:

"...Things are a bit weird. The pig demon that Mr. Gao said has changed too much... If the pig demon was so diligent and capable at the beginning, how could it suddenly become lazy and greedy? There may be something inside."

"...The Second Sister Mao who appeared out of nowhere is also weird. I have an ominous premonition in my heart. Let's find out the matter first."

The girl nodded solemnly, she also felt the same way.

"...Go in first, there doesn't seem to be any monster aura inside."

The snake transmitted the sound again, and then lost its movement.

The girl swallowed her saliva, clenched her fists slightly and moved forward slowly.


She stopped suddenly, stood in a corner of the cave, stared blankly at the scene in front of her, and walked slowly for a long time.

In front of her was an inner room, a bit like the room she saw in the Hebo Cave Mansion before.

The furnishings in the cave are simple.

She traveled through it all the way to the end of the cave, and saw a stone bed covered with brocade quilts. The bed was empty and there was nothing on it, but it was obvious that someone lived in this cave.

Judging from the various objects in the cave, the person living here should be a young woman, otherwise the things in the cave should not be so complete and arranged in an orderly manner.

She stood by the bed in silence for a while, looking around.

Although this cave does not seem to be the private residence of that person, since there are people living here, she will not flip through other people's belongings at will.

Is this the cave of that pig demon?

She looked up at the wall, and sure enough, she found a painting in the most eye-catching place, with the words "Zhu Ganglu" printed on it.

The girl walked closer and observed for a while, and found that the painting was a woman with a soft appearance and a gentle temperament. She was holding a scroll of scriptures in her hand and was sitting on a stone looking up at the moon.

Under the moonlight, the woman's long hair was draped over her shoulders, her back was graceful, revealing a faint warmth.

She has a gentle complexion, and she exudes a smell... Uh, in the words of a thousand years later, it should be the sour smell of love?

"This woman?"

The girl murmured and frowned suddenly.

Because she found that this painting is very careful, and she can even read the love of the painter from the painting.

And the woman in the painting obviously has a deep affection for the painter, so she behaves so loosely, it is really the intention of Lang Youqing's concubine.

Could this be the "Second Sister Mao who hooked up with the pig demon" that Gao Taigong said?

Thinking about it this way, it does make some sense.

In this way, this cave should be the residence of Second Sister Mao. What Mr. Gao said is true, and the pig demon really is colluding with the woman outside.

It's just that since the pig demon and the second sister Mao agree in love, why did they go to Gao's house to be their son-in-law?

It's really confusing.

The girl shook her head secretly, suppressing this doubt for the time being.

She turned her head and looked around the cave.

The layout here is simple, there is nothing besides a stone bed and a stone table, not to mention any treasures.

There are no other leads.

It seems that we still need to meet him in person before we can learn more.


The snake in the girl's sleeve slowly slid, and an invisible wave gradually spread, completely enveloping the girl.


Hidden magical powers fused with invisible things!

The snake performed this technique on its own body, and even the Monkey King was confident that he could hide it.

For Marshal Canopy, it is naturally no problem.

The girl An Ran crossed her knees and closed her eyes.

She understood that the snake had already displayed its hidden powers, and the next thing to do was to wait patiently.

Maybe when the pig demon and the second sister Mao return, they can get a glimpse of the conversation between the two.

...a long time of silence.

After a while, there were rustling footsteps in the mountains, and the girl who had closed her eyes suddenly opened her eyes. I saw a figure of a woman coming against the light, which was vague and unrecognizable.

The girl held her breath, staring at the shadow, waiting for the other person to approach.

Finally, the woman got closer and closer.

It was a rather young girl, wearing a green shirt, pale complexion, and black hair hanging down her waist like a waterfall. She looked a little slender and had a beautiful face, but she was not very similar to the woman in the painting.

Although she was pretty good looking, she didn't have the astonishing appearance of the woman in the painting.


The girl wondered, could it be that the pig demon's painting added a "beauty effect" to the girl?

After the young woman entered the cave, she took a few steps inside, sat down on the bed, and read the scriptures from the side.

After a long time, there was no movement outside the cave.

"...Go, control her, and check her mouth."

After waiting for a while, a cold sentence sounded in the girl's heart.

The girl was silent for a moment, then quietly moved over and leaned closer. She came behind the woman, with scales emitting a cold light from her palm, reaching towards the woman's neck.

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