Overturned Tower

Chapter 74 Dog and Cat

After that, Russell and Delphinium stopped discussing some heavy stuff.

They deliberately changed the topic and discussed some anecdotes from daily life and work, as well as offensive techniques under several typical network defense forms.

But at that time, Delphinium still said some words that left a deep impression on Russell...

For example... when the two discussed the inferior, Delphinium advised Russell very seriously:

"In fact, at the beginning, I was worried about conflicts between you."

"...Me? How could it be," Russell asked in confusion. "The bad ones act magnanimously. The most important thing is to know the technique of self-criticism. These are the friends who are trustworthy and worth keeping company with."

Otherwise, Russell would not consider helping the inferior get rid of the shackles of "fate" on him.

Unlike his immature appearance, Russell is not such an enthusiastic, carefree young man who wants to save everyone.

Maybe in his previous life, when he was a teenager, he would have thought like that. But when he grew up, he knew this was impossible.

Because people's interests conflict in many situations. This is the animal nature of human beings - the battle against the outside world is always mixed with the battle within. Whether it is against the outside world or against the inside, the essence is to allow ourselves to survive better and for the continuation of future generations.

In the fight against the outside world - enemies, nature, disasters, etc., people are so noble that they are willing to sacrifice. This is the instinct for the continuation of the species; but internally... when dealing with the same race, similar people, fellow villagers, classmates, and colleagues, they will So despicable and cold. This is the instinct to perpetuate the "one's own" imprint within the population.

Human sociality...the state, laws, morals, and rules exist precisely to resist this animal nature.

And this world is completely different from the previous world.

In this world, people have more or less animal characteristics, animal instincts, and animal temperaments. The social constraints are reduced to the weakest.

Comparing the two worlds, in this overwhelming wild instinct...the bestiality, kindness, and viciousness of human beings are even more prominent and obvious.

——There is no difference.

Russell had such a clear understanding.

Under such circumstances, one can always be aware of one's own shortcomings, not throw the faults caused by oneself on others, be willing to bear responsibility bravely... and at the same time have the awareness of self-sacrifice and the ability to fight against invincible powerful enemies. Persistence.

The bad guys are already pretty good people.

It’s a friend you can make.

"That's because you have a kind nature within yourself."

Delphinium replied at that time: "You may not feel it yourself. But the temper of a bad person is actually quite annoying... because he will always point out the faults of others, and he never knows what tact is. So. The character of a weak person is easy to conflict with others. While he gives opinions, he always fails to give suggestions... Over time, even wise people will avoid him and dare not seek guidance from him.

"It seems that he is too self-centered... many people will think so. But in the final analysis, it is just his own confusion that is passed on to others."

"In my opinion, it's rather the opposite."

Russell shook his head and was delighted with Delphinium's habit of analyzing others: "In my opinion, it is precisely because the inferior does not take his own existence seriously. There is a self-destruction in his heart. The desire for self-destruction allows him to take pleasure in the pain of self-criticism.”

"That comes from his inferiority complex deep inside."

Delphinium pointed out the fundamental reason for the nature of inferiority: "Although people have to use inferiority as a springboard to jump higher and further. But after he jumps, he will never forget to step on that place again in his life. The springboard is tactile.

"Because of this, the essence of his anger is confusion, and the essence of his arrogance is inferiority. He is a good and sensible child, but there is still a missing opportunity for him to grow up... If he says out of anger If he is rude, I hope you can tolerate him for two days. If he says something wrong, he will definitely apologize to you within two days...usually within the same day."

"I will let him. With that guy's character, he is not afraid to use a knife to cut out the cancer in his flesh. I have no doubt that he will apologize and make up for his wrong behavior."

Russell nodded and agreed happily.

It is precisely because he appreciates the character of the inferior that he treats him as a friend.

And once he regarded the inferior as his friend, Russell could no longer turn a blind eye to his painful fate.

...But speaking of it, Russell felt a subtle sense of dislocation.

The Inferior was half a year older than Russell—he was the oldest in the Special Operations Department.

But now Russell and Delphinium are seriously discussing such things as "letting the children do it normally" and "giving the children some space for self-reflection".

I have to say that this gave Russell a strange vision: as if the bad guy was the child of two people.

But Russell soon began to feel guilty about the vision.

——We are not roommates living together, so it is not a father-son relationship...

Delphinium ended up eating twice as much of Russell's roast. Oddly enough, Delphinium doesn't seem to have any fat on her... and her figure is average.

This made Russell wonder if the person with the eating problem was actually him?

At the final checkout, Russell originally wanted to make an AA with Delphinium, but was told that Delphinium had already settled the bill.

Although I came with the idea of ​​eating and drinking at first, I was really treated. Russell still felt a little uncomfortable.

But Delphinium just smiled and passed by, stretched out two hands and grabbed both Russell's ears at the same time: "Then, wouldn't it be nice to invite you back next time? As long as you don't think I eat better than The more you do, the better..."

"...Well, that must be no problem."

Russell subconsciously raised his head and rubbed Delphinium's hand, and the soft and fluffy cat ears slipped out from Delphinium's fingertips and jumped away.

Then, Russell nodded slightly and agreed: "When I find a delicious restaurant, I will take you to eat - it doesn't matter if you have a few more meals!"

Although they meet every day...and almost every day the bad guys go to the execution department next door to help, while Russell and Delphinium hang up in the office.

But the atmosphere of chatting among colleagues in the workplace... is completely different from today's chatting and laughing at the dinner table or in private spaces.

Although it feels like the relationship hasn't become that close yet.

But just eating together makes Russell happy.

"That won't work. I'll have to treat you next time. After all, I eat more than you do. Wouldn't it be a loss if you treat each other once?"

Delphinium smiled, turned sideways, and gently pulled Russell's tail with its fluffy tail: "You think so?"

Russell's tail subconsciously moved away, and when he wanted to catch it again, Delphinium turned around and grabbed Russell's forearm.

"Don't think about running away yet," Delphinium said with a straight face, "Let's sneak away to eat first. It's not good for your stomach to just go back and sleep."

"...Ah, okay."

Russell's inner thoughts were immediately seen through, and his ears drooped.

He just felt that he was a little full from eating, felt dizzy and sleepy, and wanted to go home immediately and fall asleep.

But Delphinium still took Russell out and slipped around twice.

In order to prevent Russell from wanting to run away, she kept telling jokes and interesting topics to hook him.

By the time Russell was probably done digesting it, he happened to have arrived near Russell's residence. Only then did she put Russell back.

"I'm going back to the company, kitten."

After coming out for a walk, Delphinium, who had obviously become more energetic, smiled at Russell and said, "Well, see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow!"

Russell, who had been slipped away and didn't want to sleep, rubbed his belly, smiled and waved.

He thought in his mind: "You also know that my spiritual relative is a cat... How can I come out to walk with a cat when I have nothing to do?"

Russell had a strange vision - like a Samoyed cat holding a leash out to take a nap.

Although the cat kept trying to turn around and go home, it was dragged back every time by the Samoyed.

...Although I don’t have the habit of walking, it seems to be doing well now.

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