Paladins of Asgard

Two hundred and twenty-four [Hive]

Luo Wei always wanted to go to the sun, but after going to the moon, he temporarily put off this plan.

Not to mention whether he can withstand the harsh environment of the sun, the distance alone is prohibitive. The distance between the earth and the moon is hundreds of thousands of kilometers, while the distance between the sun and the earth is more than 100 million kilometers, a difference of hundreds of times.

With Luo Wei's current strength, going to the moon is exhausting, and going to the sun has to die halfway, unless he finds a spaceship that can go to the sun.

If he can't go to the sun, he hopes to use the power of the sun to enhance his divine power. Naturally, the only choice is the Apocalypse Pyramid.

I hope that the effect of the Apocalypse Pyramid will not let you down.

Luo Wei weighed the Terrigan crystal, and then the light in his hand lit up, pouring holy light into it.

"Dong dong."

"Please come in."

Carriostro pushed in the door: "Lord Rowe, the teacher is looking for you."

Rowe immediately followed Cagliostro to find Agamato, and to his surprise, Soransen, the Skrull, was still sitting in the room.

"Ready to attack the Kree Earth headquarters?" Rowe asked.

"That's right." Agamotto nodded, "The Kree headquarters are no better than other bases, their defenses are stronger, and they are now very vigilant, so this may be a tough battle."

He looked at Soransen on the side: "I plan to ask Soransen to help, let him become a Kree and infiltrate the base, and then cooperate with us inside and out."

Luo Wei frowned slightly, but nodded: "Yes."

He then looked at Soransen: "Frankly, I don't trust you very much. So I need to remind you, don't forget what I left in your body."

Soransen was startled, then smiled stiffly: "Don't worry, the Cree are our common enemies."

Rowe: "Agomoto, when are we leaving?"

"I will send Soransen to the Kree headquarters this evening. If everything goes well, the attack should be launched three days later." Agamoto said.


Near the Kree Earth Headquarters.

In a hidden place, a portal opened, and Soransen walked out.

"Remember to crush the orb at that time." Agamoto's voice came from behind.

Soranson nodded, looked around carefully, and then his appearance changed rapidly, from a green Skrull to a blue Kree. Kerry soldiers at the base.

He walked towards the Kerry base, where he was stopped by patrolling soldiers.

"Stop!" The patrol captain looked him up and down, "Which legion are you from?"

Soransen showed an identity card: "I am a surviving soldier of the third sub-base, and I managed to find it here."

The patrol captain took the ID card, swiped on the wristband, the green light turned on, and a string of identification information was displayed at the same time.

The identity information was correct, and the patrol captain said, "Come with me."

"You're from Edshire?" Soransen asked suddenly.

"How do you know?" The patrol captain was surprised.

"My best friend is Eddard, his accent I will never forget, but he has died, alas. He is the bravest man I have ever met.

Soransen sighed with emotion, sounding sincere.

This remark suddenly shortened the distance between the two, and the two began to chat.

As a professional spy, Soransen has superb communication skills. After walking on the road for a while, he became acquainted with the patrol captain. He talked very happily and became a confidant.

Patrol Captain: "The human mage organization that attacked us is called the Supreme Sanctuary, right?"

Soransen: "Yes, my comrades died in their hands. But I believe that they will not be able to break through the defense of the headquarters."

The patrol captain nodded in approval: "Humans really don't know what to do. After our plan is completed, I believe that the power will be released to completely destroy this planet."

"By the way, how's the Hive Project going?" Soransen asked.

"Who knows this, but I heard that the corpse of a dark creature was transported not long ago, maybe this can bring us a breakthrough." The patrol captain said.

Soransen nodded silently.

Then, with the help of the patrol captain, Soransen was quickly arranged and integrated into the team at the base.

Two days later.

Kerry Base Laboratory.


In the transparent narrow room, a tall human man was bound to the wall by chains and shackles, howling and struggling in vain.

Several thin tubes were inserted into his body, and the black liquid was injected into his body from the thin tubes, causing his body to tremble while howling, obviously suffering great pain.

After a while, the black liquid was injected.

Outside the transparent room, several Kree scientists in white coats were talking.

"The last injection also went well and he looks good."

"Very good, let him absorb the Terrigan Mist directly." The leading scientist ordered.

In the transparent room, a Terrigan crystal was mechanically shattered, releasing a gray-blue mist that filled the entire room and drowned the tall man.

With the inhalation of the mist of Terrigan, the eyes of the tall man quickly turned red, and blue-gray lines like thin snakes emerged from the skin, all over the body.

"No—" he howled even more mournfully.

His hair fell out quickly. UU reading

Soon, the tall man's long, lush hair became bald, but it was not very reflective—his skin had all turned blue-gray.

After the hair fell out, a strange energy fluctuation began to permeate his body.

At the same time, outside the room, looking at the rapidly beating numbers on the screen, the Kerry scientists were all full of anticipation, and murmured the same name.


At this time, the tall man has lost his human appearance, his body is blue-gray, and some tentacles are stretched out from the top of his bald head, shaking endlessly.

After a while, the fog dissipated, and the tall man who became inhuman and ghostly lowered his head quietly and seemed to fall into a coma.

The Kree scientists discussed for a while, and then ordered: "Bring out the hive."

Several soldiers responded to the order, entered the transparent room, lifted the hive out with shackles, put it on a large bed in the laboratory, and locked it again.

The scientists gathered around and connected various instruments to the hive, while continuing to discuss.

"...He should have the ability to control most of the Inhumans, and there is no obvious physical defect. If there is no major mental problem, this hive is a very good product." A scientist said.

"An electric shock to wake him up."

The Kerry scientists applied several electric shocks to the hive, and the hive, which was in a coma, suddenly woke up, opened his eyes with a shudder, and the tentacles on his head slowly wriggled.

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