Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 547: The sound of gongs through 0 years

According to the plan before Drunk Wind, Ahn'Qiraj's main battle will be completed in the form of an elite squad. A truly elite squad will suppress C'Thun, and then find a way to get this big guy to Draenor.

The gathering of heavy troops is to remove C'Thun's minions and then provide fire support to the team.

To be honest, Zuifeng didn't know if she could succeed, or even if C'Thun was obedient, but she still made this decision.

This is the only way to completely solve the ancient gods.

As for why must solve the ancient gods?

This is a secret.


Thousands of years have passed unconsciously since the last battle of the quicksand. The traces of the original battlefield have now been completely hidden under the rolling yellow sand. Only some lucky adventurers can carry crystal dust. Some severely corroded weapons and armors were occasionally found in the yellow sand.

In the battle of quicksand that year, the five-color dragons did not unite, only the threatened bronze dragon participated in the battle.

And Malfurion didn't wake up from his dream at the time either-looking back now, there were indeed traces of N'Zoth's intervention.

Under the leadership of Fandral Staghelm, the night elves, who were short of soldiers, launched an offensive against the ancient kingdom of Ahn'Qiraj. As a result, the worm general Rajax ambushed Fandral Staghelm’s son, Walstein Stag. helmet.

Fandral saw his son in front of him, clamped in two by the giant claws of the worm, and then fell completely into collapse.

The collapse of the leader caused the night elves to lose control, and was pushed back by Ahn'Qiraj's worms. As a result, the worms in the pursuit attacked the bronze dragon to death, and the dragons joined. fighting.

Outside of Ahn'Qiraj, the worm is not an opponent of the dragon, but similarly, it is difficult for the dragon to easily enter Ahn'Qiraj.

For C'Thun and his worm army, the dragons had no choice but to seal.

Beneath the sky of yellow sand, blue dragons, red dragons, green dragons, and bronze dragons fought side by side, blue dragon Yaregos (son of Malygos), red dragon Kerestras (Alexstrasza) Son of her), the green dragon Mylin Sera (daughter of Ysera) tightened her wings and fell into Ahn'Qiraj like a cannonball, and then released almost all of her dragon essence.

Under the auspices of Nozdormu's son Anoklos, a majestic wall of beetles finally rose, trapping C'Thun and his dark empire inside the wall.

On the wall of the beetle, Anoklos left a huge gong and cast a quicksand scepter with the essence of the dragon. As long as the scepter hits the gong, Ahn’Qiraj’s gate will be Open once.

But Fandral, who suffered the pain of losing his son, destroyed the quicksand scepter. He never wanted to come to this **** place again, and he didn't want to see yellow sand again.

Fandral would never forget the pain of his son being sandwiched in front of him. He didn't want to come to this sad place again.

The three-month preparation was not only for the army mobilization of the Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath, but also for another reason to recast the Quicksand Scepter.

Now everything is ready.


Outside the wall of beetles, Kui Feng took the recast quicksand scepter and looked at the dense army.

Royal Knights of Stormwind, 7th Legion of Stormwind, Marines of Kul Tiras, Clan of the Hills, Gnomeregan Stormtrooper, Kor'kron Forces, Warsong Wolf Cavalry, Sand Troll Militia, Zanda Pull the voodoo puppet group, the five-color dragon army...

The essence of Azeroth's troops gathered here, gathered outside the wall of beetles, waiting for their instructions.

"The yellow sand in Silithus never ceases."

The drunken lingua franca was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears under the influence of Zhen Qi.

"Everyone knows who our enemy is this time."

"C'Thun, the Demon of Thousand Eyes, the one with the most in the ancient gods."

"What are the ancient gods? They are the worms of this world, they are unspeakable filthy things-the troll empire was divided because of fighting with the ancient gods minions; the night elves had countless soldiers in the last battle of the quicksand He died here; at the end of his life, Emperor Thoradin died with the minions of the ancient gods; Tol'vir also lost his eternal life because of the curse of flesh and blood; the pandamen did not even dare to be sad under the influence of the ancient gods."

"After smashing the conspiracy of the Burning Legion, Azeroth has been at peace for three years. In the three years of peace, the Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath have welcomed countless new lives-the children's paradise in Golden Town is always overcrowded. , Durotar’s countless little warriors started their first training. Mulgore’s little tauren could swim in Stone Cow Lake with peace of mind. The first Gnomeregan Children’s Inventor Competition ended successfully... "

"What is peace? Peace is where everyone lives and works in peace in the Western Wilderness, peace is the return of the hunting in Stormheim, peace is the growth of trade in Kul Tiras every year, and peace is the drizzle of Gilneas that will always nourish new life. "

"But we can't forget the war-we have to use the sharp blade in our hands to guard this hard-to-reach peace!"

"We will never forget the land and sky that were once filled with gunpowder smoke. We will never forget the brutal demons and raging undead. We will never forget those relatives and comrades in arms who lost their lives in the war."

"Today, we are standing in front of this wall of beetles, about to face the minions of the ancient gods."

"What we have to do is to get rid of those **** bugs, eliminate those terrible faceless ones, and then solve C'Thun completely!"

"The old ruler can only represent the past, and now Azeroth has made us-in this world there are our relatives, our friends, our people, and everything about us."

"We will never allow any existence to threaten everything we cherish!"

"In this Maybe we will die, but we will not back down!"

"All for Azeroth!"

When Drunk Wind raised the Quicksand Scepter in his hand, no matter the Alliance, the Horde or the Oath, everyone raised their weapons.

"For Azeroth!"

The next moment, Drunk Wind exhausted all his strength and used the recast quicksand scepter in his hand to strike the vicissitudes of the gong.


This is the sound of a gong that has gone through a thousand years.

Ahn'Qiraj's door is opened!


Ahn'Qiraj finally opened the door!

In addition, the mother and aunt are here these few days, all kinds of convulsions...

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