
Chapter 175

"Do you know what it is?" Wen Shi turned around and asked Xia Qiao.

Maybe the moonlight was too gray, making his already very white face look bloodless and even lifeless, which made Xia Qiao feel inexplicably scared.

"What, what?" Xia Qiao asked tremblingly.

Wen Shi looked at him with beautiful dark eyes without blinking and said, "My head..."

After saying that, he tilted his head, his neck and body separated directly, and Gululu fell down.

Xia Qiao's first reaction was to reach out and pick it up, and then screamed.

Wenshi opened his eyes amidst the howling ghosts, but after he opened his eyes, the sound disappeared, as if everything was an illusion in a dream.

There was no sound from the bed here, but there was one more person beside the bed...

Nomura is very quiet and the moonlight is hazy. Occasionally, a bird suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night, flaps its wings twice and then falls back into the shade of the trees.

Xie Wen stood by the bed with his hands down in the thick night, looking at him with blurry eyes.

Wen Shi's heart skipped a beat, and for a moment he was almost confused by this scene, but he just closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, his fingers were already wrapped with puppet thread.

Fake. He said in his heart.

Then he stood up and stood opposite Xie Wen.

There wasn't a lot of space in the area, and they were almost within arm's reach.

Wenshi stretched thin threads between his fingers, pursed his lips and looked at him without saying a word, as if he wanted to take action at any time, but he didn't move.

"Why did you put a string on me?" Xie asked.

There is no need to respond to the illusory existence when hearing it. But he pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, and then replied: "If you don't put a string on something you don't know what it is, what can you put it in?"

His voice was cold and tight, and his whole body was full of defensive postures.

Xie Wen smiled.

He frowned tightly when he heard it, and the puppet line invisibly released the pressure between his fingers, and a strong wind started to rise from the almost flat ground.

"Don't you know what I am?" Xie asked.

No sound was made when hearing it.

The wind became more and more violent, the closed doors and windows rattled, the things in the room fell to the floor, and there were weapons everywhere, but Xie Wen was not torn apart by the wind, nor did he show any original shape. .

It seemed that all the sharp edges Wen Shi exerted had no effect on him.

He just stood in the whirlpool and looked at Wen Shi from a very close distance.

After a long time, he stretched out his fingers and touched the puppet strings one by one. Every time I dial it, the line on my shoulder and neck becomes tighter when I smell it.

Then he held Wen Shi's wrist and raised it a little. And he lowered his head slightly, and the puppet line almost brushed his lips.

When Wen Shi's eyes trembled, he clenched his fingers and heard him say: I think you know. "

Chapter 64 Damu

Of course he knows...

It is nothing more than delusion reflected in reality and inner demons.

Wenshi stepped back and took his wrist out of the opponent's grasp.

This is not the uncontrollable dreams of those nineteen or twenty-year-olds. The more repressed they are, the more confusing and absurd they become. He is actually awake now and clearly knows what is true and what is false.

As long as his puppet strings are fully aggressive, he can completely destroy the illusion in front of him, but he will still hesitate for a moment.

It was this hesitation that allowed Xie Wen, who was so close to him, to be caught in the strong wind caused by the puppet string, but not harmed at all.

Look, whether it's true or not, the first thing he puts up in front of this person is always a false pretence.

When smelling, simply close your eyes and withdraw your fingers a little.

The breath falling on the line and side of the neck is no longer so clear, and Xie Wen's presence is no longer so strong. It finally started to become blurry, as if everything was slowly fading away.

He tightened the puppet thread again, and then stretched his fingers.

The sound of the wind suddenly became violent, making a sharp whistle, and countless invisible cold blades sliced ​​through the wind.

His eyes were still closed, but he could feel those around him disappearing. He lifted his feet and walked forward without being blocked by anyone. Only traces of traces swept past him, like the wet mist in the morning...

Sure enough, they are all fake.

The movement of Xia Qiao next door was finally heard, and everyone was crying.

When Wenshi opened his eyes, he straightened the thread and stretched out his hand to open the door, but he felt something warm. It was another person's psoas muscle, which tightened at the moment of being accidentally touched, and body heat leaked through the fabric of his shirt.

When Wen Shi raised his eyes, he saw the person in the illusion just now.

For a few seconds, he was stunned in place, almost not sure whether he had gotten over his inner demons.

Xie Wen was standing by the door. His eyes fell on the fingers on his waist, his eyebrows slightly lowered, and he seemed to be lost in thought for a moment.

It wasn't until there was another collision next door that they suddenly came to their senses.

This time it's true.

Hearing this, he suddenly retracted his hand. The snow-white puppet thread was wrapped around his fingers, hanging in long and short lengths.

"When did you come here?" He actually wanted to ask "Why are you here?" but the answer came out like this.

He frowned slightly, and subconsciously glanced back to make sure that the illusion had completely dissipated, and then looked at Xie Wen.

And Xie Wen was also taking back his eyes from there.


When his eyes glanced at Wen Shi's neck, he paused for a moment, then turned away: "Just now."

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