
Chapter 209

Bu Ning looked at him: "You just looked a little..."


a little lonely.

Bu Ning didn't utter the words when he got to his lips, because with just a look up, those emotions disappeared from Wen Shi's body, like stubborn stones and rotten wood under heavy snow, sealed tightly.

"It's okay." Bu Ning shook his head.

He was a little puzzled when he heard it, and was about to ask again, but he saw the scene beside him from the corner of his eye.

He turned around in a daze and dazedly, and couldn't move his eyes any longer——

It was a vast and endless wasteland, wrapped in thick black mist, like a river and sea with no tidal flats.

The stone platform they are standing on now faces this area.

Although they are not far apart, they seem like two worlds.

The rocks behind them are covered with moss and vines, and there are old pine trees that have been entrenched in the gaps for an unknown number of years, lush and lush.

But not a single blade of grass grew in the black mist in front of them, and everything they could see was lifeless.

Between these two worlds, there is like a transparent barrier. The black mist floated and flowed like clouds, but it never crossed the border, and always made a detour when passing the edge of the stone platform.

Xie Wen stopped after hearing this, and his eyes fell into the vast black mist, and he frowned deeply.

Lao Mao and Xia Qiao, who followed closely behind, were also full of disbelief, only Zhang Lan and Zhang Yalin blurted out, exclaiming in a low voice, "Cage vortex!"

But after they finished speaking, they came to their senses and changed their words: "No, it's not the cage vortex."

Although they are all places filled with black mist that cannot dissipate, and at first glance they look six or seven points alike, but this is not the kind of caged vortex they have dealt with. This is bigger and thicker than the caged vortex, like a gathering place of many caged vortexes...

At that moment, a word flashed in Zhang Lan's mind——


But the next second, she was frightened by the meaning behind the word, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, so she kept silent.

Whether it is a cage vortex or not, it is impossible to appear in Songyun Mountain.

Wen Shi had never seen such a scene in Songyun Mountain, so he frowned and asked in a low voice: "Where is this?"

Bu Ning lowered his eyebrows, his eyes fell into the black mist from under his thin eyelids, and he didn't know which point he was looking at through the black mist.

"Can't you recognize it?" Bu Ning raised his hand and pointed towards the depths of the black mist, and said, "Over there is Qingxin Lake."

Wen Shi opened his eyes wide, almost blankly looking at the endless darkness.

"Qingxin Lake?" He said hoarsely, "You said this... is Qingxin Lake?"

"Yes." Bu Ning pointed to the stone platform under his feet and said, "This stone platform is the one facing the center of the lake. You and your elder brother practiced puppetry against the center of the lake here, and Zhong Si also painted here. Talisman. Sometimes when Master comes back from the mountain, he will also circumambulate here..."

While saying this, frame by frame flashed in Wen Shi's mind, as clear as yesterday.

He still remembers that there are thousands of fish swimming in Qingxin Lake, and every time before the summer rains, when the mountain depression is crowded, the fish swimming below the lake will jump onto the surface of the lake, causing ripples to circle around each other.

Zhuang Ye couldn't swing his puppet thread steadily, and for a while he often invited him to this stone platform to target those jumping fish, practicing from the blue sky to the rain.

The puppet string was thrown very lightly, and it only practiced manipulation without any force. Bounces on swimming fish are no heavier than rain, and will only make them flick their tails.

On the contrary, Zhong Si didn't follow the rules, and often came over halfway to make trouble. He didn't dare to make trouble for Wen Shi, so he aimed at senior brother. As long as Zhuang flicked the puppet thread well, he would secretly pinch the talisman with his hands behind his back.

So those swimming fish always twisted slightly to the side just before being hit by the puppet thread.

Therefore, Zhuang Haohao's record is always very tragic, especially in the comparison of Wen Shi's perfect shooting, which often makes Zhuang Haohao suspicious of the world.

But he didn't have any intention of being competitive, he just wondered for a while, and then smiled generously and said: "Young brother is really good, I'm still far behind."

And Wen Shi always diverts the puppet line temporarily at the last moment, and drags Zhong Si who is hiding somewhere into a silkworm chrysalis, and makes an apology to the elder brother.

But the result is often that the big brother is blackmailed by Zhong Da again, and he still agrees after the blackmail.

There are countless times when I heard that I followed Chen Bubu down the mountain, and I often took this road. Because of this vast lake, it is more lively than another mountain road.

The mountain wind blows through the leaves, making a rustling sound. The sound of rain in the mountains is also rustling.

Every time they passed by here, they would hear such voices all the way, as if their whole life had passed like this.

Chen Bubu once told him that the reason why he chose to settle in Songyun Mountain was because this lake is full of aura, which can make people feel at peace.

When I heard about it, all the memories about Qingxin Lake were comfortable and beautiful.

He never thought that one day, that lake would look like this.

"How did it become like this?" Wen Shi asked while reaching out to try.

The moment his fingers approached the black mist, his mind buzzed, as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

At that moment, the wind howled!

He heard the long-lost ghosts crying together.

All he saw was darkness, as if someone had suddenly turned off the lights. Countless sharp knives hid in the wind and cut past him, causing shocking pain.

He subconsciously wiped the scratched place, but he didn't touch any wound, as if the pain was not in his body, but in his memory.

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