
Chapter 216

After flipping through a book among the trees, he looked up and found a person standing on the mountain path.

That person always came and went silently, and I don't know how long he stood there.

The other party came over with a smile, looked up at him under the tree and said, "Why are you nesting here while reading a book, be careful to be swept away by someone as a snowdrift."

He should be happy to see someone he hasn't seen for a long time, but in the end it seems that he just replied "Where is the snow in June?"

It was a moment too long ago, an ordinary trifle, nothing special, even he almost forgot, but he didn't expect the other person to remember it.

The person he thought was the least likely to remember, actually remembered everything.

And for a while, he couldn't even find a reason why this moment was remembered.

He also saw himself standing in the middle of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, controlling countless twisted puppet threads, and pulling twelve earth-shattering giant puppets to look over;

Standing on the top of a vast expanse of pine waves, handing over pine wine under the star river;

Standing by the side of the white plum tree, one second he was expressionless, and the next second he tilted his head to avoid the approaching flower branches under the long wind, and then burst out laughing.


But more is the distant silhouette and back.

Walking on the quiet and comfortable stone road, walking through the mountains and villages. Pass through the hustle and bustle of the crowd, through the dark and cramped corridors...then turn a corner and never see you again.

Wen Shi stared blankly at those figures, as if watching a familiar yet unfamiliar pantomime.

he never knew...

It turned out that Chen Bubu had sent him off so many times behind him.

He only knew that every time he went down the mountain, the other party would just lean against the door and watch him walk through the first bend before turning around and going back to the house. I never even said goodbye...

Only one time.

Only once...

The man said to him, "Don't look back..."

At that moment, the dust-covered deepest memory suddenly loosened a bit. I don't know if it was affected by these demons and illusions, or because he clearly felt that the spirit of another person was dissipating.

Like a fire running out of oil, it goes out little by little.

He tried to recall many times, but he still couldn't remember the reason for this sentence. But at this moment, I remembered a scene of fragments——

That was when the sealing formation reached its last moment.

Eight hundred miles away, there is no vegetation, and there are many monsters.

The millions of grievances and obsessions carried in those fates all turned into monstrous evil spirits under the effect of the formation, screaming and tearing.

All living souls and spirits that enter the battle will be torn apart in an instant, and their bones will be smashed into ashes.

He remembered that his mouth was full of blood, and his body was covered in blood.

The twelve giant puppets roared in the raging fire, and turned into fragments with flowing fire, falling down in large and small sizes, like a heart-wrenching torrential rain.

But he still clenched the puppet thread, wanting to go to the center of the formation.

And when he forcibly broke through everything, and with his last breath, he stumbled and grabbed the person in the center of the formation, only to find that the hand had turned into a white plum branch in his palm.

Even at the last moment, even if there are millions of "evil ghosts" eating bones, and the life of that person can't be cared about, they still deliberately create an illusion...

Used to trick him away.

The way he broke through is the way out.

The person he wanted to keep fell far behind.

At that moment, those mournful, sharp, and hysterical voices were gathered into a vortex and muffled in the formation, and there was a burst of light in front of him...

He felt someone pressing against the back of his head, pushed him a step forward, and said coaxingly, "Don't look back..."

Chen Bubu said: When you hear it, don't look back... I'll watch you go.

This name was chosen by that person himself. In his whole life, he only called it seriously once.

Since then, there has been no reply.


The sense of despair in the memory is so painful that it is almost like holding the sharpest blade and carving it down on the bone stroke by stroke, overlapping with this moment.

But when I heard it, I raised my head, but I could only see myself in the world.

The mental illusion became clearer and more real. When I smell it, I can feel that person is getting weaker and weaker, but I can't see anything.

He clung tightly to the puppet string on his body, and his palm pulled a line from it.

Under the stinging pain of cutting, the puppet thread he was holding was dyed red inch by inch, blood dripped on the thread, and slid down...

When it slid to a certain point, the whole illusion shook.


There are more and more illusions, layer upon layer. There are mountains beyond high mountains, and wilderness beyond wilderness. The surrounding fields suddenly became desolate and deserted.

Xie Wen was alone, standing among the barrenness.

His fingers were wrapped with snow-white cotton thread, winding out worryingly, tied to another person.

The figures in the inner demon surrounded him from beginning to end, from far or near, some were talking to him, and some were laughing rarely.

He is actually very sober and knows that those are fake.

So he just listened and never responded.

Hearing that that person is not big or small, he doesn't even say "Master", he always calls him by his name, dusty, dusty, dusty...

And thank you for asking.

Xie Wen was his name when he was young, and it was so long ago that even he himself couldn't remember it clearly. I still go down the mountain once

While doing business, he made an exception to take off his mask and walked back to the official road in the city, although there were obviously few people on the mountain road.

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