Panlong, I use the earth element to transcend

Chapter 253 The Universe Ranking Battle Begins

"Hey Hey……"

lei rubbed his head and giggled.

Linley really didn't have any disrespect towards his second brother Roy.

In fact, the second brother Roy is really a pervert.

Only tens of millions of years have passed since the creation of the universe, and he and his eldest brother have been left far behind.

Linley couldn't afford to have any thoughts of catching up.

But the elder brother is different.

The eldest brother Hongmeng, like himself, created the universe, obtained the Xuanhuang Qi that was born when the universe was created, and cultivated it into the Xuanhuang Immortal Body.

When he was in the realm of Hongmeng Body, his eldest brother Hongmeng was nurtured by Hongmeng Space, and he himself was the richest Hongmeng Qi. There was only a thin line between the liquefaction of Hongmeng Qi when the Hongmeng Body was completed.

Lin Lei's Hongmeng body is only tempered by the Hongmeng energy that is formed by the fusion of the four major gods of earth, wind, water, and fire. It is considered the lowest level of Hongmeng body.

It is weaker than the Hongmeng Body made from the Hongmeng Qi that combines the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

If it weren't for the fact that the first universe created by Hongmeng was defective, and Linley gained the experience of Hongmeng and Roy in creating the universe, the universe he created was more stable than Hongmeng's universe, and he got more Xuanhuang Qi than Hongmeng, making Linley finally The completed Xuanhuang Immortal Body is no worse than Hongmeng.

Lin Lei dared to think about surpassing his eldest brother Hongmeng.

The three brothers flew over the secondary floating island at an altitude of 50,000 meters. At first glance, they saw the four huge portals at an altitude of 100,000 meters.

"Second brother, what is this?"

Looking at the four heavenly gates and the names representing themselves and others on the heavenly gates, they had some guesses in their minds. At that moment, Hongmeng and Linlei couldn't help but turn their eyes to Roy.

"Eldest brother, third brother, since other Hongmeng controllers have floating islands, we three brothers will naturally have our own heavenly palace."

"Behind these four heavenly gates is the heavenly palace that I have engraved into the long river of time and space."

"The Empress of Heaven is a separate world, no matter in terms of area or spatial intensity, it is no weaker than Hongmeng Realm."

"When the starry sky universe reaches a certain level, maybe you, eldest brother and third brother, can put the universe you created into the heavenly palace."

That's right, when Roy created Hongmeng Realm, he was already thinking about the future.

Roy himself knew where he came from in the magical universe.

In the past life, who was that blue planet, that tomato-eating person who wrote the destiny of "Lin Lei"?

How did I travel from such a world to the magical universe created by Hongmeng?

Hongmeng couldn't see or know that this meant that the power that allowed him to travel through the magical universe was above Hongmeng.

Therefore, there is definitely one or even several layers of space above Hongmeng Space.

The truth that allowed Roy to travel through time is likely to be in the higher level of Hongmeng Space.

However, Roy is not ready yet.

Even if he wanted to break the Hongmeng Space, he would have to wait until his starry sky and universe had grown to its limit before taking action.

The stronger the starry sky universe is, the stronger Roy's own strength will be.

If you are strong, you will have a certain ability to deal with any crisis you encounter after breaking through Hongmeng Space.

Moreover, the fourth brother Qin Yu and Qin Meng have not appeared yet. If Roy breaks the Hongmeng space, will Qin Meng still show up?

Compared to Hong Meng and Lin Lei, Roy felt that Qin Yu was the same type of person as him.

Hongmeng was nurtured by Hongmeng Space and was born supreme and noble.

Linley's luck was incredible. Even without Drinkwater's support, he managed to turn dangers into dangers along the way, and finally completed the four-series soul mutation and completed the ultimate leap.

Where is Qin Yu?

He was born unfit for cultivation, but relied on his strong perseverance to cultivate his physical body. After receiving half of the "Star Transformation" created by Lei Wei, he began his rise.

Roy felt that it was entirely possible for Qin Yu to be like him and create an eternal true world to reach his current level.

Moreover, both Qin Yu and himself practiced "Star Transformation". Although the ultimate universes they cultivated are also different because of the different universes, they should have many common topics regarding the general training ideas and the direction of progress. .

After taking Hongmeng and Lin Lei to their respective heavenly palaces to see them, Hongmeng and Lin Lei both decided to stay in Hongmeng Realm when they have time in the future.

Indeed, compared to the Heavenly Palace in Roy's Hongmeng Realm, the residences of the two of them in their respective universes are simply like a run-down mountain village.

After Hong Meng and Lin Lei left, Roy put his mind into the starry sky universe.

Through his connection with the Heavenly Dao of the Starry Sky Universe, Roy quickly learned about the current situation of the Starry Sky Universe.

An emperor-level warrior has a lifespan of twelve thousand years.

Even if he is as powerful as the Quasi-Celestial Emperor, the Celestial Emperor only has a lifespan of 100,000 years.

The starry sky universe is Roy's nursery.

The biggest role of the creatures inside is to create new laws one after another for Roy's starry sky universe, and then he or those who come after him can gradually deduce these laws to the highest level.

There is a lifespan limit. In order to live longer, the creatures in the starry sky universe will use every means to improve themselves, perfect the laws one by one for Roy, and then push them to the highest level.

Currently, there are twenty-six supreme laws of immortality in the starry sky universe.

In addition to these people Roy brought back from the magic universe, there are also eleven latecomers who have achieved immortality in the starry sky universe.

Well, Lilia has not yet advanced the law of reincarnation to the highest level, and is the only Heavenly Emperor among the seventeen people.

However, with Lilia's attainments in the Law of Reincarnation, the cycle of life and death, and the one hundred thousand year life limit in the Emperor of Heaven realm, there was nothing she could do about it.

As the Emperor of Heaven, enjoying endless lifespan, Lilia is considered the only one in the starry universe.

Of course, it is not that other people don't have ways to delay the end of their lifespan, but they all break through to a higher level before the end of their lifespan, allowing themselves to live longer, so naturally no one notices.

There are forty-six laws of perfection.

There are as many as 637 kinds of imperial laws.

In other words, in the past tens of millions of years, there have been more than 700 laws in the starry sky and universe.

The intensity of its starry sky and universe is dozens of times stronger than the initial level.

What best reflects the strength of the starry sky and universe is the current strength of the Hongmeng Realm.

In the past, Hongmeng creatures could destroy the first layer of space in Hongmeng Realm. Now, Hongmeng creatures using all their strength can only break the space within a certain range around themselves, but cannot break the whole at all.

As for Roy, who has become stronger due to the enhancement of the starry sky and universe, at this time, only in terms of physical strength, he has surpassed Hongmeng's Xuanhuang Immortal Body.

Because Roy just tried it, he could break more than seventy layers of space in the Hongmeng Realm with one punch.

With the current space intensity of Hongmeng Realm, even if Hongmeng comes to attack again, I am afraid it will only be able to break about fifty layers of space.

The improvement of strength and physique by the body of time and space is only incidental.

But even so, Roy's physical strength at this time has already surpassed the Xuanhuang Immortal Body.

Not to mention how powerful Roy would become if he used the power of time and space.

After testing his strength, Roy left Hongmeng Realm.

In the first space ranking match, the battlefield is in the time and space of the starry sky universe.

Hongmeng Realm is located in the future of the starry sky, universe, time and space. It is not impossible for Roy to influence the past from the future.

But it's just a cosmic ranking match that happens once in millions of years, and it's really not worth Roy's efforts to change the past from the future.

It's better to go back to the present and take care of everything at the present time, which is convenient and effortless.


On this day, a picture suddenly appeared in the minds of countless creatures in the Starry Sky Universe, Hongmeng Universe, and Linmeng Universe.

It was a tall and majestic man. He grabbed it from the void, and a large amount of gray terrifying energy condensed and evolved in his palm, eventually forming a universe with a round sky and a square place.

Immediately, mountains, rivers, vegetation, sun, moon, stars, snakes, insects, rats, ants, birds and beasts were born in this universe.

At the same time, a sense of enlightenment arose in their hearts.

——The cosmic ranking competition that happens once in tens of millions of years begins!

As this thought arose, the sky of the universe they were in turned into a curtain, and what appeared above was the universe created by that majestic figure before.

However, the universe that seemed to be the size of a bullet in the hands of the stalwart figure was boundless and vast in the curtain of the sky.

At the same time, on the right side of this void, there are a few lines of writing.

Although they don’t know each other, when everyone sees these compilations, they will immediately know what they mean.

Hongmeng Space, the first universe ranking battle.

Join the battle in the universe:

Hongmeng Universe

Lin Meng Universe

starry sky universe

Participation rules:

All creatures born within ten million years can participate. If you say "participate" silently in your heart, you will be teleported to the battlefield instantly.

The battlefield of the space ranking battle will shrink by one point every day until it completely disappears after a hundred years.

During these hundred years, combatants entering the battlefield must do everything possible to survive.

This ranking battle is not limited to rules or means.

Their ranking is determined by the time they survive to the end.

In addition, those who are eliminated in the plane battlefield will not really die, but will be sent back to the position where they entered the plane battlefield.

Of course, there will be rewards in every competition.

If you reach the top one million in the rankings, you will get a planet-level wish.

If you enter the top 100,000 in the rankings, you will get a stellar wish.

Entering the top 10,000 in the rankings will get a constellation-level wish.

Entering the top 1,000 in the rankings will get a galaxy-level wish.

If you enter the top 100 in the rankings, you will get a star field level wish.

If you enter the top ten, you will get three star field level wishes.

The top three will be personally received by the creators of the three universes and receive rewards from the creators of the universes.

Because of the differences in the universe, many people don't know what planets, stars, and constellations mean, but they can instantly understand it as long as they stare at the rewards.

A planet is the planet or plane where you live, and the star is the sun.

A constellation is a pattern composed of dozens of suns.

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