The news of Roy's breakthrough caused turbulence in the Hunyuan Qi in most of the Hunyuan space.

All the Hunyuan beings who sensed all this unanimously turned their attention to the area where the Hunyuan Qi was turbulent.

In the beginning, only world-class Hunyuan beings could sense the riot of Hunyuan Qi in Hunyuan Space.

But as the movement of Roy absorbing Hunyuan Qi gradually expanded, both high-level Hunyuan beings and low-level Hunyuan beings began to feel the turbulent Hunyuan Qi like a wave.

Even this huge Hunyuan Qi storm, with Roy as the center, began to cause regular riots in the Hunyuan space.

A creature can become a Hunyuan life, and the energy of Chaotic Source that it can absorb is related to the laws it understands.

In addition to the natural Hunyuan beings in the Hunyuan Space, the creatures that have transcended from the various universes in the Hunyuan Space to the Hunyuan Space can only master one or two laws that can support the Qi of Hunyuan, and can absorb the Hunyuan Qi. The Qi of the source, to the Hunyuan space, is like a drop of water in the ocean. In the Hunyuan space, it can cause a few ripples in the surrounding Qi within a few meters at most.

Even stronger ones may be like whales, capable of absorbing Chaotic Source Qi within a range of tens of meters, and the ripples may spread thousands of meters.

Such people can at least achieve low-level Hunyuan life.

And the stronger one is like Lin Lei, refining the origin of a universe, and the fluctuations caused by the absorbed Hunyuan Qi extend for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Anyone who can cause such a movement can at least achieve high-level Hunyuan life.

Further up, Hongmeng refined the origin of the universe and became a world-class Chaotic Source Life.

Although the birth of a world-class Hunyuan life is not a big event in the Hunyuan space, it is not a trivial matter either.

After all, world-class Hunyuan beings are high-level combat forces in the Hunyuan space.

If Hunyuan hadn't broken through the space-time barrier laid by Roy at that time, the location of Hongmeng Space might have been exposed long ago.

It is precisely because of the existence of the space-time barrier that Qin Yu's Qinmeng Universe absorbed the fluctuations of the Hunyuan Qi, which were suppressed to the lowest level by Roy, and failed to attract the attention of the Hunyuan life groups in the Hunyuan space.

After Roy incorporated the Hongmeng Space into the Hongmeng Realm, outside the space-time barrier set up by Roy, there was finally no breath of the Source Universe. Before Qin Yu's Qinmeng Universe was promoted to the Source Universe, the probability of being discovered was almost Close to zero.

And what about Roy?

The laws he has mastered currently exceed the number of five thousand.

The number of laws that can carry Chaotic Source Qi exceeds three thousand.

With each additional law that can carry the Chaotic Source Qi, the amount of Chaotic Source Qi that a living being can absorb increases exponentially.

Moreover, Roy's laws of time and space and the laws of destiny are at a level beyond ordinary laws.

In addition, Roy's starry sky universe, Trinity, has also reached the level of the source universe, but because it was not born in the chaotic source space, it also has to absorb a large amount of the energy of the chaotic source.

In this way, as soon as Roy appeared in the Hunyuan space, his whole body was like a black hole, trying to swallow up the surrounding Hunyuan energy.

Such vast movements naturally attracted the attention of countless Hunyuan beings in the Hunyuan space.

Especially those world-level Hunyuan beings and ancestor-level Hunyuan beings, each put their own consciousness into the location where the Hunyuan Qi was rioting, wanting to know what happened there.

But it is a pity that Roy's location at this time has turned into a huge whirlpool of Chaotic Source energy. The consciousness of those ancestor-level Chaotic Source beings will be torn apart by the huge whirlpool when they get close.

The tearing power of the whirlpool even frightened these ancestor-level Hunyuan beings.

It seemed that even if they entered the vortex, they would be destroyed into Chaotic Source Qi and swallowed by the unknown existence at the center of the vortex.


In the Land of Eternity, the five Hunyuan Lord Yuan, who were born as ancestors of Hunyuan beings and humans, naturally felt the turmoil in the Hunyuan space.

The turbulence of this endless Chaotic Source Qi has even caused the Chaotic Source Qi in the Eternal Land to start to vibrate.

"Stop it, the ancestor of the human race."

"We recognize that you have the same qualifications as us."

"Yes, the ancestor of the human race, your strength has been respected by us. I guess you have also discovered that since you appeared in the eternal land, our tribe has never devoured the universe within the scope of your strength. .”


Yuan's expression changed, but he didn't expect that he originally wanted to cover for the future second ancestor of mankind. After countless years of fighting in the eternal land, he accidentally killed the five strongest ancestors. The ultra-life group gave up its attack on the forces under its command.

"The ancestor of the human race, there is an unprecedented turmoil in the Hunyuan space."

"The turmoil there can even destroy us."

"So, we're going to go out there and see what's going on."

"If you don't stop, the five of us will work together to kill you!"

The person who said the last words was a black snake-like ancestor-level Hunyuan life.

The other four ancestor-level Hunyuan beings did not refute.

They are also interested in the unknown existence that causes chaos in the Hunyuan space.

The previous battle initiated by Yuan, the five ancestor-level Hunyuan beings all thought it was a joke. Everyone attacked each other, occasionally two against one, three against two, and even one against five when interested.

However, there is now great turmoil in the Hunyuan space, and the five ancestor-level Hunyuan beings are very concerned about it.

They wanted to stop, but Yuan kept attacking.

However, just as Hunyuan Life, the ancestor of the snake species, said, if Yuan Zai didn't stop attacking, they would really take action.

Yuan Ziran also knew this.

"That's good. In these more than three hundred trillion years, that junior has not yet become the Lord of Chaotic Source. While they are exploring the cause of the turmoil, I will go find this junior and tell him how to become the Lord of Chaotic Source."

The place of eternity is a place that only those who have condensed the "Hunyuan Dao" and become the strongest living beings in the Hunyuan space are eligible to enter.

A shadow that can condense itself in the eternal land, but it has not successfully entered the eternal land for more than 300 trillion years. In Yuan Xianglai, this descendant of human beings has probably understood the "Hunyuan Space" essence” existence.

However, because he has never seen the ancestor-level Hunyuan life, this junior does not know that after comprehending the "essence" of the Hunyuan space, he can condense these "essences" into his own "Hunyuan" "Tao" reaches the pinnacle of Hunyuan space.

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