Panther Commando

Chapter 1111: Ultra-low-altitude parachute

The sound in the air was getting louder and louder, and suddenly there was a rushing sound of Lin Tao from the woods, and gusts of wind blew from a distance.

The two border patrol team members on both sides of the border line had surprised eyes in their eyes. They glanced at each other and shook their heads, wondering what happened? His eyes turned to the forest above his head.

Accompanied by the strong wind in the forest, a huge black shadow passed over the dense forest like lightning. The deafening roar and the shadow that covered the sky immediately caused the people in the forest to squat down and cover their hands tightly. Cover your ears. The trees in the forest swayed violently, and countless branches and leaves fell with the gust of wind.

In the blink of an eye, the loud noise got farther and farther away, and the protruding gust of wind disappeared immediately. The two patrols stood up in astonishment, and both took out their radio equipment and reported the situation to their superiors.

A sergeant of the border patrol of md reported the situation to his superior, looked at our border patrol and shook his head, and said in a blunt tone in Chinese: "Tonight is so strange! More than two hours ago, a blue light accompanied A few dark shadows rushed over in an instant, and now there is another loud noise, what's going on today?"

The second lieutenant platoon leader led by our patrol team also frowned and shook his head. Today's events are a bit too strange. Such a smuggling has never been seen before. The first wave of black shadows not only carried a dazzling blue light, but also did not shy away from the two patrols that rushed over. This was completely different from the sneaky "smuggling" method in the past. It was simply blatantly rushing across the border. "Mingdu".

He waved at the people on the opposite side, and walked back with full of suspicion. It must have been a plane that made the loud noise just now, and it was sneaking across the border at an ultra-low altitude, which had never happened before. And when he reported to the company commander just now, he was also surprised, and obviously he didn't receive the relevant notification.

There have been military planes in this mountainous area in the past, but they were all military exercises that notified them in advance and never crossed the border. What happened this time? How can a plane fly over at ultra-low altitude and cross the border at ultra-low altitude, it means that it is avoiding the radar monitoring on the opposite side.

The second lieutenant thought to himself as he walked along the border between the mountains and forests along the patrol route. When they were patrolling the forest for more than an hour and were about to leave the forest, a soldier beside him suddenly said, "Platoon commander, listen?"

The second lieutenant stopped, and a faint roar came from the mountains outside the forest. He raised his head and looked at the mountains where the sound came. At this time, the sky had turned white, and a few black spots suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain in the distance, quickly flying towards the border. "Helicopter!" the second lieutenant said softly.

The black spot got bigger and bigger, and the three helicopters roared over the distant hills and flew towards this side, and then disappeared in a valley three kilometers away from the border.

The eyes of the second lieutenant and a few patrolling soldiers were wide open, watching three helicopters roaring into the valley and disappearing behind the mountains. The soldiers of the patrol team turned their inquiries to the platoon leader of the second lieutenant. The second lieutenant shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said, "Something must have happened at night! Today is really an eventful night! Let's go, hurry back to the The company commander reports, close the team." He said, and walked quickly towards his camp with the soldiers of the patrol.

What the patrol saw was indeed three military helicopters. In the middle of the night, Qi Zhijun suddenly received a phone call from Commander Ouyang himself at home, ordering him to immediately lead a team of the military region's special operations brigade to take three helicopters straight to the border line to meet the Leopard commandos who were on missions abroad.

After hearing this, Qi Zhijun was shocked, grabbed the clothes by the bedside and ran out, while urgently ordering the staff of the combat department to transfer three helicopters, one to pick him up, and the other two to fly directly to the special operations team of the military region to pick up people. Immediately, he ordered the special operations brigade of the military region to send a team to stand by on the tarmac of the camp.

He ran downstairs while getting dressed, jumped onto the jeep downstairs and headed straight to the helipad of the military compound.

His jeep had just hit the tarmac, where a helicopter was already spinning its propellers fast. Qi Zhijun's jeep stopped beside the helicopter with a loud braking sound. He opened the door and jumped out of the jeep. He jumped into the helicopter and shouted loudly, "Take off!"

The helicopter took off and flew towards the border. After a while, the two helicopters connected to the special operations team also caught up, and the three helicopters flew towards the border quickly.

Qi Zhijun quickly got in touch with Li Dongsheng on the plane, and the two exchanged their locations and response plans. Only at this point did Qi Zhijun understand the situation in detail. When he heard that Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were in distress overseas, his hair stood up immediately, and then he asked nervously, "Should we directly cross the border to provide support? Do you order the field doctors to come over?"

"No, our transport plane is approaching the border, and it will soon be approaching the sky above the target! Xiaoya is on the plane, you should inform the military hospital to prepare for first aid! Just in case," Li Dongsheng replied quickly.

Now what they need is to buy time as soon as possible, as long as the commandos rush to Wanlin's side, there is nothing they can't deal with! Li Dongsheng cut off the connection with Gao Li and looked at his watch Several hours have passed, Wan Lin and the others are still unknown, all this makes him anxious!

At this moment, the green indicator light in the cabin suddenly turned on, and the pilot's voice suddenly came from the cabin microphone: "You have already flown to the war zone, please prepare for the parachute!" The speed of the aircraft dropped immediately.

"Crash", the hatch on the side of the transport plane was immediately pulled open by Dali and Kong Dazhuang, and all the team members stood up and held the safety rope above their heads. There was a glint in Li Dongsheng's eyes, and she looked at Lingling who was still sitting in the cabin, her eyes were fixed on the real-time coordinates displayed on the screen of the electronic countermeasure box on her legs, "Report, it's close to the target. , the height is 260 meters!" After she shouted, she quickly closed the confrontation box on her back and stood up abruptly.

"Jump!" Li Dongsheng shouted with Lingling's voice, "Whoosh" sniper Lin Zisheng jumped out of the cabin first, followed by machine gunners Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang with the machine guns in their chests and rushed out, followed by the team members in turn. jumped out.

The parachute jump height of 300 meters is the minimum design safe height of military parachute equipment, and the current height is already lower than this safe height, which is already an ultra-low-altitude full-suit parachute landing for special forces such as commandos who carry full-body weapons and equipment. , and below are rolling hills and dense forests, a little carelessness is very likely to be dangerous.

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