Panther Commando

Chapter 5789: research institute on fire

Groups of burning inflammables roared and flew around, and a few groups of inflammables followed in an arc in the air, accurately shattering the glass windows on the first floor of the research institute, and flew directly into the office building of the research institute. In the two storage rooms, thick smoke and fire followed from the broken windows.

Pieces of surging flames also rose from the windows and roofs of the factory building. In the blink of an eye, the huge factory was already full of flames and thick smoke billowing. The workers in the factory ran out of the factory gate screaming, and some workers' uniforms were stained with blood.

At the same time, the fire siren in the office building of the research institute also sounded, and the staff in the building ran out of the building door in a panic, and a group of researchers in lab coats also ran out of the door on the first floor.

In a twinkling of an eye, groups of researchers and staff ran out of the building one after another. They escaped from the office building, and they all turned to look at the building where flames had burst out, and the billowing black smoke from the building. Then he panicked and ran to the gate of the institute's compound.

At this time, the two teams of security guards who heard the news had rushed to the gate of the courtyard. A group of people quickly formed three blockades and stopped at the heavily guarded gate. The generals shouted to evacuate everyone to the surrounding courtyard walls.

Obviously, the security measures in the institute are extremely strict. All security personnel have been trained to deal with emergencies, and there are also plans to deal with fire alarms.

At this time, the sirens of the rushing fire trucks had sounded, and fire trucks appeared on the road around the institute. The fire trucks were then divided into two parts, heading towards the burning factory and the institute respectively. Outside the research institute compound and on the roads around the factory, there were already crowds of onlookers.

When the security guards in the institute saw the firetrucks rushing towards them, they quickly evacuated the crowd inside and outside the gate, then opened the gate, and firetrucks filed into the heavily guarded institute compound. Several ambulances to treat the wounded also drove up, and were stopped by the security guards and stopped by the roadside of the research institute compound.

The fire truck drove into the courtyard and immediately stopped around the burning office building. Firefighters wearing red and yellow fireproof suits and helmets jumped out of the car. They glanced at the fire and twisted. Running towards the carriage of the fire truck.

A group of firefighters pulled out the hose and connected the fire hydrant, and then took the water gun and sprayed a stream of water straight to the burning room. Some pushed away the security guards in front of the building and rushed into the smoking building with a water gun, while others rushed directly into the building with an oxygen tank on their back.

The fire in the research institute's office building became more and more violent, and thick smoke poured out of the windows of the building, and the fire scene was in chaos.

Not long after, two firefighters who rushed into the building ran out with a researcher in a lab coat and a firefighter on their backs. The wounded's face and body were covered with blood on their backs. A firefighter rushed out of the gate with the wounded on his back, and then staggered towards the ambulance parked outside the gate.

As the two firefighters ran out with the wounded on their backs, several first responders who were already standing at the entrance of the compound with stretchers quickly pointed to the security guard at the entrance of the compound, and several of them pushed the security guard and rushed in. Inside the hospital.

The four first responders rushed to the front of the firefighters and immediately took the wounded carried by the firefighters and put them on the stretcher. They carried two stretchers and ran to the door of the hospital. The two firefighters also pressed their oxygen masks to the door. The faces of the two wounded, together with the stretcher, ran to the gate.

At this time, a security captain at the gate of the hospital saw the firefighter with the wounded covered in blood. He followed and stared at the researcher whose face was covered in blood and his eyes were closed. The chief researcher of the chief researcher, the head of the chief researcher is bleeding red blood.

The security captain was shocked! He quickly ordered the surrounding men to open the courtyard door, then reported the situation to his superiors into the microphone next to his mouth, and then whispered to the three security guards standing beside him.

At the command of the security captain, the three fully armed security guards quickly took off the assault rifles on their shoulders. They raised their guns to protect the researcher's stretcher and ran out of the hospital.

The three of them watched the emergency workers nervously, and sent the injured researcher to an ambulance that had already driven to the gate of the compound. The three security guards also boarded the ambulance immediately.

The other two firefighters who ran out with the wounded on their backs also supported their injured companions and boarded another ambulance, which then roared towards the road ahead.

At this time, two off-road vehicles were roaring in the institute, and three fully armed security guards were sitting in the vehicles. The security captain boarded an off-road vehicle and took two vehicles out of the gate. The two off-road vehicles immediately followed one after another, closely guarding the researcher's ambulance and drove towards the hospital. The ambulance with three firefighters turned on its lights and followed.

The security captain took two cars and closely guarded the first ambulance through the surrounding streets and quickly drove to the hospital. The security guards in several cars were closely monitoring the road. sides.

Ye Feng, Wan Lin and Wang Tiecheng listened attentively to Professor Chang's remarks, Wan Lin frowned and asked, "It seems that this operation was a premeditated hijacking operation! But under the protection of so many security guards, the How did Nighthawk kidnap the chief researcher in broad daylight?"

Ye Feng and Wang Tiecheng also looked at Professor Chang in surprise. At that time, it was working time, and the institute and the surrounding factory camps were raging on fire, and the streets were full of people watching, and the institute itself was a key protected scientific research unit, and the police would definitely send police officers to strictly protect the institute. Therefore, in this case, it can be said that the Nighthawk wants to hijack the researcher, which can be said to be a fantasy, and the risk is increased!

Seeing the questioning gazes of the three, Professor Chang shook his head and said, "When I learned about this case, I also thought that Nighthawk's goal was the chief researcher, but Nighthawk's goal was not to hijack this researcher, but to directly Aiming at the researcher's latest research results."

He said, took a sip from the teacup before standing up, and continued: "It can be seen from this case that this Nighthawk does have rich operational experience. With extremely tight protection, he can't do it directly." He continued to talk about what happened next.

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