Huge waves, no land...

This is obviously a departure from the contemporary environment, and brings mythology into it.

'Gonggong's anger touches Buzhou Mountain'.


Has there ever been such a 'catastrophic'-like change in the world, which caused the mountain torrent to retreat, the sea to pour in, and finally pieces of land emerged?

This inference has a very high probability, but from the current situation, before the notebook has not completely processed all the information.

For now, it is more appropriate to have reservations.

As for another conclusion... What does it mean that the hearts of non-me races must be different?

Wang Hao can start by asking a simple question.

On that day, when Wang Hao met with Gonggong, did he have only one 'person'?

Others may not understand the origin of these words, but as a party, Wang Hao knows best that there are still some problems.

That is the existence of subtitle prompts and notes!

Both are attached to Wang Hao's consciousness, and other monks, even the existence of the first-level Nascent Soul, may not be able to perceive them.

A higher-level distraction monk.

Perhaps they have other means of probing the unknown?

"After my encounter with Gonggong, it was clearly stimulated by something. The message was so clear and strong that it ignored the fact that I was a human being."

"Therefore, the focus is entirely on other things."

And so on.

What kind of thing on Wang Hao's body can surprise Gonggong to such an extent?

The note is the 'life' created by Wang Hao himself, and it should be connected to him from the root.

But at the same time... this guy also seems to have some connections with the stars above, which also explains some problems in disguise.

"You kid, the way you came here is a bit unsophisticated..."

After reading Wang Hao's thoughts, the notes immediately began to jump, and then scribbled in Wang Hao's mind.

‘Fuck, brother, do you doubt me? ’

‘No, I have carried a gun with you, sold my life, and you treated me like this to my brother? Woohoo, I'm going to cry...'

After the ridicule, the notes were also trimmed in time, and then I continued to write.

'Actually... I will tell you, Wang Hao, I also feel very confused about my existence. ’

'I used to think I was affiliated with you, but you said that I should have my own ideas. ’

‘So I kept thinking, what kind of existence am I going to become? ’

'This is giving me a headache...and there is no answer yet. ’

'The living beings above the starry sky, the gods of the long past, I have no image of these. If I could...I would like to know too, so that we can live a little more clearly. ’

The font of the note became embarrassing, a hint of melancholy, even through the fine words, directly to Wang Hao's heart.

'Oh, the more I talk about it, the more I get to the top... I just hate that I don't have a mouth. ’

Watching the words of the play emerge one by one, Wang Hao's heart moved slightly, and finally he couldn't help but chuckle.

The note was one of the few things he could trust, and to be honest... even if there was something wrong with it, Wang Hao wouldn't do anything out of the ordinary.

After all, for Wang Hao, in this other world, there are not many objects that can make him develop feelings.

Families are different after all.

And thinking of this, Wang Hao's eyes paused slightly, and then he focused...

put it on top of another thing.

Subtitle hints.

This is a strange ability that resides in Wang Hao's body - it will analyze the current situation, and at the same time, it will be able to obtain some information.

Even with the gradual increase of Wang Hao's ability, the function of subtitle prompts is also strengthened.

It can get all the information of the bug and give early warning.

Since then, he can also be familiar with the content related to monks, and he is also constantly expanding the information base.

It seems that over time.

Everything in the world will be completely recorded, analyzed, and finally turned into information that can be visualized.

This ability is indeed powerful, and the accompanying 'devour' ability is also one of the reasons why Wang Hao has made rapid progress.

The effect of being able to skip the process of refining energy and instead directly devour others is also not to be underestimated.

As a 'subtitle prompt' with such a powerful function, Wang Hao couldn't help but fall into contemplation at the moment.

If it was because of the emergency before, Wang Hao didn't have the spare time to think about it... Now, according to the joint work of the water gods, Wang Hao has to think about it.

What is the origin of this ability?

"You don't have the ability to communicate, except for the expansion of the intelligence database, and the content I obtained through deliberate observation, there is no other movement..."

Of course, the role of early warning must also be included.

At this moment, Wang Hao stretched out his right hand and tapped his temple with his index finger bit by bit. His thoughts were going around in circles, and he said in a low voice at this moment.

"I got your help and kept getting stronger until I evolved to the level of Nascent Soul."

"What are your intentions for me? Do you want me to help you accomplish something, or... simply want to cultivate me into a specific existence?"

Wang Hao's whispers did not get a response, he finally had to give up, and then returned his thoughts.

After all, the existing information is still not enough to allow Wang Hao to carry out the next step of derivation.

all in all……

His current situation is still a little delicate.

When the insect people saw Wang Hao, they were naturally immortal, and some creatures left over from ancient times would probably not give Wang Hao a good look.

For details, you can refer to the performance of Gonggong's remains.

"I feel like I'm a wrathful thing..."

'Hey, don't talk about it, it smells like that! ’

The note's rant made Wang Hao smile twice, and he couldn't help but think a lot.

That's all... What if there is a problem? If these things wanted to kill Wang Hao, why didn't he do it in advance?

Until now, even if there is a clear purpose...

He, Wang Hao, is not a walking dead, he has to be able to come up with a solution.

At this point, Wang Hao couldn't help taking a long breath. Just as he was about to continue pondering something, the buzzing sound of the machine beside him brought him back to his senses.

That's the sound the printer makes when it's working.

"The result is out?"

Wang Hao didn't move his legs, he just raised one hand, and the still warm printing paper fell into Wang Hao's hands.

He concentrated, glanced at it, and his eyes were even slightly bright.

"Okay, okay! It really works, haha... I guessed right, the boundaries of talent can be opened up through foreign objects!"

According to the feedback from the blood analysis, Wang Hao accurately saw the changes in the new generation of residents.

From the past, the pass rate was one out of ten.

Up to now, there are two out of five, and the gap here... Needless to say.

'It looks like a lot of progress has been made, Wang Hao, when are you going to let this practice spread out? ’

Note also seemed to be happy for Wang Hao, but now when asked about this, Wang Hao pondered for a moment.

"Not in a hurry..."

"Now that the world is uncertain, I send these things out, and most of them are just empty shells for those insects to live in. At that time, I will become the harming party."

As Wang Hao said.

If insects want to be parasitized, they also need to be screened and screened. Not everyone is suitable for being parasitized by insects.

And if you explain the exercises that everyone can practice, and then improve the overall aptitude of the human race, it will be a cheap bug!

This kind of cultivation method is the foundation of the foundation of peace and prosperity, not the method to set the pattern of chaotic times.

"Let it be handled by Huanhuan now, she knows the severity, and there will be no mistakes..."

Thinking of this, Wang Hao raised his hand and restrained the world in the cage that had spread out.

As the scenery fell, Wang Hao turned around again and took out a collection of books placed in the cabinet.

Flattening it and opening it, Wang Hao began to think while examining the contents inside.

After encountering the remains of the Water God Gonggong, Wang Hao also took advantage of the situation and re-examined the monk's system.

Refining Qi, Building Foundation, Forming Pills, Nascent Soul, Distracting...

Each of these realms has its own characteristics, but if you really study it carefully, the biggest dividing line is the gap between Jiedan and Nascent Soul.

One of the most intuitive features is the change in its life form.

The cultivator's physique, ability, and even vitality have all made a leap at this stage.

Like Wang Hao, he has passed six years, but now his appearance has not changed at all.

Even in his self-introspection, both organs and body are slowly aging at a very slow speed.

He felt like he had become a long-lived tortoise.

Longevity is also the reason why Yuan Ying cultivator is looked at by people.

No one faction would reject a super-strong individual with a long life and even power comparable to a strategic weapon.

So generally speaking... the number of Nascent Souls is enough to represent the entire background of this party's forces.

And in order to be able to crack this 'mystery of longevity'.

Wang Hao even took some of his own blood and checked it in the "disposable laboratory" constructed by the true method.

The result was also straightforward—a Nascent Soul-level cultivator like him had cells in his body that were no different from ordinary people.

'The proportion and content in the blood are obviously the same as those of normal people, but from the analysis of the results, your body is indeed slowing down the aging process. ’

If the problem is not with you, there must be only one possibility left.

'This should be the energy at work, right? ’

Wang Hao nodded noncommittally.

As the foundation of a monk, and also a key point of driving The existence of strength is an indispensable part of any monk.

In other words, if it is only divided by the improvement of realm, whether a monk is advanced or not...

From beginning to end, only the energy is changing.

As the train of thought was blocked again at this moment, Wang Hao thought about it, and finally put down the pen and paper on hand.

"Forget it, these things can be put away for a while."

"When the sun is about to set, the mermaid..."

"It should be here too."


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