Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 135: find a way to do it

not difficult to see.

It must have been a long time since Prigil had been so close to anyone.

But even so, she still let go of her hands at this moment, and then took a half step back.

"Wang Hao, don't worry about my sister's affairs. You'd better leave quickly... It's very unsafe here, it's too close to the palace."

"Although I'm the sixth wife of the Lord, I can't be ranked first, but maybe he's interested today... When he sees it, he won't be able to run in time."

"Go to the Tang Dynasty, only there is a place that the Lord can't reach."

"Although it is said to be chaotic over there, as long as you keep a low profile, you will definitely not cause trouble."

"That's right... You are the descendant of our Jin He family. No matter where you are, you will definitely be able to become a master."

"My sister is convinced of that."

There were hot tears in her eyes, as if she was looking at her relatives who were about to leave, showing reluctance and humility.

'Oh, I can't take it anymore... what is this true method, it's too tiring. Wang Hao, hurry up and ask the business. ’

The reminder of the note was exactly what Wang Hao thought.

He first raised his hand and slapped the incense that was burning constantly on the side into slag. Then he sat on the ground and opened his mouth to Prigil.

"I have a purpose in coming back this time, sister, can you tell me a story about gold?"

Prigil, who was on the side, glanced at the small stove that had turned into **** in confusion, then recovered slightly, and couldn't help muttering.

"The story of gold?"

"Yes, it's the story of gold."

In the East Country, there was a story about 'gold' - Wang Hao heard this statement in many people, he carefully studied the content, and finally came to a conclusion.

This is a completely different branch from the pre-Tang Dynasty system, and even the content is quite different.

Legend has it that in the Eastern Kingdom, in the early years, there were flying yellow sand and blazing sun.

The inhabitants here grow crops that do not live, and for a long time, they have been able to live without a meal.

until a certain day.

A **** named 'gold' descended here, bringing life and rain and dew, and tanned a land called 'oasis' with his own hands.

After that, the gods used their own flesh and blood as the base to pour out the base of the palace and pieced together a tower that reached the sky.

The people also benefited from this, and then found a place of refuge in the wind and sand.

Relying on water sources, the inhabitants of the Eastern Kingdom finally began to settle down and developed a civilization...

The story is simple and straightforward. The information revealed in it is not complicated, and ordinary people can fully understand it.

It's just that this thing doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

If, like Wang Hao, he tried to think deeply, the information contained in it would seem a little thin.

"I want to know all about the gold shards, which are of great use to me."

Others, Wang Hao, may not know the details.

But Prigil is different.

As early as six years ago, Wang Hao saw her using the relic with his own eyes - and from the analysis of the original situation, she seemed to be very familiar with this relic.

There are definitely not many people who can master the golden fragments, and among them, Prigil must know more information.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao's eyes also flickered slightly, staring straight at Prigil at this moment.

The fact is just as Wang Hao expected.

After a brief hesitation, Prigil nodded slightly, and then spoke.

"Tell you, it's okay. After all, I'm not qualified to touch those things anymore..."

This tone is really interesting.

Because here, Wang Hao heard a bit of emotion, even unwillingness.

"Wang Hao, have you heard the story of gold?"

"The true **** created the oasis, and then the flesh and blood made the palace and the sanctuary..."

Wang Hao nodded slightly. He had already learned about the content up to this point through other channels.

"But you shouldn't have heard of it, there are other things to follow here."

"The true **** did not leave after pouring his flesh and blood into a palace and a shelter. It became a conscious life form and slept under the land of the Eastern Kingdom."

'Fuck! It's impossible, right? ! ’

'A serious god, not only did not die, but just fell into a deep sleep? ’

'Isn't this a hundred times more powerful than the Gong Gong with only bones left? ! Wang Hao, this business is probably not that simple...'

The note couldn't help but shouted and made a sound, Wang Hao's expression was also slightly solemn.

How could he not know these things? It's just that the information is not enough now, and Wang Hao feels that there is still room for consideration.

What's more... This is just one side of Prigil's words, and it's just a reference.

In short, calm down, don't make a fuss, and listen to what others have said.

One person and one book were pulled in his mind, and Prigil naturally didn't know this. She looked at Wang Hao and didn't react, just sighed and said.

"I know it may be hard to believe, but it is what it is."

"Remember when my sister was fifteen years old when I had a bar mitzvah? I disappeared for a while that night, and later said I was going to the street with my friends, but in fact... I went out by myself."

"On that day, I heard the voice of the Golden God. It guided me and found a hidden corner. I pushed the door and entered, and then I saw many unfamiliar faces."

"Those people are shamans, but it's very strange, they are all faces I have never seen before. And these people seem to know something. After seeing me, they took me straight into the palace."

"There, I saw an altar. It was enshrined with a golden flame that kept burning. I fell to my knees, followed the shaman's guidance, and prayed devoutly..."

Prigil's eyes became a little erratic, and she seemed to immerse herself in past experiences by telling her.

"Probably after the time of a nursery rhyme? I was called up by the shaman, and then..."

"I saw a piece of debris that emerged from the fire and finally fell in front of me."

"The shaman said that this thing is my destiny, the test given to me by the Golden God."

...Although these words are indeed straightforward, there is not the slightest comprehension obstacle.

But now that I really heard it, Wang Hao's head was still unavoidable.

What did he hear?

'A true **** who can communicate with people, actively differentiate, and even mass-produce relics...'

The information written in the note is a little skewed at this moment, which is enough to show the exaggeration of the exaggeration in this guy's heart.

And the information doesn't stop there.

Because in Prigil's self-report, the golden shard was not a 'give', or a 'gift'.

but a 'test'...

A simple question, what is the situation in this world that needs to be described by these two tests?

'Only need to select, or filter out a certain qualification, or the object of special circumstances. This method is needed...'

Arrange along this line.

Wang Hao quickly realized the problem.

This true **** named 'Gold' seems to still maintain some degree of activity.

And also has the ability to think, while maintaining contact with the outside world, and then carrying out some unknown...

Screening process.

Such a coherent content was clarified, and the expression on Wang Hao's face became a little more playful.

He realized that it might not be that simple...

At this moment, Wang Hao seemed to remember a question——

Since it is a test, what is the follow-up process? Prigil didn't explicitly say this, but from the results, and the tone of her description at the beginning...

It seems that she has been 'lost'.

After thinking for a while, Wang Hao pondered, then opened his mouth and continued to ask.

"By the way, since it is said to be a test, how far must it be done to be considered qualified?"

"How should I go to the place that can communicate with the Golden God?"

When Prigil heard the words, he was stunned for a moment. She didn't seem to have thought about this question, so she reacted for a while before replying slowly.

"I-I don't know..."

"After being taken away by the Tang Dynasty, I was briefly separated from the golden shards for a period of time."

"When Dad redeemed me and took the shard, I couldn't feel the spirit at all. It was like..."

"The things in the fragments have already left me."

There was a hint of confusion in Prigil's eyes, and she began to speak intermittently.

"Later, later I met those shamans... they said I had been disqualified."

"To take away my destiny, I am no longer qualified to serve the true God..."

"I resisted, but no one was a match for those shamans. Yes, that's right, he, they're... strong."

"And... eh?"

"What are they called? I seem to be a little bit, I can't remember exactly..."

"Why am I here? How did I get there? It's strange, I can't remember at all..."

Prigil's expression became more and more strange, she seemed to be drunk, and her steps became vain for a while.

And Wang Hao was keenly aware of such a change, he pointed a finger in the air, and let the woman who seemed to be in a drowsy fall to the ground smoothly.

'There is an aura similar to prohibition. ’

What Wang Hao can perceive in the notes can also be perceived.

" There were still some problems, but now it seems...all have been sorted out."

There is a true **** who can think for himself under the palace of Dongguo.

However, its specific location is unknown, the means of entry is unknown, and it is suspected that a group of followers with extraordinary skills are surrounded...

If that's the case, Wang Hao might still be able to find a way to dig three feet into the ground and find this thing to take a look.

But the status quo does not allow Wang Hao to act like this, because...

"With three Nascent Souls, it's hard to make a noise without provoking them."

Wang Hao frowned slightly, he seemed to think for a moment, then opened his mouth slightly, as if talking to himself.


"How many do you want to get rid of?"


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