Path of light

Chapter 108 109 Danger

Chapter 108 109.Danger

The basilisk lying in the grass has a round body. Its fat body makes it have almost no neck. Its half-meter-long mouth reveals a row of sharp teeth. Its eyes are closed, and its eyelids look like fists. big.

The whole body is covered with spots of withered yellow and grass green, and the limbs are pressed down by the bulky body. Only two thick forelimbs can be seen, and the sharp nails are like hook-shaped daggers.

Roy found that the most fatal wound on his abdomen was probably under the abdomen, and there were almost no scars on other parts of his body.

Even the three arrows Claire shot at its head were only inserted into its skin and flesh.

There was a large pool of blood seeping into the grass. When Roy got closer, he couldn't help but touch the lizard skin on his body. It was almost the same as touching a stone.

Even if they wanted to turn it over and let it lie on its belly, neither Roy nor Claire could do it...

"What should we do?" Claire was dumbfounded. The basilisk in front of her had no breath and should have died here.

Roy tugged on the rope, but couldn't move the basilisk at all. He could only give up the rope in his hand, and then took out his dagger, trying to cut along the basilisk's neck and fight for it. Cut off its head, because the leather on the head is the hardest to peel off, so just give up and just use the leather on the body and tail.

In addition, this guy has a magic core in his head.

Neither Roy nor Claire learned the Skinning Technique. Although the Elf Academy has this course, few freshmen will sign up to learn it.

Those who are willing to learn the Skinning Technique are some veterans from the Elf Academy. They may have gone through several wild experiences and had hunting experience, and then suddenly found that when hunting in the wild, they cannot do many things without the Skinning Technique. You will only learn this course when you go to college.

Roy was carrying an ordinary fish-killing dagger, which was very useful for killing fish and scraping fish scales, but such a dagger forged from ordinary steel could not cut through the hard skin of a petrified lizard.

He poked the basilisk's skin with his dagger, but found that the dagger could only make shallow marks.

In such hot weather, once an animal dies, its body will gradually become smelly, and the hotter the weather, the shorter this process will be...

Once the internal organs smell in the body, that is the biggest trouble.

Roy tugged on the rope again. He wanted to drag the basilisk to the shade of the tree. With the help of the tree's horizontal branches and ropes, he might have a chance to turn the basilisk over.

Too bad it's too heavy.

Roy thought of the ropes that pulled the sails on the Black Pearl. The huge sails on the mainmasts weighed almost hundreds of pounds. The ropes that pulled the sails on the ship all had pulleys. Unfortunately, he did not have any during this trip to the Malaga jungle. Bring those bulky pulleys.

"There's no way we can pull this big guy." Claire said standing aside.

Roy glanced at the long dagger worn on Claire's waist and said to Claire:

"Then just peel off the skin. Before it rots, peel off the most precious lizard skin. There is still a magic core in its skull. My dagger cannot cut its hard skin. Use your long dagger. How about giving it a try?”

Claire pulled out the long dagger from her waist and handed it to Roy.

The long dagger he carried with him was not the same one he had used during the duel in the arena, but a gift specially given to him by his father when he learned that he was going to take an outdoor practical class.

Apparently the dagger was sharp enough, and the scabbard was inlaid with a small flake of whetstone.

Roy held the dagger and cut through the hard armor of the basilisk. The dagger's edge was not damaged at all, and both of them exhaled softly.

Inside the hard armor is a layer of tender white meat. After being cut open by a dagger, oil even leaks out.

"This dagger is really sharp..."

Roy cut off the head of the basilisk along its neck, then made a slit on the side of its abdomen and began to peel off the hard skin of the basilisk.

Since the two of them had never learned the art of skinning, the whole piece of petrified lizard leather was cut into four pieces, and the leather on the four thick lizard legs could not be peeled off in the end.

When they peeled off the basilisk's belly, Roy and Claire finally figured out the cause of the basilisk's death.

There was a wound nearly half a meter long on its abdomen.

When peeling the skin, Roy found that there was almost no blood in its body, and it obviously died after all the blood was drained.

Finally, the basilisk was completely dismantled before dark.

There is no way to proceed further in the jungle.

Roy tied all the lizard skins together, wrapped the basilisk heads in banana leaves, tied them with rope, and put them in Claire's magic waist bag.

Roy originally planned to leave a piece of the lizard's tail and bake it tomorrow.

However, Claire met with firm opposition.

The two of them had no choice but to follow the elves' way, dig a big pit on the spot, and bury the remaining basilisk bones in the grass.

After harvesting the petrified lizard leather, the two of them were already exhausted.

I originally planned to camp under this big tree and rest for the night.

But when setting up the tent, Roy looked at the grass where the basilisk was buried, and said to Claire: "Claire, I think we should leave here first. If there are other basilisks around here, once we follow the traces, Come up, I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave even if you want to.”

Claire also knew that what Roy said made sense, so she decided to rush to check-in point No. 2 overnight.

In fact, the Margalla jungle is more difficult to walk at night, and it is still impossible to detect the dangers hidden in the darkness...

Roy and Claire relied on a ball of sacred light to crawl in the jungle for most of the night, and finally climbed over a mountain ridge and arrived near the second check-in point.

It's so late, the teacher responsible for signing in may have already taken a break.

This mountain col is very big, and there is no way to accurately find the location of the sign-in point at night. Roy and Claire discussed it and decided to find a place to camp, wait until daybreak, sign in, and pass on the news about the discovery of basilisks in the jungle. Tell the instructor responsible for signing in.

The sky had just dawned, and there was still a light layer of mist floating in the jungle. Roy crawled out of the tent and felt that the entire tent was wet with mist.

Not only was the grass and leaves covered with dew, but even the stones underfoot were wet.

Roy lay in a simple tent and slept for only two hours before he could no longer sleep.

He chose a high ground with a wider view, compared the parchment map, and estimated the general direction of check-in point No. 2.

Sure enough, I saw a rock cliff in the mountain col. It is difficult to find in the jungle, but as long as you stand on a high place and look at the entire mountain range, this check-in point is still easy to find.

Seeing that Claire was still sleeping soundly in the tent, Roy planned to go to the check-in point by himself, stamp the parchment map, and then the two of them left.

Stops and starts along the way, today is the ninth day into the jungle of Malaga.

Of the eight check-in points, Roy has only found two so far.

Thinking that he might not be able to find all the check-in points, Roy felt that the geography class task assigned by Teacher Harper was really difficult...

"Roy, where are you going?"

Roy tied his trouser legs tightly with a rope and was about to sign in. Unexpectedly, Claire also woke up and stuck her head out of the tent, squinting her eyes and asking him.

Roy stood up, pointed in the direction of check-in point 2, and said to Claire:

"I found the location of check-in point No. 2, and I was about to go there to get a stamp. You can sleep a little longer. I will rush back after I sign in, and then we will set off for sign-in point No. 3..."

"Wait for me, let's go together!"

Claire poured the water in the water bag over her head and wiped her face. Then she quickly put on the leather armor and got out of the tent...

Neither of them packed the tent. Anyway, apart from the tent itself, there was nothing else of value inside.

In the jungle here, a path has been carved out by the elf students who arrived first. There are no thorns or vines, but the path is bad and some footprints are filled with mud.

A burst of mist rushed towards him, and Roy didn't know if it was his imagination. He smelled a faint smell of blood in the air.

We soon arrived at the check-in point, which was an open area near the foot of the cliff. Several tents were set up close to the cliff.

Because it is next to the rock wall and the terrain is relatively open, the fog there is thinner.

Roy saw several elf students sitting opposite an instructor from a distance. These elves didn't look like they were talking, and they didn't know what they were doing sitting there...

Claire also discovered something strange at this time. Waiting at the second check-in point was actually a human instructor.

He was about to whisper something to Roy when he saw Roy's eyes suddenly shrink, and there was even a hint of panic in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand to hold Claire and said in a very low voice: "Don't go there..."

His voice even sounded breathy.

Claire felt Roy tugging on her arm, so she cautiously stepped back with him.

It wasn't until the morning fog completely obscured the check-in point that Claire asked, "Roy, what's wrong?"

Roy leaned against a big tree, looked around cautiously, and whispered:

"He is not an instructor in the academy. I have seen him. He is a sailor. I saw him kill a Dark Moon Elf in Castletown City with my own eyes."

Claire's eyes widened and she exclaimed in disbelief:

"Then why is he at the check-in point?"

The answers flashed in their eyes at the same time, but Claire's translucent pointed ears twitched slightly, and she said quickly in a very low voice:

"Someone is coming, hide quickly..."

Roy squatted down, lifted Claire's feet with his shoulders, and asked him to climb up the tree quickly. Then Claire hooked his feet on the branches of the big tree, leaned down and stretched out his arms, pulling one of Roy's arms...

When Roy stepped on the tree trunk and rushed up, Claire pulled hard and dragged Roy to the tree...

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