Path of light

Chapter 169 170 Invitation

Chapter 169 170. Invitation

The seventh group, who was responsible for telling this period of history, completed the first half of the course and returned to their seats amidst a burst of warm applause.

Obviously the seventh team has spent a lot of time studying this period of history. They did not make a fuss about the Battle of Castletown Port. Instead, they carefully studied Bernice's glorious life and told a story about a period during the war. A touching love story.

For elves who like romantic love, this is simply a cup of poison.

When the members of Group 7 walked back to their seats, the students sitting on the edge of the aisle stood up to pay tribute to the ten members.

Princess Ophelia also applauded as she walked onto the podium.

The scene seemed very lively...

Edith took the opportunity to change seats with her best friend, and suddenly sat next to Roy. Although she looked directly at the podium, she quietly asked Roy in a low voice:

"Roy, do you know Denzel Simpson?"

"Captain Simpson? He helped me twice."

Roy lowered his head and answered quietly.

"Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

Edith rolled her eyes and said to Roy:

"He is my swordsmanship teacher. I didn't know until yesterday that you actually knew each other."

After the two chatted casually, Roy thought of Count Amelia's unusual reaction after hearing him mention the name Eudula at Castle Ellington, and asked Edith:

"Edith, do you know Mrs. Udra?"

Edith frowned, and a best friend beside her whispered something in Edith's ear.

Edith asked doubtfully:

"You mean... the female blood elf pirate who was sent to the trial two weeks ago?"

Roy nodded and asked again: "Well, have you heard her name before?"


Edith answered firmly.


Then, Edith whispered:

"Roy, this period of time happens to be the best season for going out to sea. We plan to take a boat out to sea this weekend. Can you come?"

Roy hesitated.

Edith's circle of friends are almost all elven nobles in the upper city. She is willing to make a half-elf as a friend, but this does not mean that the Silver Moon elves around her will accept it.

Roy asked softly:

"Um, will it be inconvenient if I go?"

Edith blinked, she didn't expect Roy to ask this.

"All the Elf Academy students are invited to this party. You and Claire can come together then." Edith said to Roy.

She first noticed Roy because he knew Princess Ophelia...

In fact, a large part of the reason why she is willing to contact Roy now is still Princess Ophelia's continued attention to Roy.

Now she discovered that Teacher Simpson actually knew Roy...

That's why Roy was invited to the party.

For Roy, this was the first time he had been invited to a party. Since Edith didn't mind it, Roy still wanted to see this kind of small gathering.


Roy readily agreed.

On Wednesday morning, Roy waited for Claire at the gate of the college.

Talked to him about Edith's invitation to go sailing on the weekend.

Claire readily agreed...

In recent times, Claire has become a somewhat famous figure in the Elf Academy.

Every day he would meet a Silver Moon Elf who wanted to get to know him, and he would even receive a letter sprinkled with perfume every day.

Roy often sees Silver Moon Elf girls with different appearances appearing around Claire.

Claire heard that Roy was going to attend a gathering of young elves, and of course she was very supportive.

He put his arm around Roy's shoulders and said to Roy:

"Let me tell you... you should have attended more of these gatherings a long time ago. As long as you live in Castletown, you can't live without this circle."

The two walked towards the training ground, and there were always some elves greeting Claire warmly along the way.

Claire raised her hand and almost never put it down along the way.

"You don't need to be friends with every elf, but everyone must know you!" Claire said to Roy.

This is Claire's point of view. Many of his views and habits on life were instilled in his mind by his sister Beryl.

Then Claire lowered her voice very low, almost put her mouth on Roy's ear, and whispered to him:

"Roy, have you heard the sounds of nature lately?"

Roy pushed Claire hard to get away from him.

Elves admire art and like music.

It was during the music appreciation class that Claire played the song "Blue Danne", which almost caused a sensation in the entire Elf Academy.

Recently, he also followed what Roy said and tried to listen to the sounds of nature every day. After trying for more than a month, he finally made Claire realize one thing, that is, there is a difference between every elf. The talent is surprising.

Claire thinks that although her pointed ears are beautiful, they are obviously not as practical as Roy's ears.

For such a long time, he had not seen the music of nature from Roy's mouth.

Roy glanced at Claire and saw that the circles under his eyes were dark, obviously he hadn't slept well recently.

When Claire asked this, I knew that he might also be trying to create recently. It might be his own wrong guidance that made his friend a little self-doubt...

Roy thought for a moment and whispered:

"Don't tell me... yesterday when I was studying modern history, I listened to my classmates tell the story of Lady Bernice's glorious life, and last night I actually heard a piece of somewhat sad music."

"You actually heard it again?" Claire's eyes widened, she hugged Roy's shoulders with both hands, and said excitedly.

"How about we go listen together again tonight, on the beach below the Seaside Castle in Castletown Port, and then let you try the grilled fish I made."

Roy said to Claire.

Claire seemed particularly excited and agreed immediately...


After the rally at the Lady Liberty Temple, Abbot couldn't wait to sneak out of the temple gate.

Roy and Jasper were left to clean the main hall.

Jasper moved the bench and complained to Roy:

"Abut has gone completely crazy. When he goes to bed at night, he recites the names of the islands in the Endless Sea in his sleep. Sometimes he will suddenly sit up from the bed and let out a series of silly laughs."

"I'm going to have a nervous breakdown from him..."

Roy said speechlessly: "If you ask me, just give him half of the treasure map!"

Jasper said somewhat angrily:

"How is that possible? I guess he wants to put some mental pressure on me. I want to see what he wants to do!"

Roy lowered his head and cleaned the garbage on the floor...

The two finished all the work at the Temple of Liberty and filled the holy pool with well water. Then they left the Temple of Liberty and came to the port dock.

Roy bought some fresh fish at the fish market, and Jasper bought some freshly squeezed juice and fruit wine.

When they arrived at the seaside on the west side of the port, they saw Claire already waiting in the small square. He was standing next to a carriage, looking at the Black Pearl from a distance.

Holding a bucket in his hand, Roy stood on the dock and waved vigorously to Claire.

The three of them got together and came directly to the Black Pearl.

Claire stood on the deck and asked Roy enviously:

"So, such a big sea ship now belongs to the three of you?"

Jasper stood under the main mast and introduced Claire:

"Well, after it was first salvaged from the deep water area of ​​the port terminal, it was already considered an abandoned sunken ship. At that time, the entire ship was filled with mud, all the windows and doors were broken, and there was a big hole in the bottom of the ship. The cabin is also full of smelly mud.”

"The most important thing is that the entire ship is almost filled with ghosts and dead souls. If we hadn't cleared them up in time, these dead souls and ghosts might have come out and disturbed the people."

"The ship had turned into a ghost ship at that time..."

"We spent some of our savings, cleaned up the ship bit by bit, and renovated it, so it became what it is now."

If you stand on the deck and look at the ship, you will find that the ship is really big.

Roy set up a barbecue grill on the bow of the boat. In addition to grilled fish, there were also grilled pineapples.

This obsession with cooking food with fire is almost engraved in Roy's bones.

After a simple dinner, Roy and Claire climbed to the roof of the ship building. They sat on the bench on the roof and blew in the sea breeze.

Jasper climbed along the main mast to the observation deck and looked at the sea in the distance alone.

After not receiving any news from Miss Tiffany for more than two months, Jasper first stood at the bow of the ship waiting, then stood on the roof of the ship, and now he is standing on the observation deck...

Behind him is the seaside castle. As the sun sets over the sea, the castle behind him slowly disappears into the shadows.

The sound of waves crashing on the rocks on the beach.

The tide is rising, and occasionally the clanking of ships entering the harbor can be heard...

Claire didn't hear Lady Bernice's voice...

If you could hear it, it would be scary enough.

Roy, however, was holding on to the railings with both hands, facing the dark seaside castle, and closed his eyes to face the sea breeze blowing from the side.

He raised his hands and pushed two faint sacred lights into the air above his head. Following the sea breeze, the two lights floated away from the Black Pearl and flew towards the seaside castle behind.

Claire was confused, but then she heard a beautiful melody humming from Roy's mouth.

‘Butterfly Lovers’…

Claire's eyes chased the two glimmers of light, and in her mind it seemed as if two elves were flying around the seaside castle, flying all the way to the fountain of life.

He even forgot to take out his notebook to record this beautiful melody.

It wasn't until Roy finished humming this beautiful melody that Claire leaned on the bench with a decadent look on her face and said in an extremely depressed mood:

"Roy, why can't you hear me..."

Roy turned his head, opened his eyes and asked Claire:

"So... have you written it down?"

"Uh, not yet!" Claire quickly took out the music score from the magic pocket and said to Roy:

"Roy, can you hum again?"

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