Path of light

Chapter 318 319 Business

Chapter 318 319.Business

Roy and Woods came to the port terminal together.

There are a lot of goods on the dock next to the big ship, and there are even samples on some wooden boxes.

Many mixed-blood elves were crowded at the stalls, selecting some handicrafts. The elves seemed to be very interested in these handicrafts that were only available in the human kingdom. Of course, there were other products, but they were not as popular as the handicrafts.

For example, candlesticks made of maid statues, tabletop ornaments carved into royal griffins, complete sets of constructed knight war chess, etc.

Roy doesn't have any artistic cells in his body, and he has no interest in these.

I think the kitchen utensils on the stall are very good, such as pans for pancakes, hanging pots for cooking broth, and bottles and jars of seasonings.

He almost forgot the taste of steak...

On a wooden box, he actually saw a milky white round flatbread, which exuded a faint milky smell and turned out to be a large piece of cheese.

When the human crew members in front of the stall saw Roy, they greeted him cordially, but they spoke Imperial dialect, which Roy couldn't understand at all, so he could only respond with a polite smile.

Another troublesome thing is that the elves only have Kohler, but not everyone can get the magic crystal.

But the human crew members didn’t seem to want to trade these goods with Kohler.

Probably for this reason, there are many elves watching, but there are very few deals that can actually be concluded...

Roy was also standing in the crowd, and the elves were all talking about the merchant ship.

I heard that these people came here just to buy magic herbs.

The merchants on the ship have had many discussions with the business group in Castletown City. Almost all the magic potion shops in the city have sold their stocks of magic herbs to them. A large number of goods are sent to the ship every day, and all transactions are carried out. It is settled with magic crystals.

After hearing the news, Roy's eyes lit up little by little.

Andre, the merchant ship steward, is not the captain, but he is fully responsible for all commercial matters on the ship.

In the past week, Andre has cleared out all the magic potion shops in Castletown.

He asked the crew to carry the goods on the ship to the dock, because he found that even the ordinary elves in Castletown City lived a very comfortable life.

He sold all the goods he wanted to bring over, including magic weapons and armor.

It's just that the elves are a little disdainful. The elves think that these magic weapons and armors are not exquisite enough, without fine carvings and hollow patterns. Those handicrafts are okay. Although they lack artistry and beauty, some interesting ideas are still very popular among the elves.

In fact, Andre was also reviewing this trip to the Elf Continent. He actually wanted to sell these weapons, shields and armor to the elves.

In fact, in his opinion, the armors worn by the elf guards on the port docks were works of art. Andre even thought that if he purchased a batch of magic weapons and magic pattern structures in the elf country, he would return to the Green Empire. It will definitely be very popular...

It's just that the magic crystals brought here need to be used for the purchase of magic herbs. There is no way to discount this matter at all.

In fact, in the two days after arriving in Castletown, large-scale ships were restricted to the port dock. The elves not only refused to trade with human caravans, but even refused to allow the crew to disembark.

Fortunately, Andre brought a lot of magic pattern cloth this time. He relied on this to knock on the doors of several upper elf nobles and was allowed to trade in Castletown.

The elves here have a bad impression of humans.

Although humans and elves have always been allies, the elves here reject humans.

Andre actually knew in his heart that one of the biggest reasons was: the maritime slave trade.

The nobles of the empire always like to keep a few elf slaves in their manors. This kind of thing has become a new trend in the Green Empire, just like whoever does not have an elf slave in his family cannot be regarded as a noble family.

It was this trend that allowed the maritime slave trade to develop rapidly. Many adventure groups and business groups formed fleets and went to the elven kingdom to buy and sell slaves. Not only the elves, but also the Naga Sea Tribe, dwarves, lizards, etc., some Nobles with more serious tastes will even buy demi-humans, such as Werewolves, Kobolds, Murlocs, etc.

Fortunately, they were very well prepared this time and brought a variety of goods. Finally, there was something that could please the upper elf nobles.

Most of the products currently displayed on the dock are things that some elven nobles disdain, but it seems that ordinary elves like them very much...

Andre began to think about...

How can we successfully trade with these elves?

Roy had long noticed a human businessman wearing a silk robe. He looked fat and white, with his hair and beard carefully trimmed. He looked like a person who could make decisions.

He squeezed out of the crowd and tried to get close to the human businessman, but no one stopped him on the way.

Woods followed Roy, staring around with a wary expression.

He heard some things about human slave ships from Miss Tiffany, Sabrina and Moira, so he also rejected human merchant ships from the bottom of his heart...

Roy came to Andre and tentatively asked in Elvish:

"Do you want to buy magic herbs?"

Andre could only understand a few Elvish words, including the word 'magic herb'.

He turned around and waved behind him, and a crew member who understood Elvish language walked over quickly and signaled Roy that he could tell him something.

Roy asked again, and the crewman translated Roy's words to Andre.

Andre nodded quickly and said a series of words:

"Of course, you need as much as you want, preferably silver leaf grass, kudzu root, royal blood grass and golden thorn grass."

Although communication is a bit inconvenient, with a crew member translator, you can at least understand what the other person is saying.

Woods whispered behind Roy: "They want to buy magic herbs that can refine life potions..."

Roy didn't care at all.

It was none of his business what kind of potion the human merchant would use these magical herbs to refine.

"Would you like to see the goods first?" Roy felt it was necessary to show them the magic herbs.

Andre's eyes lit up when he heard the crew member's translation, because he had at least seen Roy's full sincerity, so he quickly made an invitation:

"Of course, you two, please come sit on the boat and try our Roland Continent's specialty black tea. I can take out the purchase price list and we can sit down and talk slowly."

Roy was still very resistant to the invitation to board the ship.

"Just talk here."

Roy pointed to the dock.

Andre didn't care about this. He turned to a crew member on the ship and shouted: "Who is that? Go and take down the price list I left in the captain's cabin."

"Okay, Chief Steward."

The crew members who were leaning on the side of the ship to watch the excitement shouted in response.

Not long after, the crew member handed Andre a book full of elven writing.

Andre opened the price list, which clearly marked the prices of magic herbs such as Silver Leaf Grass, Ningshen Flower, Demon Emperor Grass, etc., which were two levels higher than the purchase price paid to Roy by those magic apothecary stores.

Sure enough, the purchase price here is relatively high.

Roy looked through it twice and felt that the price was quite satisfactory, so he said to Andre:

"Come with me, I'll take you to see my magic herb, which is on the ship on the west side of the pier."

"My name is Andre, not your name yet."

Andre introduced himself in a very poor Elvish language.

Roy simply responded: "Roy."

Andre stared at this 'human' who couldn't understand the slightest bit of Imperial language, and asked the crew around him to translate: "I would like to ask, are you a human?"

"Half-elf, my mother is an elf, and I have lived in Castleton City since I was a child." Roy said.

Andre immediately dropped the subject.

Then he and the crew member who could speak Elvish followed Roy out of the port pier and stood on the west beach. Andre saw the large ship covered with vines and was shocked by the large ship.

Originally, he thought that what was placed here was a giant ship-shaped stone sculpture, but it was covered with vines. Now it looked like a real five-masted sailing ship.

Moreover, this half-elf boy ingeniously opened a door at the bottom of the ship. Everyone followed this door directly into the bottom cabin, and climbed three more flights of stairs before arriving on the deck of the big ship.

There were more than a dozen wooden boxes piled on the deck near the ship building. There were a lot of magic herbs piled on the deck. Three elf girls were talking and laughing while loading the magic herbs into the wooden boxes. From time to time, there were some dry leaves. broke and fell at their feet.

Andre walked to these wooden boxes and grabbed a handful of silver-leaf grass from one wooden box. He also found a lot of royal blood grass from the wooden box on the side.

"There is no problem with the quality of these goods. Are these the only goods?" Andre asked.

"Well, there are still some, but they haven't been screened out yet..." Roy pointed to the cabin under the nail plate, and then led them down the stairs to the bottom cabin filled with magic herbs.

Roy opened the cabin door, and Andre saw bundles of magic herbs stacked in the bottom cabin, filling the entire cabin.

These magic herbs were actually mixed together and tied together. No wonder they had to pick them on the deck. Seeing so many magic herbs, and thinking of the three elf girls on the deck, Andre was thinking about how long it would take them to put these magic herbs together. Pick them all out.

Thinking about it, it seemed that the day of trading was far away, so Andre said to Roy:

"If you don't have enough manpower, the sorting of magic herbs can be left to us."

"That would be perfect..."

If the other party is willing to help with this matter, Roy can still accept it.

In fact, Andre was also very happy. If he sent people to sort, at least he wouldn't have to worry about being sandwiched in this batch of goods...

Andre suddenly discovered that this should be the largest magic herbal transaction since he arrived in the Elf Continent, and he quickly asked seriously:

"These are some elementary magic herbs. I wonder how you want to sell them?"

Seeing that Roy didn't speak, Andre continued to explain:

"We can use magic crystals to trade, or we can barter. We bring a lot of goods. As long as you like them and agree with the price we quoted, we can exchange them!"

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