Path of light

Chapter 339 340 Bribery Incident

Chapter 339 340. Bribery Incident

The Grantham mine owner and Captain Hercules chatted for a long time. The two talked about some topics about how to manage the mine. Captain Hercules frowned a little when he heard the complicated things.

As the leader of the Knights of the Silver Pegasus Legion, he can lead a cavalry regiment to charge into battle, but it is still a bit difficult for him to manage a gem mine.

After a brief chat, the owner of Grantham Mine discovered that Captain Hercules seemed to dislike managing the mine, so he described the daily work of the gem mine in more detail. The leader frowned frequently, and the little patience he had at the beginning was quickly worn away.

He waved his hand a little irritably, and the adjutant immediately sent the Grantham mine owner away.

Captain Hercules inserted the quill in his hand into the ink bottle, looked at the messy notes on the desk, and said to the adjutant:

"Go and invite all the captains."

"Yes, Master."

It didn't take long for the captains of each brigade to enter Captain Hercules' room one after another. These captains knew that the captain was in a bad mood recently, so no one spoke first to avoid getting into trouble.

The room seemed a little dull.

The Cavalry Pioneer Regiment has nine captains, eight cavalry brigades and an independent reconnaissance brigade.

The reconnaissance brigade is independent of the eight cavalry brigade and does not need to perform combat missions in normal times. Their only task is to conduct reconnaissance missions. It is considered one of the most elite units in the cavalry vanguard regiment.

However, recently, almost all the work of the Investigation Brigade has been taken over by the Silver Pegasus Regiment, so the Investigation Brigade is only responsible for security and patrol tasks around the mine these days.

Captain Hercules is looking at the map of Pagisto Plateau on the wall. Captain Hercules of the Silver Pegasus Marxist Regiment has filled in many patterns in the blank areas of the map. Except for a few crisscrossing mountains, One hundred and fifty kilometers away from here, another mine was discovered.

Now the Silver Pegasus Horse Regiment has rushed to the mine over there, but Captain Hercules and the Cavalry Pioneer Regiment are tied here.

This made Captain Hercules feel very depressed, because the team he led was obviously the vanguard group.

"Master, the captains are all here." The adjutant said standing at the door.

Captain Hercules then turned around and nodded to everyone.

"Earl Swinburne ordered our vanguard group to quickly occupy the Pagisto Plateau. Our next target is here."

Captain Hercules pointed to the newly drawn red circle on the map and continued:

"Silver Pegasus warriors have discovered a second mine in this area, and Captain Herlehus has led the Silver Pegasus regiment to rush there."

"But we can only stay in the fortress of this mine, so I want to hear your thoughts."

The captains suddenly raised their chests and expressed their opinions to Captain Hercules:

"Master, please let our team go to the second mine..."

"Captain, since this mine is under our control, I don't think it is necessary for all our cavalry brigades to be stationed here. As long as one or two brigades stay, the other brigades can rush to the battlefield ahead."

"Master, can the logistics team take over this mine first?"

Captain Hercules frowned and said: "I have communicated with the logistics team. The manpower of the logistics team is currently almost distributed along the road from Padstow City to the Plateau. They are temporarily unable to take over this mine. .Which of you wants to stay and station here?”

The fortress here is built like a large prison, and the atmosphere is somewhat depressing. Not only do they have to look after the people in the mine, but they also have to find ways for the gray dwarves and prisoners in the mine to continue mining.

The captains all saw how irritable Captain Hercules had been in the past few days, so no one was willing to take on this hard job.

None of the captains spoke, and some elves even looked away, looking down at their toes.

The room fell silent again.

Captain Hercules's face was frighteningly gloomy.

The captain of the third group felt that if they continued to remain silent, everyone might have to bear the wrath of Captain Hercules.

He hesitated, took half a step forward, and said to Captain Hercules:

"Since we are heading to the second mine to perform a combat mission, the current reconnaissance mission has been completely taken over by the Silver Pegasus Legion. Otherwise, let the reconnaissance brigade stay..."

"Captain Ulysses, what do you mean by this?" Captain Yalig of the reconnaissance brigade immediately asked in a low voice below.

"Captain Hercules, I think what Captain Ulysses said is very reasonable!"

The other captains rushed to say.

Captain Hercules set his sights on Captain Yalig...

The matter was finalized in this way. The reconnaissance brigade of the Cavalry Pioneer Regiment will stay at the No. 1 Mine and have full authority to manage the mine for the time being.

Other cavalry brigades began making preparations for evacuation that night.

Captain Yalig of the reconnaissance team had a cold face and ran to the wall at the top of the fortress to arrange for the elf guards to take turns at night.

While cursing at the unloyal captains, he observed the pattern outside the mine. The Cavalry Pioneer Regiment would leave the mine tomorrow. Before the logistics troops arrived, there were only 500 people left in the mine. The elf patrol of the reconnaissance brigade.

Putting aside the unknown dangers under the mine, Captain Yalig needs to take care of hundreds of private soldiers and Grantham mine owners in the mine.

Captain Yalig was even a little worried. Once the plateau headhunters hiding in the dark took the opportunity to emerge, they would have to stay in this fortress until the rescue force of the Pioneer Regiment arrived...

According to the information provided by the Silver Pegasus warriors, there could be no plateau headhunters within a radius of one hundred kilometers.

But Captain Yalig felt that these plateau headhunters must have avoided the sight of the Silver Pegasus warriors.

The sky is getting dark. This mining fortress is built on the northern slope of the mountain, and nightfall comes half an hour earlier than on the southern slope.

Captain Yalig's gloomy face almost blended with the shadow of the wall.

In view of the good performance of the Grantham mine owner, Captain Hercules asked his adjutant to arrange for him and his family to stay in a room on the third floor.

When the elf patrols of the reconnaissance brigade heard that they were going to stay and guard the mine, they also complained privately that after living in this prison-like mine for a long time, their psychology might become a little distorted. None of the guards wanted to stay in the mine and serve as prison guards.

But since it was the order from Captain Hercules, I could only hold my nose and accept it.

When Lambeau heard about this, he came over and chatted with Roy for a long time. Normally, the two of them should go to the front line with the cavalry brigade. In fact, Lambeau had not heard that there was a mine there.

Roy didn't have any complaints about this. In fact, he didn't want to walk around the mines.

The mine here is already very chaotic. It is almost a lawless place. Killing an elf in it may be as simple as drinking water.

Almost all the mixed-blood elf slaves in this mine who were able to climb out of the mine have already come out.

If we stay here at the mine, it will at least be a little cleaner.

This mine is rich in a kind of spinel containing thin red threads. It is said that the best spinel is called blood essence, which can contain powerful magic power and is the top material for making high-quality wands.

Since the Partington plane has been closed in recent years, outside merchants cannot go to the Pagisto Plateau to trade magic gems. Therefore, various mines have actually accumulated a large amount of rough gemstones.

In the warehouse of this mine, rough gemstones are piled up like a hill.

Roy's 10th Reconnaissance Team is responsible for guarding several warehouses where stones are stored in the mine.

Tonight, Roy and two elf guards from the Fourth Reconnaissance Team were on duty outside Warehouse No. 2.

The yard of the mine is brightly lit, and the elven cavalry of the cavalry brigade are preparing to set off tomorrow. There is also a group of elven guards shaking the crane. They need to pull up the large wooden box under the mine.

In the evening, some food in the wooden box fell into the mine.

After nearly an hour, the four elven guards decided to pull the wooden box up from the mine. At the same time, there should be some ore...

Roy stood at the door of the warehouse, staring at the cantilevered rope with great curiosity.

The four elven guards struggled to pull the wooden box up. Unfortunately, apart from some useless rocks, there were no valuable gems in the wooden box.

Obviously neither the gray dwarves nor the prisoners in the mine wanted to dig for gems.

They took away the food from the wooden box and added stones to the wooden box, probably as a form of protest.

At least a few pieces of low-quality gemstones would be delivered every day if they were valuable, so now I might as well just put some rotten rocks in there.

The four elven guards complained in a low voice and carried the wooden box aside.

Roy discovered that the owner of the Grantham mine actually had the right to walk around. He even stood in the corridor on the third floor for a while before returning to the room under the watchful eye of the elf patrol.

Roy was only on duty for the first half of the night.

In the evening, the elf patrols from other reconnaissance teams came over to hand over the situation, and Roy and his two companions returned to the room of the 10th Reconnaissance Team, washed briefly and then fell asleep.

When I got up the next morning, the cavalry brigade of the Cavalry Pioneer Regiment had already set off in a mighty manner.

There was a lot of noise outside the fort, with the sounds of people talking, whistles, and the neighing of horses intertwined, waking Roy up early from his sleep.

Roy got up from the bed, put on the magic pattern structure haphazardly, and then walked out of the barracks.

There were not many elven cavalry left in the inner courtyard of the fortress. Everyone gathered outside the castle. At this time, Roy also walked out of the fortress gate and saw rows of elven cavalry leaving the mine in neat lines.

Only the elf patrols of the reconnaissance brigade remained at the mine.

Everyone watched eagerly as those elf cavalry left...

At night, when Roy was standing guard at the door of the warehouse, he saw the owner of Grantham Mine holding his hands on the railing of the corridor on the third floor, looking towards the warehouse and the mine.

There was still no harvest in the mine, but in order to punish the prisoners below the mine, the elf guards did not leave any food behind.

According to the thinking of these elven guards, they were determined to show off the prisoners and starve them for a few days, maybe they would become honest.

At this time, there were bursts of screams from underneath the mine, which made people feel a little upset.

Roy stood at the door of the warehouse and felt a little upset. The elves guarding the edge of the mine were even more impatient. In the end, they removed two door panels from nowhere and covered the exit of the mine. Only by going up can we put an end to those weird cries.

It was still midnight, and other teams of elves patrolled over to hand over, and Roy and his companions left Warehouse No. 2.

On the way back to the barracks, the Grantham mine owner ran out of nowhere. He was wearing dark silk pajamas. Even if he was hiding in the shadows, he might not be easily discovered.

At this moment, he was holding three finely carved gold wine glasses in his hands. The patterns on the outside of the wine glasses were inlaid with four red emeralds. They looked dazzling and were very valuable at first glance.

He stood next to the arch, walked towards the three Roys with a smile, and said to everyone:

"It's really hard for three officers to be on duty at such a late hour! To show respect, I happen to have some small tea cups that are not very valuable, and I specially gave them to the three officers, just to make friends!"

He smiled and looked harmless.

The two Silver Moon Elf guards looked at the wine glasses curiously, seeming a little tempted.

"Did you get permission from Captain Yalig when you ran out at night?" Roy asked doubtfully.

The Grantham mine owner smiled guiltily and said quickly: "I just came out to take a breath at night when I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to go far, I just took a breath. The main thing is to make friends with you."

The two Silver Moon Elf guards also had serious faces at this time, stared at the Grantham mine owner, and warned him:

"Don't move around without permission and go back to your room quickly!"

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