Path of light

Chapter 345 War of 346 Warehouse

Chapter 345 346. Warehouse Battle

Roy looked down at the holy light lighting up in his hand, and immediately became alert.

Every time there was danger lurking around, the Holy Light would send out a danger signal. He looked at the rows of wooden box shelves, and the dark warehouse was silent.

Roy stopped and said to the elf warrior who was about to light a torch:

"We still have a few pieces of gemstones that we haven't taken, so let's get those ores over and put them into storage together!"

"Why don't you push these ores over and store them first, and then bring the remaining pieces over?" An elf warrior immediately questioned.

"It's better to bring them together..."

Roy stepped forward, put his arm around the Elf Warrior's shoulders, and pushed him out of Warehouse No. 2.

Although I don’t know why Roy insists on doing this, these three elf warriors are not stupid, so they all walked outside together.

After the door of Warehouse No. 2 was closed by Roy, Roy whispered: "I think there is a situation in the warehouse. Stephen and I are guarding the door. You two hurry up and call someone. Everyone, be careful."

The expressions of the three elf warriors changed. The elf warrior named Stephen stayed, and the other two elf warriors quickly ran to the fortress.

When Captain Yalig left the mine, he not only took a large amount of supplies, but also took away more than 300 elf warriors. Now there are less than 200 elf warriors in the mine, and these elf warriors are distributed in various places in the fortress.

The defense force in the mine is a bit weak, and everyone is still waiting for some support from the valley camp. Unfortunately, there has been no movement in the past two days.

Although the two elf warriors had doubts about what Roy said, of course they would rather believe it than not.

So the two elf warriors quickly notified the elf warriors of several other teams.

More than eighty elf warriors quickly put on light armor and ran out of various rooms with weapons. These were all the elf warriors left in the mine except for those on duty.

Everyone gathered at the door of Warehouse No. 2.

Captain Jones and other investigation captains who stayed behind also rushed over.

Captain Jones asked Roy about the situation and discussed with other captains. A group of archers carrying elven longbows quickly jumped from the second floor to the eaves of Warehouse No. 2.

Warehouse No. 2 was built on the first floor of the fortress. Although it was integrated with the fortress, it occupied a considerable space.

Roy tidied up the magic pattern structure on his body, and also blessed other companions around him with the 'blessing of strength'. After the magic pattern structure was activated, the magic stream would occasionally spread through the thick leather armor.

Since it was the Tenth Reconnaissance Team that discovered something was going on in Warehouse No. 2, the elf warriors from the Tenth Reconnaissance Team were needed to rush to the front.

Captain Jones was wearing a set of silver light armor and holding a iris shield in his hand, standing closest to the warehouse door.

Another elf warrior holding a dwarf chain shield stood opposite him, both of them leaning against the wall at the same time.

Roy held the Book of Judgment and followed Captain Jones with the sacred scepter in his hand.

Behind them are a group of sword dancers holding swords in both hands.

The door of the warehouse was slowly pushed open by two elf warriors. Captain Jones and another elf knight holding a shield rushed into the warehouse at the same time. The two of them slowly searched forward along the narrow passage of the warehouse.

At the same time, a dozen archers squatting on the eaves also got into the No. 2 warehouse through the transom window, and occupied the most advantageous positions in the corridor on the second floor.

Three plateau headhunters rushed out of the narrow passage of Warehouse No. 2, and three sharp spears stabbed Captain Jones with the sound of piercing the air. ,

Captain Jones has been on guard since he entered the warehouse.

Both sides were prepared for the encounter. When they saw the plateau headhunter thrust his spear towards him, Captain Jones and another elf knight raised their shields to block at the same time.

The war spear struck the shield, making a 'dong-dong' impact.

The passage space inside the warehouse is extremely narrow, and it is almost difficult to dodge the attacks from the opposite side. When parrying with a shield, you don't dare to deflect too far. The plateau headhunters are good at war spears. The sudden thrust almost knocked Captain Jones to the ground.

Fortunately, Roy's 'Blessing of Strength' gave Captain Jones some strength, so he could block the plateau headhunter's attack from the front.

The Elf Sword Dancers standing behind immediately rushed up from the gap and strangled the three plateau headhunters standing at the front.

Roy held the Book of Judgment and directly used the 'Hammer of Judgment' to knock a plateau headhunter to the ground, leaving the elf knight next to Captain Jones stunned.

When the headhunters from the plateau came up from behind, Roy held up the thick 'Book of Judgment' to block the three thorns of the spear.

Elf warriors and plateau headhunters were fighting together in the narrow warehouse passage.

The plateau headhunters held sharp blades and spears in their hands and rushed forward desperately, but the passage was a bit narrow and both sides were blocked in the warehouse passage.

If fighting in a valley with complex terrain, the plateau headhunters can use their physical advantages to move swiftly and suppress this group of elf warriors.

But in this kind of tough battle in narrow terrain, of course it depends on who has the advantage with good equipment and who has excellent martial arts.

The two elves held shields in front, and the 'blessing of strength' increased their strength by a small level, thus blocking the plateau headhunter.

Behind them, the Elf Sword Dancer held two swords in his hands and charged into the battlefield like a meat grinder. The plateau headhunter was immediately forced to retreat continuously.

A dozen elven archers stood on top of the warehouse, and the longbows in their hands also played a huge role. Arrows rained down continuously. The plateau headhunters were blocked in the passage of the warehouse and quickly gave up their struggle.

There are also some plateau headhunters trying to climb to the top of the wooden box.

Several arrows were fired over, and several headhunters were suddenly hit by several arrows and fell from the wooden boxes. The plateau headhunters ran back one after another.

The owner of the Grantham mine was caught in the middle of the headhunters on the plateau. The headhunters who retreated in a hurry kept bumping into the body of the owner of the Grantham mine. He could only avoid falling into the passage by leaning on the wooden box.

Seeing the plateau headhunters in front lying in a pool of blood, the Grantham mine owner ignored the severe pain in his knees and turned around to escape in the direction of the secret passage.

The headhunters who were lagging behind were dragged by the elf warriors. Seeing that they could not run away, the ferocious temper in their bones made them turn around and fight.

Captain Jones originally wanted to pursue the victory, but was blocked by the plateau headhunter who turned around and came back.

Even though the arrows falling from their heads turned the plateau headhunters into hedgehogs, these plateau headhunters did not take another step back.

Roy held the 'Book of Judgment' and leaned against the shelf. The 'Hammer of Judgment' he threw knocked over several plateau headhunters one after another.

Captain Jones used his shield to lock the war spear thrust by the plateau headhunter in front of him. He placed the long sword in his hand on the war spear and pushed forward. The hands of the plateau headhunter were all chopped off by Captain Jones.

A plateau headhunter flew over from behind, and the war spear in his hand suddenly came out from behind. Captain Jones could not retract his shield, and the long sword in his hand could not block the thrust of the war spear, so he could only turn around and avoid the vital points of his body.

Roy stood behind Captain Jones and saw the plateau headhunter thrusting his war spear. He took the opportunity to block the war spear with the 'Book of Judgment' and hit the plateau headhunter's forehead hard with the sacred scepter in his hand.

The plateau headhunter fell straight in front of Captain Jones...

There were not many plateau headhunters in front of him. Although the warehouse was a little dark, the elf archers on the roof threw a few torches into the passage, which immediately made the passage bright.

Roy saw a familiar figure slowly crawling into the secret passage, it was the owner of the Grantham mine.

"Captain, I saw the owner of Grantham Mine..." Roy followed closely behind Captain Jones and whispered.

Captain Jones's face changed drastically, and he stepped on the corpse of the plateau headhunter and chased forward.

But several seriously injured plateau headhunters in the passage desperately resisted and hugged Captain Jones' legs tightly, refusing to let go even if they were stabbed with more than a dozen bloody holes.

By the time Captain Jones chased him to the entrance of the secret room, only the corpses of the plateau headhunters were left in the warehouse.

Some of the Silver Moon Elf warriors were also injured this time, but they had the best hemostatic ointment and high-quality life potion. They could save their lives with just a bandage.

There were some piles of rocks in the deep cave. Captain Jones just threw the torch in and found that it was dark inside. He couldn't see how many ambushes there were. He didn't dare to continue chasing inside, so he asked the elf warriors to block the entrance of the cave with rocks. And sent two elf warriors to guard the secret exit of Warehouse No. 2.

Then he walked out of Warehouse No. 2 with a heavy expression.

During this battle, several elf warriors from the 10th Reconnaissance Team were injured, and everyone bandaged their wounds outside the warehouse.

Captain Jones patted Roy on the shoulder and whispered to him: "Well done, Roy!"

After saying that, Captain Jones got together with several other captains to discuss the next battle.

More than one elf saw the figure of the Grantham mine owner at the entrance of the secret passage, which meant that the Grantham mine owner escaped from the hands of the logistics group and got involved with this group of plateau headhunters.

Since they were able to find their way through the secret passage, they wanted to break into the mine fortress.

The captains of more than a dozen reconnaissance teams became a little nervous and quickly ordered their elf warriors to increase their manpower for patrols at night.

After arranging the guard work of the fortress, Captain Jones carried his shield and walked tiredly to the mine. At this time, Roy was sending a large wooden box full of food and ale down the mine.

The cantilever support next to the mine was creaking.

"Roy, since you are a priest, there is no need to rush to the front during the battle. Just stand behind and swing the hammer at those plateau headhunters." Captain Jones sat by the well and told Roy.

"Got it, Captain." Roy responded while turning the winch.

The winch turned so fast that it even made a roaring sound.

"It's not going to be peaceful tonight. You all should be alert!" Captain Jones drank himself a sip of diluted life sap and ordered the elf warriors of the 10th Reconnaissance Team.


The four elf warriors agreed.

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