Path of light

Chapter 420 421 Executive Roy

Chapter 420 421. Executive Roy

It started to rain lightly on the streets of Padstow, and Claire walked in the rain holding an umbrella.

During this time, he has been actively working for the Pajisto Plateau.

But except for the day when he paid the spinel to the Military Logistics Office and got back a batch of elf biscuits, Roy asked him to raise almost all the military supplies that were vetoed by the chief of the Padstow Military Department.

The logistics chief of the Pagisto Military Department did not respond at first. Later, Claire Tuoguan met with him, but in this meeting, Claire did not convince the commander-in-chief.

The president even said vaguely to Claire:

"You are the youngest musician in Castletown City and a Silver Moon Elf noble. I don't understand...why do you want to be a lobbyist for these mixed elves?"

Claire knew that the logistics chief would not provide any additional military supplies to the Pagisto Plateau.

At this time, Earl Swinburne, who had always supported Roy, led the Silver Pegasus Legion to fight against the gray dwarves on the Queen Egwene Islands, and had no time to care about matters on the Partington plane.

At present, the military department is pouring all military supplies into the Queen Evany Islands. In fact, even if there are still some reserves in the warehouse, the logistics chief is not prepared to put them into the quagmire of the Pagisto Plateau.

Claire has lost a lot of weight in the past few days. He never expected that there would be such a deep gap between the Silver Moon elves and the mixed-blood elves...

He had just prepared a batch of supplies for Lysander. Most of these supplies were collected from the mixed-blood elf merchants in Padstow City. In addition, he also contacted the local carriage and horse dealers and hired more than two hundred vehicles. Horse-drawn carriages transported this batch of supplies to the valley camp on the edge of the Pagisto Plateau.

Claire planned to follow Roy's plan to use the teleportation pass to leave Partington, return to Castletown City, and purchase a batch of military supplies and life sap from the black market in Castletown City.

A carriage stopped on the street. Claire turned around and saw that the carriage driver had jumped out of his seat, stood on the street, saluted him, and opened the door for him...

Claire nodded, bent down to put away her umbrella, and stepped onto the carriage.

On the street in the rain, some mixed-blood elves hurriedly walked.

He said to the coachman: "Send me to the central square portal."

The coachman closed the door for him.

Sitting on the charioteer's seat again, he raised his whip in the rain, and the carriage drove towards the central square of Padstow City against the wind and rain...

She came to Padstow City with full confidence, but left the city full of disappointment, which made Claire somewhat disheartened.

Thinking that Roy was still fighting the group of headhunters on the Pagisto Plateau, even if Claire was in an extremely bad mood, he never thought of giving up...

In the rain, this street led to the central square, and the teleportation gate towering over the central square gradually became clear.

The wheels of the carriage rolled over the rainwater on the street, and it didn't take long before it stopped beside the central square.

Because of the rain, the central square where a lot of supplies used to be piled up became empty. Claire held an umbrella and walked towards the two guards in front of the portal.

Claire handed the pass in her hand to the portal guard. When the guard saw the seal of the Silver Pegasus Legion on the pass, he stood up straight and gave Claire a standard military salute: "Sir, please wait!"

Claire didn't need to be reminded by the portal guard to know that the portal was currently leading from Partington Island to the Partington plane. At this time, it would be very dangerous to go back to Partington Island in the reverse direction.

He nodded and asked the portal guard: "How long do we have to wait?"

"About a quarter of an hour later." The portal guard said quickly.

Claire saw a waiting area next to the portal, so she walked to the shelter of the waiting area with an umbrella. There were only three Silver Moon elves chatting together. It seemed that they were also waiting to pass through the portal and return to the Elf Continent. .

Although the Partington plane is now blocked by the Silver Pegasus military, many privileged Silver Moon elves can still freely enter and exit the Partington plane with special passes.

Claire stood in the corner of the waiting area. He was in a very bad mood and had no intention of talking to anyone...

Perhaps they noticed that Claire's expression was ugly, and the three Silver Moon elves were sensible enough not to come over to chat.

Claire raised her head and glanced at the gray clouds in the sky. The entire Padstow City sky was shrouded in rain. It was estimated that the road conditions in the jungle would be very bad, and Lysander might suffer some hardships in the past two days.

Just when Claire was looking at the sky, a group of young mixed-blood elves suddenly appeared on the street outside the central square. They ran wildly along the street, shouting as they ran: "Good news from Pagisto Plateau. Already..."

"Good news came from Pajisto Plateau..."

"The owner of Roy Mine led the mixed elf guard to defeat the plateau headhunters in the southern part of the Gasai Mountains..."

The young half-elf man was running in the rain, but Claire only listened briefly.

He stood there blankly, not expecting to hear the news of success on the Pagisto Plateau at this time.

He had just returned from the North Black Iron Mine. No one knew the situation of the North Black Iron Mine better than him: the entire southern part of the Kasai Mountains was almost occupied. Between the elf warriors and a hundred Dark Moon elf warriors, Roy would never be able to defeat thousands of plateau headhunters...

With a trace of doubt, Claire ran to the street in the rain without even holding an umbrella, trying to find out the details from these mixed elves.

At this time, a carriage from the Padstow City Military Headquarters of the Silver Pegasus Legion sped over, its wheels running over the street and splashing a long spray of water...

As the coachman pulled the reins, the carriage stopped on the street not far in front of Claire.

Three military officials ran out of the carriage and hurried to Claire. The three Silver Moon Elf officials said to Claire happily:

"Claire, I finally found you!"

"... A good news came back from the Pagisto Plateau. The president heard that the owner of Roy Mine has taken control of the situation there, and told us to find you. This time the military will send a message to the Pagisto Plateau. Provide a batch of military supplies. However, there is no logistics transportation team here. All logistics groups are on the Queen Ewinnie Islands. The Commander-in-Chief would like to ask you, if you are provided with a batch of military supplies now, will you be able to transport them to Pajis? To reach the plateau?"

Seeing the fake smiles on the faces of the three Silver Moon officials, Claire was so angry that her teeth itched. She wanted to give each of them a kick and then tell them to get away as far as they could...

These guys were the ones who blocked it a few days ago, but now they have changed their faces and come over to deliver military supplies.

"Yes, we have a way to send this batch of military supplies to Pagisto!" Claire said quickly.

Although Claire wanted to refuse, the thought of Roy's difficult situation on the Pagisto Plateau only made the smile on her face appear warmer.

"That's good, that's good... you come back to the military headquarters with us to go through the handover procedures!"

The three Silver Moon Elf officials almost surrounded Claire and boarded the military carriage...

As the news of the victory on the northern slope of Mount Idas in the Garzine Mountains spread throughout Padstow City, countless mixed-blood elves poured into the streets to cheer and celebrate.

When Claire caught up with Lysander, Lysander's pack team was almost out of the jungle south of Padstow.

When Lysander heard from Claire that there was a batch of military supplies outside Padstow City waiting for him to transport them to the plateau, he did not hesitate at all. He quickly returned to Padstow City with the pack team, received this batch of military supplies, and headed back to the plateau. A mine.

Along the way, everyone kept saying that Claire was really clever and could actually get a batch of military supplies from the military!

It can be seen that this time the Silver Moon elves made great efforts to help the mixed elves...

But what Lysander didn't know was how many times Claire had run into obstacles at the Silver Pegasus Military Headquarters in Padstow City, and how many times she had been rejected.

I don’t know that this batch of military supplies cannot really be regarded as Claire’s request.

A good news from the southern part of the Gaza Mountains made the chief executive finally realize one thing: if this risky operation to suppress Roy fails, Earl Swinburne will definitely deal with him severely. Fortunately, he can still do it in time. make up.

That's why he took the initiative to find Claire as soon as the good news came back and sent out the military supplies in the warehouse...

In the entire Pajisto Plateau, only the mines along the Sudarso Mountains and the Gasai Mountains where Roy was located were not captured by the plateau headhunters. Almost all the other mines fell into the hands of the plateau headhunters.

There are also some mines that have been returned to their original owners by headhunters.

Of course, the price these mine owners have to pay is also extremely high. In order to regain the mines, these mine owners gave a large amount of accumulated wealth to this group of headhunters. Some mine owners could not get it together. As a reward, some promises were made.

Headhunters are used to making deals with mine owners, and they are not afraid of mine owners defaulting on their debts...

At this time, there were probably nearly 6,000 headhunters buried by mixed-blood elf warriors in the southern part of the Gasai Mountains. This news soon spread to the ears of other headhunters.

Originally, three other groups of headhunters had already reached some mountains in the southern part of the Pagisto Plateau. When they heard the bad news, they immediately led the headhunters back from the southern part of the Pagisto Plateau...

No team of headhunters is willing to be at the front and suffer this fate.

It was precisely at this time that the headhunters suddenly became intimidated and gave Roy some time to deploy the mixed elf guards.

The gray dwarves who survived the three black iron mines were all brought by Roy to the south entrance of Tianpu Canyon. They only had one thing to do here, which was to build the stone wall at the south entrance.

When the battle started on this stone wall for the first time, almost half of the stone wall, which was only built about 20 meters long and 5 meters high, collapsed.

After all the headhunters in the southern part of the Gasai Mountains were cleared, Roy gathered all the surviving gray dwarves from the three mines and escorted them to the southern entrance of Tianpu Canyon to build this stone wall.

This time when the gray dwarves built the stone wall, they poured a large amount of mud into the gaps between the stone slabs, and the thickness of the entire bottom of the stone wall reached more than 20 meters. Roy was going to build this stone wall facing the Tianpu Canyon. Sixty meters, and then built two large arrow towers on both sides of the stone wall to defend against headhunters from the north.

Herrick originally planned to go all the way north along the Skyfall Canyon and directly enter the north of Pajisto Plateau.

But after discussing with Roy for several days, I found that this was too aggressive. Once the rebel mixed-blood elf warriors entered the northern part of the plateau, they would immediately fall into an isolated and helpless dilemma. By then, Roy might not be able to provide any help. They were not supportive at all.

And... there are still a large number of headhunters preparing to pour into the southern part of Pagisto Plateau.

Therefore, Roy persuaded Captain Helic to take the mixed elf warriors all the way west along the wilderness and across the Kartim Mountains on the west side of the wilderness, so that they could go around to the west side of the Pagisto Plateau, although the headhunters were still there. Most of the mines have been occupied there, but the only advantage of the rebel mixed elf warriors fighting there is that there is no long supply line. The gryphon regiment in Roy's hands only needs to fly if it wants to fly over the Kaltim Mountains. One day and one night, Roy wanted to use the Griffin Regiment to establish an aerial supply line, and it was definitely not empty talk.

The two sat in front of the map of Pagisto Plateau and thought about it for several days. Finally, Captain Herrick accepted Roy's opinion and decided to lead the rebel mixed elf warriors to the west side of the plateau...

However, before heading to the Kaltim Mountains, Roy asked Captain Helic to stay in the wilderness for a while, waiting until the Griffin Regiment transported a batch of supplies back from the valley camp at the foot of the southern side of the Pagisto Plateau. , to supplement this group of mixed elf warriors, Roy asked Captain Helic to lead the team to leave.

During this period, Mu Lin also gradually transferred nearly 600 meters of mixed-blood elf warriors from the second mine, plus the original 400 mixed-blood elf warriors from the North Black Iron Mine. The group of people who followed Roy A mine guard team, the number of mixed elf warriors successfully exceeded one thousand, and the assassin team also expanded to two hundred people.

The letter of appointment given to Roy by Padstow's military department was placed on Roy's desk. The envelope had been opened. The letter inside was actually a letter of appointment, and there was even Padstow on it. The military seal and the letter of appointment are also very simple:

‘Roy’ is temporarily appointed as the chief executive officer of the Pagisto Plateau Mine, responsible for recovering and operating all the mines in the Pagisto Plateau! ’

The letter of appointment is obviously not in the handwriting of Earl Swinburne. According to the letter sent by Claire, the guy who is currently serving as the commander-in-chief of the Silver Pegasus Legion in the Padstow City Military Headquarters is not very friendly to mixed elves... …

Roy rubbed his forehead, heard a knock on the door, and said:

"please come in……"

Mu Lin walked in holding a thick list of names, then sat down on the chair opposite Roy and shouted to Roy:

"Boss, I'm ready here. When will we set off?"

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