Path of light

Chapter 433 434 Jerome Mine Owner

Chapter 433 434. Jerome Mine Owner

The owner of Jerome Mine is a mixed-blood elf. He has lived in the Partington plane for nearly two hundred years. He was once a member of an adventure group called the "Tree of Impressions". When he was young, he lived in the Partington plane. I had many adventures and traveled to many places.

As the members of the adventure group gradually left the team and new members joined, Jerome had different ideas from the new members, and he later left the "Tree of Impressions" adventure group.

He moved around many places in Partington. He caught fishmen in Sun Island Bay, hunted dragonflies in Black Swamp, lived in the Griffin Rampart Mountains for a while, and later worked as a magic herbalist on Pagisto Plateau. merchant.

It was also by chance that he learned that the Pagisto Plateau was actually a rich natural ore group, so he also planned to open a mine.

At first, he wanted to open a silver mine in the Caldeum Mountains. Later, he learned that the three silver mines had Lord Alves as shareholders, and he would never allow outsiders to come to the Caldeum Mountains to share the shares. The oil and water on the side.

The owner of the Jerome mine could only bite the bullet and go north, and finally found an iron ore vein in the northern part of the plateau.

The most important thing is that this area should belong to the sphere of influence of the plateau headhunters. The influence of Lord Alves does not extend here, so to create a mine in this area, as long as the surrounding headhunters can be eliminated.

The owner of the Jerome Mine owns this iron mine. In fact, he has reached an agreement with the local headhunter tribe. Every year, he will provide a dagger and a war blade to the young headhunters who participate in the adult hunting ceremony. Such simple conditions allowed the owner of the Jerome Mine to have an iron ore mine in the mountains here.

As for the Elf Mine Slaves, other mine owners are also buying and selling them at will, and the largest seller in the Partington plane is Lord Alves. When something becomes a habit, everyone no longer bothers with it. Is it right or wrong...

Like other mine owners, he transported the iron ingots to the city of Padstow for sale. The largest trading house there also belonged to Lord Alves. When they sold the iron ingots, elves would sell elven slaves to them.

The owner of Jerome Mine clearly remembers that it was in Padstow City that he first purchased mixed-blood elf slaves.

Later, something happened to Lord Alves. Not only was the supply of mixed-blood elf slaves suspended, but even the sales channels for metal ore ingots were cut off.

The mine owners heard that Lord Alves had been sent to the Buenos City Tribunal and would be tried with the maximum penalty. Therefore, the mine owners were frightened and huddled in the mines, not daring to talk to Pardes. If there is any contact with Toucheng, I am afraid that I will be involved. I just hope that this matter will pass quickly...

Unexpectedly, the Silver Pegasus Corps banned the Partington plane for more than four years.

There are no sales channels for the iron ingots produced in the mine, but the mine still has to be maintained. Almost all the mine owners in the Pagisto Plateau are in a dilemma.

At this time, some mine owners did not dare to go to Padstow City to do trade, so they made some deals with the headhunters in the northern part of the plateau.

As a result, these mines can barely stay in business.

The owner of Jerome Mine has bought some mixed-blood elf slaves, but these elf slaves were all bought from Padstow City, and these mixed-blood elf slaves actually lived a very stable life in the mine. life.

He did not purchase half-blood elf slaves from headhunters. At most, he exchanged some war blades and spear points for the right to collect in this mountain range. They could collect berries and magic herbs at will in the mountains around the mine.

A few months ago, the Silver Pegasus Legion entered the northern part of the plateau and included his iron mine in the list of mines waiting to be accepted. However, before it could be accepted, the Silver Moon Elf warriors hurriedly evacuated. here.

Later, a large group of headhunters came to his mine and extorted some war blades.

Fortunately, after so many years, he was very familiar with the chief of the nearby headhunter tribe. With that chief interceding, the owner of the Jerome Mine did not suffer much loss.

Immediately afterwards, I heard that many headhunters ran to the southern part of the plateau and launched a series of revenge actions against the mixed-blood elves there.

In fact, Jerome also thought about what he should do in this matter to help those mixed elves.

But before he could figure it out, the headhunters were defeated again. This time, the mixed elves from the southern plateau rushed to the northern plateau, under the banner of liberating the mixed elves from the mining slaves...

In fact, he had also thought about whether he should escape from the mine as a mine owner who had bought and sold half-blood elven slaves, and whether he should resist the half-blood elven army. He was very confused these days...

If you resist, you will probably be killed by those mixed elf warriors.


Where else could his family escape?

Once he leaves this iron mine and loses his identity as the owner of the mine, he will be no different from other mixed elves. In the eyes of the headhunters, he will lose the last bit of value. A half-blood elf slave.

So when Roy led the mine guards to the mine, the owner of the Jerome mine chose to surrender.

At this moment, he looked nervously at the mixed-blood elf mine slave standing opposite Roy, fearing that he would say something unpleasant and anger the young half-elf officer opposite.

The owner of Jerome Mine finally came to a profound understanding: It is really uncomfortable to have your destiny in the hands of others.

"We have seventy mixed-blood elf miners here. All the miners are currently working in the mines. A few of us are responsible for transporting the mined ore outside, and then screening the mineral materials here. Poor ore can only be Used to build walls, only rich ore can be put into the furnace for smelting.”

The mixed-blood elf miner who spoke was called Little Cooper. When he stood in front of Roy and answered questions, he seemed neither humble nor arrogant and orderly.

"What's your name?" Roy suddenly asked.

"They call me Little Cooper, sir," Little Cooper then replied.

Roy saw that although the mixed-blood elf miner was wearing tattered linen clothes, his hands and feet were not shackled, and there was no overseer following them.

It seemed that the miners were in good spirits and had not suffered any special abuse.

Roy did not see gray dwarves or dark moon elves miners in the mine, so he asked: "Are there any gray dwarves or dark moon elves in your mine?"

"No, we are all from Padstow City and have lived here for a long time." Little Cooper said.


The owner of Jerome Mine, who was standing aside, felt that the breath he was holding in his chest was finally let out.

Little Cooper didn't say anything unpleasant and was obviously doing his best to defend him, which made him a little touched.

Roy glanced at the owner of the Jerome Mine calmly. He was worried that this little Cooper looked like a miner, but in fact he was a close associate of the owner of the Jerome Mine.

Roy was a little surprised by Little Cooper's words. There were no gray dwarves or dark moon elves in this small iron mine. There were no mixed-blood elf slaves bought from headhunters. Some were only bought from Pardes. A mixed-blood elf slave bought from the city.

He knew what Lord Alves had done, and he also knew that Lord Alves was the largest slave trader in the entire Partington plane.

Luo did not continue to ask other mine slaves, but let little Cooper take him for a walk around the mine. At this moment, the iron mine was in a state of shutdown. After the mixed-blood elf warriors entered the mine, they asked the mixed-blood elf miners to Call out all the other mixed-blood elf slaves in the mine.

Roy followed Little Cooper into the stone house where they lived to take a look.

Little Cooper lived in the row of stone houses to the east. When Roy walked into the stone houses, he discovered that there were actually some partition walls made of ore. There were only two mixed-blood elf miners living in one room, and many of their personal belongings were still there. In the room, Roy even saw a recorder, a simple organ, and some randomly carved stone sculptures.

Obviously, these mixed-blood elf miners have some time for themselves besides working, and have some spare time.

Roy came to the dining hall of the mixed-blood elf miners again. The only food on the table was some red berries.

This kind of berry is very common on the Pajisto Plateau, and Mulin and the others actually eat this kind of berry on a daily basis.

There is also a tool room next to the dining hall, which contains a large number of mining picks, stone hammers, etc. Some things are waiting to be repaired, and some have been repaired. A mixed-blood elf is repairing these tools in the room.

So he casually asked the mixed-blood elf:

“Did the mine owner ask you how many tools you had to repair every day to meet the standard?”

"That's not the case. Some tools are seriously damaged, so it's difficult to repair them. Some tools can just be replaced with wooden handles, and repairing them is very simple, so there's no way to judge how much work has been done by quantity..." The mixed-blood elf After saying that, he also looked down upon Roy in a subtle way.

Roy went to the row of stone houses to the west and found that the owner of Jerome Mine also lived in such a stone house, but his room was more private and more refined, that's all.

After walking around this time, Roy already had a good sense of the owner of the Jerome Mine.

Roy felt that the owner of the mine did not seem to be so harsh on the mixed-blood elf slaves. Although the life of the mixed-blood elves here was not that good, it was not very bad either, at least it was countless times better than at the spinel mine.

Moreover, the mixed-blood elf miners heard that the Silver Pegasus Army was coming again and that the iron mine would soon be handed over. Some of the mixed-blood elf miners still had some resistance, even though they knew they were free... …

"Even if we are free, headhunters are everywhere here. Where can we go after leaving the mine?"

This is probably a common problem among the mixed-blood elf miners. They are not residents of the Padstow Plateau, and they don’t really want to return to Padstow City. They even say they have nowhere to go.

I am also worried that the new mine owner will not be as good as Jerome Mine...

Walking out of the mine, Roy suddenly had an idea, that is, having occupied so many mines, he was also in urgent need of some professional mine managers. He saw the Jerome mine owner working in the mixed-blood elf miner. Their status in their hearts is not bad, so they just want to communicate with him.

"What's your name?"

Roy stood in front of the only small furnace in the mine and asked the mixed-blood elf mine owner.


The owner of Jerome Mine replied.

"Can you tell me how long you have been operating this iron ore mine?"

Roy looked at the small furnace in front of him. It looked like it was used to smelt iron ingots in a blacksmith's workshop. It couldn't smelt a large amount of iron ore at all.

Obviously, the efficiency of this iron mine should not be very good. This means that there is no need to pay these mixed-blood elf miners. Otherwise, just paying the weekly salary to this group of mixed-blood elf miners will cause the iron mine to collapse in an instant. Lose.

The owner of the Jerome mine watched Roy staring at the small furnace and did not tie him up. Instead, he asked him how long he had been running the iron mine. He felt that Roy did not seem to have any hostility towards him and did not have much hatred. he.

It was far less hostile than the eyes of the mixed-blood elf warriors around them.

The owner of Jerome Mine had no choice but to talk about some of his experiences in running the mine. He knew what Roy wanted to hear, and tried not to talk about the trading of mixed-blood elf slaves. Occasionally, it was simple to talk about those things. Pass by.

Roy nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and then said to the owner of Jerome Mine:

"This mine will belong to the Silver Pegasus Legion in the future, and I will also be the owner of this mine.

Due to my limited energy, I cannot manage this mine. Now... I think I can give you a certain amount of trust. I want to hire you to manage this mine. Of course, I will also leave you 100% of the mine. ten shares. "

Jerome Mine was speechless when he heard Roy say this.

'They robbed my mine and asked me to continue to manage it. It's really like the behavior of the Silver Moon Elf...'

But after thinking about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with this. It seems that I don't have to be sent to the trial court.

Thinking of this, the owner of Jerome Mine dropped his heart.

Hearing Roy say that he could still get 10% of the shares, the owner of Jerome Mine tried not to smile.

Then I heard Roy continue:

“Of course there will definitely be no mixed-blood elf miners in the future, and all mixed-blood elf miners will be freed.

I am responsible for solving the problems of the miners in the mines and the sales of the iron ingots produced.

You just need to manage the mine well, and you don't need to be so pessimistic or feel that you are at a disadvantage.

You can think of this matter as - annexation, that is, your small iron ore is being annexed by the larger mines on the Pagisto Plateau.

I can bring life to this mine...

In the future, more resources will be invested in this mine.

The scale of this iron mine will slowly expand, and I have a trade license from the Partington plane.

You have to understand this, and the iron ore mine will not worry about the sales of iron ingots in the future.

I will also invest in a larger magic furnace to refine iron ingots.

Oh, by the way, the urgent solution now is to release all the mixed-blood elf miners in the mine, and to find a group of new miners to replace them. "

After saying this, Roy stepped forward and patted the owner of Jerome Mine on the shoulder, smiled at him and said:

"Maybe you can't figure it out now... but you will slowly understand in the future that what you give up now may not be the real loss..."

The owner of Jerome Mine glanced at Roy and just muttered in his heart:

'I heard it very clearly...'

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