Path of light

Chapter 443 444 Good morning

Chapter 443 444. Good morning

Padstow City is located in a spacious tree house near the residential area of ​​Silver Moon. Five mine owners from the Nicobar Mountains are sitting around a round table. Several mine owners have sad faces. It was bleak, and it was obvious that the news of the death of the Avar mine owner was like a bolt from the blue to them.

There was a candle lit on the round table, and the flickering candlelight danced in the eyes of several people.

The room seemed extremely dull. Several cups of fruit tea were placed on the table, changing from hot to cold, then from hot to cold again...

"Aval is dead. It is said that he was killed while trading teleportation passes. His head was hit with a hammer. When he died, none of his guards were with him. All valuable things on his body were taken away. Yes, when he was found, his face was covered with a parchment portrait, and his name was written on it. It should not have been done by a businessman in the black market."

A mine owner who couldn't tell his age said.

A young mine owner sitting next to him quickly asked:

"Who do you think it could be?"

Another mine owner speculated: "Could it be a hunter who came down from the Pajisto Plateau? There is a reward for killing someone."

"It's possible." The mine owner, who looked young, nodded.

"Could it be the one on the plateau who did it?" said a mine owner with a hoarse voice.

He was impatient, and his voice became thinner when he said this.

He stared at the mine owner who couldn't tell his age with wide eyes. It was obvious that the mine owner who couldn't tell his age was the backbone of several people...

The owner of the mine, whose age could not be discerned, responded: "There is no news about this yet, but I think it is very likely..."

Then he added: "Now the Thieves Guild in Padstow City has chosen to remain silent. This matter obviously has nothing to do with them."

The young mine owner said with some worry: "So...our channel for purchasing teleportation passes from the black market has been completely blocked. What should we do?"

The owner of the mine with a hoarse voice turned pale. He had been so anxious these days that his voice had become hoarse. Hearing that the black market channel for purchasing teleportation passes was also interrupted, he immediately said: "I want to leave Padstow City and go outside first. Just a little longer.”

After saying that, he stood up from the round table and prepared to leave.

The mine owner, who could not tell how old he was, quickly comforted him:

"The news about Aval has spread in Padstow City, which has made us very passive now. Even if we choose to leave, we will probably be targeted by the adventure group at this time. I do not advocate venturing out of Padstow City at this time. .”

The owner of the mine with a hoarse voice was a little excited. He walked quickly to the door and said as he walked:

"But what can we do if we stay in the city? Sooner or later they will find us if we stay here. I can't control what you do, but I am leaving Padstow City tonight!"

The young mine owner wanted to run over and hold him back, shouting: "Carlos, calm down!"

"Ignore him and let him go!" The owner of the mine, who looked young, waved his hand to let him go.

The mine owner walked out of the room smoothly, quickly ran out of the tree house, got into a carriage, and left the Silver Moon Elf residential area at night.

The room fell into silence, and no one spoke for a long time.

"Since you are willing to stay and plan with me to go to the Elf Continent, then I will tell you my plan." The mine owner, who could not tell his age, walked to the window, opened the edge of the curtain and asked I looked outside and couldn't see the distance in the dark night.

He sat down at the round table again and said:

"I have an old friend in Padstow City. He is a broker. He has known me for many years and has worked with me several times before. He is absolutely trustworthy. He can establish a relationship with the leader of the Padstow City Guards. , as long as we are willing to spend some money, we can buy the teleportation pass from this group leader. Although the price is a bit expensive, it is better than safety! If everything goes well, there should be news in the next two days. "

The other three remaining mine owners looked at him with joy. At this time, they were able to bribe the head of the Silver Pegasus military guard regiment. Even if they didn't have a teleportation pass, there would probably be no problem in passing through the teleportation gate, because Guarding the portal happens to be his duty.

The young mine owner said happily: "Uncle Arman, you still have a way. In that case, I will wait in the city!"

"I just don't know how many magic crystals are needed for such a teleportation pass?" A mine owner who had been silent asked curiously.

"A piece of one thousand magic crystals." The owner of the Yaman Mine opened his mouth and quoted the price.


The faces of the mine owners were a bit ugly, and no one spoke.

Although this price is a bit expensive, several mine owners can accept it.

After this matter was settled, several mine owners quickly dispersed from the tree house.

In the dense forest at night, you can't see anything around you.

Dennis crouched behind a bush and saw a carriage parked in front of the tree house. A mixed elf quickly stepped out of the carriage, followed by six mixed elf warriors wearing leather armor.

These elves walked quickly into the tree house, but the carriage parked at the door did not leave.

Not long after, another carriage stopped at the door of the tree house.

Although all the windows were covered with curtains, there were still shadows walking around from the windows...

Dennis, who was squatting in the bushes opposite, frowned and whispered to his companions: "Oops, they seem to want to sneak away overnight. I have to inform the client of this news first, and you can keep an eye on it from here."

After saying that, he disappeared from the bushes.

Roy didn't expect Dennis to be so efficient. After investigating the information about the second mine owner, he went to the hotel overnight to tell him the news.

When Dennis came to the door, Roy was still awake. It looked like he had just entertained a few guests. There were still a few remaining teacups on the sofa in the living room.

In fact, the reason why Roy was still awake at such a late hour was that Vice Captain Tennyson led a team of assassins from the Padstow Plateau to the city of Padstow, and it was also Mu Lin, Timothy and Ti. It was decided jointly by the three Prados.

One of the three did not agree with this, and it was impossible for Deputy Captain Tennyson to come to Padstow City.

Dennis came in a bit of a hurry. She was worried that the mine owner would run away overnight, and that she might miss part of the reward, which would be a big loss for her and Boss Roy...

When Roy heard the news about Dennis, he quickly put on the magic pattern structure, and then followed Dennis out of the hotel without any hesitation...

"Boss Roy, he has no family around him, only a team of elf guards and twelve mixed-blood elf warriors."

Dennis introduced the mine owner to Roy as he walked.

Roy nodded slightly.

He took Dennis to the backyard of the hotel, where there was a stable where the horses of the guests in the hotel were kept.

At this time, the groom was licking the grass in front of the stable and mixing the soaked beans into the grass. When he saw Roy walking over quickly, he stood up and said diligently: "Boss Roy, you are so late and you still have something to do." Going out?"

"Please help me bring two horses out. It's really troublesome for you to be so late." With that, Roy put the two horses into the hands of the groom.

The groom took Roy's money, and the last bit of unhappiness in his heart disappeared. He quickly walked into the stable and brought out two white horses for Roy, and helped Roy put saddles on the two horses.

Denise did not consider how Roy could keep two horses in the stables of the hotel. She felt that this was nothing strange for Roy...

Roy and Dennis mounted their horses, left the hotel, and ran along the avenue towards the tree house where the mine owner was hiding.

By the time Dennis and Roy arrived at the tree house where the mine owner was hiding, the tree house had become pitch black, and even the surrounding area had become lifeless.

There are still several deep ruts left in front of the tree house...

A mixed-blood elf poked his head out of the bushes, smiled obscenely, and said to Dennis:

"Boss, they ran outside the city. Over there... our people are following them!"

Dennis followed the direction pointed by his companion and rode horseback with Roy to pursue him.

The two carriages, one behind the other, quickly left Padstow City under the cover of night.

They walked east along the road. After leaving the city, the wide and flat road became not so easy to walk.

Especially since it has just rained in the past few days, the road with weeds on both sides has become even more muddy.

It wasn't until the carriage left Padstow City and the treehouse with a few lights was getting further and further away from his sight that the owner of the Carlos Mine breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he had escaped from the dangerous area again.

Sitting in the carriage, he thought about running around like a lost dog. This was not the life a mine owner should live...

Suddenly the carriage shook slightly, and then the coachman sitting in front pulled the reins and stopped the carriage.

The owner of the Carlos Mine felt a little nervous. He had been on tenterhooks these past few days, and even his voice became hoarse.

Seeing that the carriage had stopped, he quickly opened the window and peeked out.

"Master, the road ahead is blocked by some branches and debris. I will clean it up immediately..."

As the coachman spoke, he hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and ran to the front of the road to remove the branches lying in front of him.

None of the leaves on these branches had wilted. It was obvious that someone had just crossed the road, but there was no movement around them.

The owner of the Carlos Mine jumped out of the carriage in a panic. He first ran to the road to check, and then made a quick decision, abandoned the slow-moving carriage, and fled Padstow City on horseback.

There were only four horses in the two carriages.

The carriages of the two carriages carried a total of thirteen mixed elves, including the owner of the Carlos Mine.

The owner of the Carlos Mine rode on a horse, and there were only three mixed-blood elf guards following him...

The four horses quickly crossed the obstacles on the road and fled all the way east...

Seeing Roy riding a horse alone, chasing in the direction where the owner of the Carlos mine was escaping, Dennis quickly rode after Roy and asked him:

"Boss Roy, do you need help from our people?"

Roy shook his head and said, "It's enough for you to help me set up roadblocks and keep these two carriages here. I will handle the rest!"

After saying that, he rode on his horse and chased after him alone.

Dennis watched Roy disappear on the dark forest road, and became even more curious about Roy.

The night before yesterday, she saw with her own eyes Roy holding a copper book and killing the owner of the Avar Mine in the forest clearing of No. 3 Apple Orchard. This time he chased after him alone...

"Dennis, what do we do?"

The companion standing aside asked Dennis.

Dennis hesitated for a moment before saying: "We can just wait here!"

When Roy walked into the dark forest, a ball of holy light appeared above his head.

This divine shimmer passed directly through the dense canopy of trees and floated into the air.

A dozen huge black shadows passed silently across the night sky, and a team of assassins appeared above Roy's head. Each of them rode on a griffon, and the griffin cavalry carried the assassins. The team quickly caught up with Roy.

Roy didn't bring them to Padstow City because they were not familiar with Padstow City. It would definitely not be feasible for them to investigate these mine owners in the city. Moreover, they were the faces of the Dark Moon Elves. Easily noticed by other elves.

But this time, Deputy Captain Tennyson led the assassin team to Padstow City, but he brought twelve gryphon cavalry with him.

In the dark night, I rode a horse and ran along the mountain road for more than ten kilometers in one breath.

When he saw that the horse beneath him was covered in horse sweat, its panting became heavier and its pace became slower and slower, he knew that the horse could no longer run and needed to rest before he could continue on the road.

The owner of the Carlos mine did not pull the reins, but let the horse stop on the side of the road.

Then he told the three mixed-blood elf guards at the time: "Let's rest here for a while..."

The three half-blood elf guards quickly jumped off their horses and loosened the saddle buckles on the horses' backs to give the four horses a rest.

It was already rare for the four horses pulling the cart to run so far in one breath. There was still a long way to go, and they didn't dare to tire these horses out all at once...

Just as the four of them were sitting under a big tree to rest, the owner of the Carlos Mine heard a sound of horses neighing.

When the three guards got up and ran towards the four horses, the four horses that were supposed to be tied to the trees ran wildly into the night, and the reins tied to the trees were cut off at their roots.

The owner of the Carlos Mine, who was already suspicious, turned pale with fright. He took the only three remaining guards and ran towards the mountain on the left side of the road...

Just as he was crossing the mountain ridge, the three guards following him disappeared one after another.

And they all disappeared silently. The owner of the Carlos Mine was so frightened that his legs became weak and he could only run as fast as he could with his last breath.

I kept running forward, and when I reached the mountain ridge, I saw a flash of fish-belly white light up on the horizon.

This was the moment before dawn, and it was about to dawn. There were no mixed elf guards behind him, and throughout the night, the owner of the Carlos Mine did not see a single tracker.

Just when he ran to the mountain ridge, he saw the back of a person on a big rock.

At this moment, the owner of the Carlos Mine is exhausted, his legs are as heavy as lead, and he can no longer move...

Roy sat on a boulder, with his back to the owner of the Carlos Mine, and said to him:

"If you just open a mine in the Nicobar Mountains, there is nothing wrong with it. The Silver Moon Kingdom has never restricted this. But if you openly trade elf slaves on the Partington plane, you have violated the Silver Moon Kingdom. According to the law, I can only order your arrest for your blatant cruelty and persecution of half-blood elf slaves and destruction of mines."

After speaking, Roy turned around, smiled coldly at him, and said:

"Good morning, Carlos Mine Owner."

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