Path of light

Chapter 463 464 Key West Islands

Chapter 463 464. Key West Islands

When the Silver Moon elves on the island saw a group of mixed-blood elf warriors coming out of the boat, the smiles on their faces immediately faded, and everyone gathered together to discuss in a low voice.

The old Silver Moon Elf pondered for a moment before saying to Roy:

"There have been no guests on the island for several years. We have become accustomed to this quiet life. Since you have been ordered to come here and plan to live on the island for a while, you can set up camps on the beach and in the jungle on the west side. But Your soldiers cannot break into our living area at will and disturb our lives."

Roy was slightly startled. He didn't expect the old Silver Moon Elf to say this.

It was obvious that the mixed-blood elf army he had brought was to defend against gray dwarf bandits, but the Silver Moon elves on these islands didn't buy it at all.

For a moment, Roy even thought about taking these mixed-blood elf warriors on the pier to board the ship again and station them on other islands in the Key West Islands.

However, as the leader of the mixed-blood elf guard group, once he makes such an impulsive decision, it will inevitably cause conflicts between the silver moon elves and the mixed-blood elves. He does not want to get into trouble with the silver moon elves here just after arriving in Key West Islands. fire.


Roy agreed and did not continue chatting with the old Silver Moon Elf. He walked directly off the pier and came to the beach covered with white sand.

The area that the old Silver Moon Elf was referring to was a large jungle on the south slope of the island's main peak, and a faint wooden house hidden in the canopy could be seen.

Four medium-sized sailing ships docked at the pier, and groups of mixed-blood elves got off the boats. Everyone looked at the island with great curiosity. Roy led the mixed-blood elven warriors to the woodland to the west of the island.

Compared to the cramped cabins of sailing ships, elves prefer to live in the woods.

Since he was going to be stationed in the Key West Islands for a period of time, Roy didn't want the mixed elves to live on the ship all the time.

This time Roy came from the headquarters of the Silver Pegasus Legion, and the military supplies were allocated by Captain Berkeley. In addition to the light cavalry armor, the mixed elf warriors also received a complete set of tents, hammocks, sleeping bags, and water bottles. Soldiers and armaments.

The Key West Islands are rich in fish resources, and there are also fruits that the elves like on the islands, so there is not much pressure on the logistics supply.

Seeing Roy leading a team of mixed elf warriors to the island, some of the Silver Moon elves on the island felt like they had eaten flies...

The Key West Islands are located in the northwest corner of the Queen Evenee Islands and consist of thirty-eight islands.

The three largest reef islands are located in the center of the archipelago. The middle reef island covers an area of ​​about ten square kilometers. There is an isolated peak several hundred meters high on the island, and dense jungle covers the entire reef island.

There are only a few hundred Silver Moon elves living on this island. The other islands are very small, and there are not many Silver Moon elves on the island.

Some reef islands with a diameter of only more than a hundred meters are only covered with some vegetation.

Roy led a thousand mixed-blood elf warriors stationed on the main island of the Key West Islands, and the other four thousand mixed-blood elf warriors were distributed on the other twenty islands where Silver Moon elves lived, including those islands where no Silver Moon elves lived. , Roy did not arrange garrison.

Only during routine patrols every day, mixed-blood elf warriors would board flying fish sailboats to uninhabited desert islands to check whether there were any traces of gray dwarf bandits on the islands.

In the past, these reconnaissance tasks were assigned to the griffin group, and mixed-blood elf warriors were not very good at it...

Roy built a temporary camp on the main island of the Key West Islands. The mixed-blood elf warriors tied hammocks to suitable large trees, and then surrounded the hammocks with single-person marching tents to build some simple tree houses. .

It can be seen that the Silver Moon elves on the island are somewhat repelled by this group of mixed-blood elven warriors, so Roy reminded the mixed-blood elven warriors that if they have nothing to do on the island, they should try not to hang out in the Silver Moon elves' village.

Roy walked to the pier, where two medium-sized sailboats were docked. The two captains were lying on the deck of the ship building chatting, while several crew members were seriously scrubbing the deck.

The water here is very clear. Through the clear water, you can see those sea fish swimming freely...

It is said that this is the best place for the Silver Moon elves to observe the movements of the Naga Sea Tribe.

Seeing Roy walking onto the pier, the two captains stood up and greeted Roy from the upper deck.

"Captain Roy, are we going to sea today?" Captain Satas asked Roy.

"Captain Satas, if it's convenient, could you please take me around the waters around here?" Roy stood on the dock, raising his head and asked the easy-going Captain Satas.

"Of course, I'm very happy to help you!"

Captain Satas quickly asked the crew to lower the ladder.

Roy boarded the sailboat. The crew had untied the cables tied to the pier pillars, hauled up the anchor, raised the half-sail, and pushed the long oars deep into the sea to row the medium-sized sailboat out of the harbor.

After the sailboat left the port, its sails gradually inflated and its speed slowly increased.

Captain Satas kept giving orders, adjusting the angle of the sail, so that the sailboat could move forward with the waves in the sea.

After the sailboat moved away from the three main islands, the outlines of the three main islands gradually became clear in Roy's eyes.

At this time, Roy came under the main mast and carefully climbed to the observation deck mountain by using the simple ladder on the mast.

When sailing in the sea, every time it hits a wave, the bow of the ship will jerk upwards. Standing on the deck will feel very bumpy, but this feeling is far less profound than standing on the observation deck of the main mast.

Every time the rocking of the hull is transmitted to the observation deck of the main mast, it is a huge swing, and it is still rocking very irregularly and wantonly. Only sailors with rich sailing experience and agility can serve as lookouts.

As soon as Roy climbed onto the observation deck, the sailboat encountered a huge wave. The observation deck shook violently, almost throwing him off the platform.

When the ship was a little more stable, Roy held the main mast tightly with one hand and took out a chart of the Key West Islands from his magic pocket with the other hand.

This chart was obtained from the Silver Pegasus Military Headquarters. It is said to perfectly reproduce the locations of the islands in the Key West Islands.

Roy took out the chart in order to take a good look at the Key West Islands. Since he led the mixed elf guard group to be stationed here, Roy was ready to do some homework and keep the terrain of the nearby sea in mind.

After the sailboat made a half circle around the three main islands, it headed straight towards the several reef islands in the north.

Almost all of the islands in the north were stationed with mixed-blood elf warriors. On the first night that the mixed-blood elf warriors spent on the island, Roy wanted to know the situation of the mixed-blood elf warriors on other islands.

From the map, these islands appear to be almost connected together.

But if you go there by sailing boat, you actually have to sail for a long time in the sea to get there.

Roy's inspection was a little hasty this time, so he had no intention of landing on the island. He just wanted to watch from a distance on the sailboat.

When the medium-sized sailing ship passed the first island in the North District, Roy happened to see a half-blood elf warrior leaning out half of his body from the top of the tree crown on the top of the ship. He saluted Roy with a military salute.

The island and the medium-sized sailboat were still far away, and Roy could only see the blurry figures of the mixed-blood elf warriors.

When passing several other islands, Roy also saw mixed-blood elf warriors emerging from several sentries. When passing an island, Roy also saw some mixed-blood elf warriors fishing on the beach.

The sailboat just made a circle in the North District, which took almost half a day.

Roy was relieved when he saw that the mixed elf warriors on each island had set up warning posts.

These islands are no different than land. With so many mixed-blood elf warriors separated on various islands, it is not easy to support each other...

Roy stayed on the sailboat all day, and when he returned to the dock, it was already dark.

In addition to two medium-sized sailing ships, there are also several flying fish boats parked on the pier. These small, ultra-fast fishing boats are the favorite boats of the Silver Moon elves.

The two Silver Moon elves walked off the flying fish boat, carrying a few bright red sea fish in their hands. They seemed to be in a good mood, talking and laughing along the way. When they saw Roy walking off the sailboat alone, they He looked at it curiously.

Perhaps because Roy was not a mixed-blood elf, the Silver Moon elf holding a bunch of sea fish in his hand greeted Roy:

"Are you the half-elf leader who just came to the island? Are you also part of the Silver Pegasus Legion?"

Roy nodded and then explained:

"We are a guard group on the Partington plane. Most of the elves living on that plane are mixed-blood elves, so the guards are also mixed-blood elven warriors. This time a large number of gray dwarf bandits were discovered in the Queen Egwene Islands, and we were Recruit here..."

He didn't want to explain at first, but after thinking about it, he still hoped that the two Silver Moon elves could spread what he said.

His mixed-blood elf warriors came to the island to garrison and help the Silver Moon elves defend themselves against gray dwarf bandits, so there was no reason for them to be looked down upon by the Silver Moon elves when they lived on the island.

"Are you going to be stationed on the island?" Silver Moon Elf said with some surprise.

Roy nodded again.

"I'm just telling you! You are here to help us..."

The two mixed-blood elves were naturally very happy when they heard what Roy said. They pointed to the Silver Moon Elf village on the hillside and said enthusiastically to Roy:

"The place we live is just over there in the village. You can go to the village when you have time. Of course, it is best at night. I can buy you a drink then."

As he said that, the Silver Moon Elf shook the sea fish in his hand...

Roy smiled and waved to the two mixed elves, and walked towards the camp alone.

Since the main island of the Key West Islands was too large, Roy asked the mixed-blood elf warriors to patrol along the seaside. Just as the old Silver Moon elf said, no trace of gray dwarf bandits was found on this island.

Perhaps the half-blood elves were too tired during the boat trip, so the camp quickly became quiet on the second night.

Roy thought for a while and felt that he still needed to go to the village. At least he could get some information about the gray dwarf bandits from the Silver Moon Elf villagers.

After walking into the Silver Moon Elf's village, Roy realized that this place was really different.

The roads in the village were well planned. Although it was already dark, fluorescent lights emitted from both sides of the roads, shrouding the village in a cold-toned glow.

These dozens of tree houses are built on the southern slope of the lonely peak. The terrain at the foot of the mountain is relatively gentle, and the vegetation here is dense. These tree houses are not tightly packed together...

Only those big and strong trees will have some exquisite tree houses built.

Roy came to a forest clearing in the elf village. Opposite was a tavern. These taverns were built under big trees. There were only a few drinkers in the tavern, and everyone was sipping wine very quietly.

And there are actually many stone sculptures placed around this square...

The Silver Moon elves like art and music very much. Roy stood in front of a statue. This statue was carved into a flying fish boat following the waves. The waves pushed the fishing boat with wings spread high into the sky.

"This stone sculpture is called Talang. I created it out of inspiration the year before last."

A familiar voice came from behind Roy.

Roy turned around and realized that it was the Silver Moon Elf he had seen at the dock in the evening. He was standing behind him with a look of pride on his face.

"It's not bad, the work is very intense."

Influenced by Ms. Belinda, Roy has a keen eye for appreciating statues.

The Silver Moon Elf didn't expect that Roy also knew sculpture. He was immediately interested and said to Roy, "Are you interested in going in for a drink?"

There is no choice in the tavern, only the fruit wine brewed by the tavern owner. It is said that it is a unique fruit on the island. The fruit grows on catalpa trees. Even if it is ripe and eaten in the mouth, it is like chewing sawdust. It is sour and hard. It is easy to swallow, but the fruit wine brewed from it has a unique aroma of trees.

Silver Moon Elf and Roy ordered two glasses of fruit wine and sat down at the table in the corner.

"I heard that the situation in the Queen Ewinnie Islands is very chaotic right now, but the Key West Islands have never felt that kind of tension..."

The Silver Moon Elf stopped at this point, patted his forehead, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Rossetti, and I am currently learning sculpture."

After speaking, he stretched out his fair and slender hand. Roy reached out to shake his hand, and then said, "My name is Roy, and I am currently learning island garrison."

The two clinked their glasses and drank a little.

"Currently gray dwarf bandits have spread across most of the outer reef islands. They are coming with ferocious force this time. Several islands south of the reef have been occupied by gray dwarf bandits, so Earl Swinburne sent us here..."

Roy sat on the chair and did not lower his voice deliberately when speaking. He had always wanted to convey this news.

"Then we should be careful here..." Rossetti took a sip of wine gracefully.

Sure enough, Roy's words also attracted other Silver Moon elves. One Silver Moon Elf held a wine glass and said:

"In recent years, gray dwarf bandits have always appeared in the Queen Egwene Islands. They are very cunning and often tentatively land on the island. We drive them away every time. If they dare to sneak onto the island this time, we will There are ways to induce them..."

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