Path of light

Chapter 473 474 Alchemy Workshop

Chapter 473 474. Alchemy Workshop

The alchemy workshop is located at the end of the magic district. It is a bit far away from the magic union, but it is still within the scope of the magic shopping street.

In Castleton City, the rent here is considered to be the highest in the entire city. On such a busy shopping street, Claire relied on the connections she had slowly accumulated and some connections in her family to help Roy rent a house. A shop of nearly 600 square meters.

The Silver Moon elves like to divide the shop into two areas. The area facing the street is separated into a shop, and the two-thirds of the area behind is transformed into a workshop.

The same is true for this alchemy workshop. The front room is a shop selling basic magic potions, and the back is a workshop for refining magic potions.

Woods usually refines elementary magic potions in the alchemy workshop. Of course, Woods is not the only magic pharmacist in this workshop. Claire also recruited four magic pharmacists and seven magic pharmacists from the Magic Guild. Magic Apprentice.

Usually everyone refines primary magic potions in the workshop. Anyway, a large number of primary magic herbs are shipped from the Partington plane almost every week. If they cannot be refined into magic potions in time, these primary magic herbs will take up a lot of resources. Warehouse storage.

Therefore, since its establishment, this alchemy workshop has been the busiest alchemy workshop on the entire street. The most special thing about this alchemy workshop is that it only refines primary magic herbs. This is very suitable for those who have just graduated from the magic academy. The magic apprentices who came out of the house.

Many Silver Moon Elf magicians are unwilling to engage in such boring and arduous work. In just over two months, more magic pharmacists have been recruited and left silently than they can count on both hands, but those magic apprentices I cherish this job very much. For magic apprentices, this is simply the best place to improve their magic potion science.

Roy came to the alchemy workshop.

Standing in front of the steps, he saw a sign posted at the door of the shop: 'All magic potions have been sold out'.

It seems that the human merchant ships on the dock have really bought up all the magic potions in their alchemy workshop.

When I saw Claire and Woods in the morning, they were counting the number of magic herbal medicine packages on the dock. Woods told Roy that this group of businessmen had even packaged and bought all the primary magic herbal medicines in stock.

When I walked into the store, I saw that the shelves inside the counter were empty.

Two mixed-blood elf waitresses stood behind the counter, looking at Roy with embarrassed expressions, smiling and apologizing to Roy:

"Sorry, all the magic potions in the store are sold out. It will probably take about a week for new magic potions..."

Listening to the soft apology of the mixed elf girl, Roy stepped into the shop and asked her: "Is Woods back? I'm here to see him."

"Are you looking for the chief magic apothecary of our workshop? I'll go to the workshop behind and ask..."

The young half-blood elf waitress held up the hem of her skirt with one hand. It seemed that this was the only way she could run. With light steps, she slipped into the workshop at the back.

Roy walked around the shop curiously. There were actually scales and magic crystals on the counter here. The crystal chandeliers on the ceiling exuded a soft halo. The paintings hanging on the walls were not common oil paintings, but Some specimens of magic herbs. These completely dehydrated magic herbs are posted in the picture frame, and there are extremely neat text introductions below.

Woods walked out quickly from behind the alchemy workshop and led Roy into the alchemy workshop at the back.

Passing through a row of cauldrons where the magic potion is being boiled, the room is filled with the bitter smell of magic herbs...

Woods introduced Roy excitedly:

"How about it? This alchemy workshop is pretty good, isn't it?

This was something Claire spent a lot of effort to negotiate. We remodeled the place and recruited some magic pharmacists to refine primary magic potions.

Originally, the sales of primary magic potions have not been very good in the past two months. Claire also plans to go to Buenos to contact some magic shops to see if we can sell our magic potions.

But before he set off, several human merchant ships arrived at the port, and the whole city was buying magic herbs, just like last time..."

"Are those merchant ships coming from Roland Continent again?" Roy was a little curious.

"Yes, it is said that something happened over there. Generally speaking, the planes rich in magic herbs are plunged into war, and their army lacks priests, so they can only consume a large amount of magic potions, so these merchant ships came all the way. Went to Elf Continent and planned to purchase some magic herbs!" Woods whispered to Roy.

Roy saw a familiar figure and stopped in front of the crucible.

Miss Tiffany is actually here too. She is guarding a row of steaming magic cauldrons and holding a bottle of dissolving agent in her hand. She is checking the status of the concoction in the cauldron and occasionally adding it to the cauldron. Some solvents.

She was staring at the crucibles with all her concentration, and she didn't even know that Roy was coming behind her.

"Tiffany is refining some spiritual potions. The Condensation Grass is extremely unstable, so the magic pharmacist needs to concentrate on the refining process without any slack..." Woods explained quietly beside Roy.

The Magic Block is not too far from the Elf Academy. At this time, the bell ringing for the end of get out of class at the Elf Academy was heard outside.

Roy walked to the window and looked in the direction of the Elf Academy. His sight was blocked by a magic tower and he couldn't see the Elf Academy at all...

Castletown is a very comfortable, quiet city with beautiful scenery everywhere.

Although there are some conflicts and disputes in this city, it is just that the Silver Moon Elves and the Mixed-blood Elves dislike each other. They divide the city in half and do not disturb each other.

The Silver Moon Elves in Castletown have a much gentler attitude towards mixed-blood elves than the Silver Moon Elves in other cities.

The upper town here is like a beautiful elven garden, but it is always where the Silver Moon elves live.

Roy prefers Brown Street on the Port Terminal side. He always feels that only in the downtown area can he feel the lively atmosphere of the city.

Miss Tiffany's mental potion has begun to be prepared...

Moira held a few books and ran in from outside the alchemy workshop. She originally came to see Miss Tiffany to go home with her, but after rushing into the alchemy workshop, she saw Woods and Woods standing by the window. Roy.

She covered her mouth tightly with one hand, her big watery eyes full of surprise.

The next second he dropped the textbook in his arms, rushed in front of Roy with a loud sound, and threw himself on Roy with open arms.

Roy held Moira, who was hanging on his body like a pendant, with both hands.

She seemed to have grown up a lot recently, and she was heavier than before. Smelling the fragrance between her hair, Roy held Moira in a circle and then put her down.

Moira looked at Roy in surprise and asked happily: "Roy, why did you come back without telling me in advance?"

"I have four days off, so I wanted to come back and see you." Roy said to Moira with a smile, and then reached out to pinch her tender face.

Moira almost jumped up with joy, hugged Roy's arms with both hands, and asked him: "So you came back specially to see us this time?"

"Well, the main thing is I'm a little homesick." Roy said honestly.

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