Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 698: Enemy face to face! (1 more seeking...

Suddenly, the poisonous crocodile Dragon King made a strange roar, and the huge body ran straight into Lin Feng, and the strong limbs stepped on the ground and made a loud bang, so that the entire river ditch felt a fierce tremor. Lin Feng can only feel the huge black shadow in front of him.

The light itself is illuminated by the body of the protector, and the surrounding light is extremely dark. Now the huge body is in front of you, making the already unclear sight more blurred. Lin Feng only feels that a mountain hits his mountain. Lin Feng's meridians are followed by tremors. An unspeakable pain spreads throughout the body. It is better to say that Lin Feng was directly knocked out and fell heavily on both sides of the river ditch.

Although more than a dozen poisonous crocodile dragons have been blinded, but still have a sense of smell, and Lin Feng is so close to them, more than a dozen poisonous crocodile dragons licking their limbs, rushing to Lin Feng, Lin Feng's heart beats significantly accelerated Many, especially to see the more than ten poisonous crocodile dragons pressed down, slightly stained with the poison of these poisonous crocodile dragons, non-death and injury.

Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate with half a minute. The floating sword was held in his hand and suddenly waved thousands of swords and condensed gas knots in front of him. The ten poisonous crocodile dragons felt the breath of death, all of which shifted their direction and squatted. This opportunity Lin Feng quickly stood up.

But just standing up and not standing still, the front is a dark body like a wall of the body rushed up, poisonous crocodile dragon Wang Jianshuo's limbs tightly wrapped around Lin Feng, Lin Feng only feels suffocating, can feel his face Gradually fever, the eyes are somewhat unable to withstand this severe pain.

"Hey!". Lin Feng couldn't bear the tremendous power of this, and made a scream of Warcraft. The eyes became blood red, and the **** magic of his body rose hundreds of times. The poisonous crocodile dragon looked at the time, as if he saw incredible The same thing, this is the rare poison of the crocodile dragon.

Lin Feng's voice, the blood of the magic gas spread across the river ditch, this violent and full of **** energy scared more than a dozen poisonous crocodile dragons all into the river ditch, the **** river is more blood red.

Lin Feng burst into a fist, blood Qiquan burst out, a fist only, poisonous crocodile dragon king was directly bombed out, but Lin Feng did not intend to let go of the poisonous crocodile dragon king, in the middle of the sky, Lin Feng grasped the poisonous crocodile dragon's chest and a mane The poisonous crocodile dragon has made a scream of screaming, obviously this is its weakness.

Lin Feng did not pay attention to whether it was the weakness of the poisonous crocodile dragon king. He directly threw the poisonous crocodile dragon king out of the blood-colored hair, and fell heavily in the river ditch. He slammed the muffled sound, and the poisonous crocodile dragon king was directly thrown into the river ditch by Lin Feng. inside.

Lin Feng stood on the ground, the blood of the eyes still existed, and more and more horrible, the blue veins of the whole body, the **** magic of the words can not make the poisonous crocodile dragon of the entire river ditch dare to make a sound, as if feared by the **** devil. general.

Lin Feng glared at the eyes, coldly looking at the poisonous crocodile dragon king in the river ditch, a trace of bloodthirsty arc in the corner of his mouth, people can not help but be shocked at first glance.

"The beast, take the initiative to come to me, I will not kill you!". Lin Feng gave a low-pitched voice, and the hoarse voice was even more murderous. When people listened, they couldn't help but tremble.

The poisonous crocodile dragon king squatted with his eyes, and some of the eyes were no longer angry but panicked. Its huge body ambushed into the river, for fear of being discovered by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng saw it here, his face was indifferent and there was no expression. Suddenly, Lin Feng snorted and ooze a trace of blood, and the breath was weak.

"The deity has to break through?" Lin Feng suddenly stunned, and then his face was full of excitement, the deity finally broke through, as long as the deity breaks through, then you want to kill this poisonous crocodile dragon king is simple.

Within the Wuhun world, Lin Fengpan sits under the phoenix tree, and the phoenix leaves falling from the phoenix tree are shining with golden light. These rays are gathered to Lin Feng's body a little bit, and the chaos is constantly in the body of Lin Feng. Moving, Lin Feng's breath is a little bit stronger, but his face is more and more severe and indifferent.

This is the most stressful moment, and it is not allowed to have a sloppy sloppyness. Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to the ignorance of the fire. It is not a joke to go to the devil. No one can save Lin Feng, and the ancestors have no such strength.

Therefore, Lin Feng only sees this breakthrough as more important than life. It can't be a sloppy sloppy one, or it is the result of the soul flying away.

The atmosphere of the Wuhun world is tense, and the atmosphere outside is more severe. With Lin Feng mouth spitting blood, the poisonous crocodile dragon king obviously feels that Lin Feng’s breath has become a lot weaker, and suddenly the twins are coming bright, and the huge body begins to swim outside. There is a strong momentum of death and death.

Lin Feng stared at the body of the poisonous crocodile dragon king. Without waiting for how long this poisonous crocodile dragon king could not help the temper climbed out of the river directly, the speed rushed to Lin Fengchong, Lin Feng screamed, double fist Booming out, the overbearing boxing wind blasted out and collided with the body of the poisonous crocodile Dragon King.

The poisonous crocodile dragon king trembled, but still running away from Lin Feng, could not stop the attack of the poisonous crocodile dragon king, Lin Feng's face changed, and the advantage in the blink of an eye became a disadvantage, and the deity used a huge chaos force. Let him face a crisis.

However, Lin Feng must not have a slight retreat at this moment, otherwise it will lead to the failure of the deity. At the critical moment, Lin Feng is ready to sacrifice.

The poisonous crocodile Dragon King was only hit by a double fist, and did not cause too much injury. He still ran into Lin Feng and ran across it. The huge body of 100 meters made people feel a little scary, but Lin Feng couldn’t panic. Lin Feng sighed deeply and clenched the buoy. Sword, the three Taoist tactics are mobilized from the heart.

On the arrival of an unspeakable momentum from Lin Feng's body, I couldn't feel a sigh of excitement, but the energy contained in it was extremely horrible. Lin Feng stabbed a sword and ran straight with a sword of three Dafa. The crocodile dragon king's chest stabbed.

Poisonous crocodile Dragon King seems to feel the danger, making a roar of roar, rapid retraction of the limbs, the speed is not slow, but Lin Feng full force breakdown, how could there be the idea of ​​letting go of the poisonous crocodile dragon king?

Lin Feng provoked a sword and flew to the front of the poisonous crocodile dragon king beast. The floating butcher sword slammed away and ran directly to the weakest mane of it, and a **** splash, Lin Feng quickly avoided. Otherwise, the black blood will splash on the body and it will be highly toxic.

Lin Feng’s floating swords pierced the heart, and the poisonous crocodile dragon king made a heart-wrenching snoring sound, with fear of unknown death in his eyes. At this time, the blood basin was filled with blood and flowed down the teeth. The body that was originally **** is even more terrible at the moment.

However, Lin Feng did not have a soft heart. If the poisonous crocodile Dragon King is not dead, then Lin Feng himself is dead. Lin Feng takes back the floating sword and wipes the poisonous blood on it with a handkerchief.

Lin Feng smashed the passage of the top of the eye, and then stepped out, flew to the front of the poisonous crocodile dragon Wang Shuo’s body, kicked out, and the gravity of the tens of kilograms directly kicked the 100-meter body, Lin Feng’s posture One hand dragged the body of the poisonous crocodile dragon king, flying fast and flying out.

There were two loud noises, and the floor above was directly crushed by the poisonous crocodile dragon king. Lin Feng dragged the poisonous crocodile dragon king who was more than 100 meters away and saw the real person who recovered.

The face of the recovery was a little bit gloomy. Lin Feng, who was looking out from the inside, still dragged the body of the poisonous crocodile dragon king. He only felt a cold and failed. This failed to kill Lin Feng, Lin Feng’s The strength is too strong...

Lin Feng looked at the recovery capacity, and then threw out the corpse of the poisonous crocodile dragon king, kicked out with a kick, directly kicked the poisonous crocodile dragon king out, rushing in the direction of recovery capacity, the recovery face was gloomy to the extreme, left hand 拎With Jiang Xuan, the right hand slammed out and smashed the body of the poisonous crocodile dragon king directly in the air.

The sound of screaming came, the poisonous crocodile dragon king who was already in the doldrums could not die any more. Even if the body did not stay, he was revived and the hand was smashed into pieces of flesh in the air.

The recovery looks at Lin Lin Feng reflects the recovery capacity, the four eyes are opposite, the surrounding atmosphere instantly drops to the freezing point, and even other people dare not make the slightest sound, afraid to bother two people.

After a long time, the recovery was able to regain his gaze, and his eyes remained indifferent. The cold sarcasm smirked: "Not bad, I can live out, I thought that you have long been eaten by the poisonous crocodile dragon king. The rest."

The tone of the recovery is obviously provocative, and people can't help but frown. When they first came up, they had a strong smell of gunpowder, which made people unable to bear to look straight.

Lin Feng stared at the recovery, and his face was indifferent. Only when he saw Jiang Xuan, who had a stunned face in the past, his face was a little more awkward and heartache.

"Lin Feng, look at this little guy?"

The recovery looked at Lin Feng for a long time, and finally broke the silence, and made a cold voice, but his face was like a snake and a sinister poison.

Lin Feng slightly frowned, raised his head and looked at the recovery, and the heartbeat speed in his heart suddenly increased.


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