Peninsula Asteroid

Chapter 571 Don’t be sour


Although Pei Zhuxuan had known about it for a long time and had done a lot of mental preparation, when the topic of getting off the car came up, she still couldn't help but calm down a little.

There was no silence in the lounge. Chi Jingyuan and Pei Zhuxuan were sitting on one side. Their managers diagonally opposite were whispering to each other. Sounds kept coming, buzzing like mosquitoes, and they could vaguely be heard. It seemed that they were discussing the issue of picking up the artist's schedule, but the dance teacher just went out directly, maybe to use the bathroom or smoke.

"That's it for Christmas. As an MC, it's not easy to dominate the show. When it's time to get off the stage, be well prepared. The program team can't let the program crew be so casual in choosing songs."

Chi Jingyuan looked ahead with a water bottle in his hand and said casually. He sounded a little chattering. He didn't know whether he was talking to Pei Zhuxuan or talking to himself: "But I don't have much inspiration yet... By then we'll see."


Although there was no eye contact, Bae Zhuhyun was obviously listening attentively, and nodded slightly at the end.

After a while, she turned to look at Chi Jingyuan: "Have you told the "Music Bank" program team about getting off the car?"

"Not yet." Chi Jingyuan glanced at her: "Wait until the end of the year, next year, and wait until the TV series starts broadcasting about half a month in advance before letting the company and the program team discuss it. This point is more appropriate and left to It’s neither too early nor too late for them to find a successor.”

As he said that, he chuckled and shrugged: "Well, I don't know who PD Han Jinzhe and the others can find to take our place after the two of us. It doesn't feel like it's an easy task... You say, to The ratings of "Yin Yin" won't fall back by then, right?"

Nowadays, thanks to the efforts of the two MCs Ji Kyung-won and Bae Zhu-hyun, the ratings of each episode of "Music Bank" hover between 7% and 10%, which is almost as good as the ordinary aces of several major TV stations. Or first-line variety shows, which have clearly differentiated themselves from singing shows that generally have a ratings of 1%.

Otherwise, Bae Joo-hyun wouldn't have become so well-known by being such a fixed MC, and directly rushed to the forefront of Gallup, and now she is taken very seriously by the "Sound Silver" program team, and even KBS is very appreciative of her attitude. good.

"..." When Pei Zhuxuan heard this, she rolled her eyes at Chi Jingyuan with a smile, flicked her ponytail back and forth, turned her head while suppressing a smile, and pretended to smooth her hair. There was a little stinky beauty in her movements and expressions. Very charming.

At this time, the dance teacher came back, and the two people immediately stood up from the ground and prepared to start practicing again. When putting the water glasses aside, Pei Zhuxuan asked one last question: "Are you going to join the filming tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Chi Jingyuan nodded:

"Let's read the script together tomorrow and then hold the opening ceremony..."

EXO's winter special "Sing for You" unsurprisingly shows their consistent strong sales. Even the special consisting of only ballads still sells well, although due to production and subject matter limitations, it will definitely not reach that level. The regular second album alone is worth a million dollars, but within five days of its release, the sales exceeded 400,000 in the first week, which can still beat almost all boy groups and girl groups.

How much has Twice sold since its debut...

In order to strike while the iron is hot, SM Entertainment has also prepared multiple signing events for EXO. On December 15th alone, the XO group was divided into two groups and will hold multiple signing events in succession in Daejeon and Busan.

However, Chi Jingyuan was absent from this trip to fans' regret. Early this morning, his people had already arrived in the conference room prepared by tvN.

"...I treat the investigation program as a platform for eating instant noodles. The books I have read recently are magazines about golf and mountain climbing. The most important thing is the origin of these color postcards..."

Chi Jingyuan was sitting in his seat, wearing a clean white turtleneck sweater that showed off his temperament. He was holding a script, and with a proud and confident posture, he read his lines with great emotion: "I bet My neck, there must be the business card of Li Boying’s manager..."

The conference room is not small, about sixty or seventy square meters. There is a banner board for "The Signal" at the front. The title of the show and the tvN logo are very conspicuous on it. The glass wall on the left is blocked by a curtain, and there is no door. Closed, there are many staff members gathered outside.

The actors and staff of the production crew have already arrived, and they have gathered around a long beige table two or three times. The people sitting on the table are all the main actors of the production crew, at least they all have a lot of roles. When you get to the outside, there are all the staff and actors' managers and other people watching.

At this time, director Kim Won-seok was sitting at the top, and writer Kim Eun-hee was sitting on the right. They had just finished talking about the scene they had just met. At this time, everyone was listening carefully to the emotional speeches of the leading actors. Read the script.

Script seminars are something that Peninsula TV dramas will do before filming starts. A group of actors sit together to read the scripts and exchange plots before starting filming. This can make the actors familiar with each other and at the same time allow them to become more involved in the roles and speed up the filming progress. If you encounter It is quite important to find out and discuss some plot issues and flaws.

And even though it's just a non-physical reading of the script, you still need to try your best to be emotionally involved and fully immerse yourself in the character. It's also an opportunity to show off your line skills.

After Chi Jingyuan finished reading the words, Jin Huixiu immediately followed up: "As the old saying goes, you must say the right thing even if your mouth is crooked. Your mouth is not crooked, but your words are really unpleasant..."

Her voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard, with obvious disdain and contempt in it.

Before reading the script, all the actors in the crew had already introduced themselves and got to know each other. As one of the youngest leading actors, Chi Jingyuan also deliberately came very early today and had already met with the other two leading actors before the official exchange. They all said hello to the other actors and had a brief exchange, leaving a preliminary impression on each other.

Kim Hye-soo is the most popular actor in the crew of "Signal". Although her dress today is rather strange. The black mirrored sweater has a weird decoration like an epaulette on the shoulder. Her eyeliner is slightly thicker. In order to match the character, and also got a mushroom head that only little girls have.

But even so, her aura was still very strong when she first arrived. In addition to giving people a clear sense of the roughness of a Grand Slam movie actor, she also has a unique style and charm of a mature woman in her movements.

What left the deepest impression on Chi Jingyuan was this sister's eyes. She didn't dodge or avoid looking at each other occasionally. Her eyes were big and she could clearly see the meaning of scrutiny, sizing and even appreciation in the other person's eyes when speaking. There is no shyness between talking and laughing. Whether it is with the director or with him as a young leader, the communication is very natural and generous.

Moreover, this sister has a very good attitude towards Chi Jingyuan, and the senior's attitude is very measured, which makes her first impression on Chi Jingyuan quite good.

As expected of a grand slam actor who is almost 50 years old, I wonder if Yoona sunbaenim will be as stylish.

Kim Hye-soo's status in the crew can also be seen from the seats of the three leading actors. Although Ji Kyung-won is the male lead, during the meeting, this sister was the first one sitting on the left hand side of the director. Ji Kyung-won Yuan was in the position behind her. In some future activities and interviews, Kim Hye Soo stood in the middle as expected.

But this is a matter of course, and since she is the only actress among the three leading actors, it will be more natural if she comes to stand C.

The other leading actor, Zhao Zhenxiong, seems a bit plain in comparison. He doesn't talk much in private. Although his demeanor is a bit honest and easy to like when the relationship is funny, he is still quite serious when he is not talking.

Moreover, I heard that this guy is very familiar with Lee Di-hoon and has a close relationship with their managers. They have contacted and collaborated on several dramas together. I don't know if he has some opinions about Chi Jingyuan, who is competing with Lee Di-hoon.

The cast of "Signal" is indeed very strong. In addition to the three leading actors, the other main supporting roles are also faces that are very familiar to Peninsula audiences, such as the villain Zhang Xuancheng and the detective Kim Wonhae, who often appear in TV series. A powerful actor.

After the drama between Chi Jingyuan and Jin Huixiu, several other actors also started. For a while, the conference room was either sad or laughing, scolding or angrily, so that people who didn't know heard it and thought there was something wrong.

tvN obviously attaches great importance to this 10th anniversary special project. From the beginning of the script workshop, a dedicated photographer was there to shoot behind-the-scenes videos. After reading the script for most of the day, they immediately started recording the interview content for what will be unfolded soon. TV series promotion.

The promotion of "Signal" actually started when the cast was announced a few days ago.

Their cast has its own hot spots. In fact, there are enough gimmicks without too much exaggeration. Just the appearance of Kim Hye Soo in the TV series and Ji Kyung Won's new drama can already attract the attention of many people.

Especially for the latter, after the news of Chi Kyung-yuan's appearance in "Signal" was announced by the crew and SM company, it immediately became a hot search topic that day and aroused official discussion, which played a great role in publicity.

Kim Hye-soo has a very high status among actors, and may be very important among the audience groups of the 30s and 40s and up, but now on the Internet, it is still the world of young people, the younger generation, such as student groups. Although he acknowledges the status of these movie actors, he is more willing to discuss Chi Jingyuan, an idol actor who is closer to them.

Especially after Chi Jingyuan's short hair style was exposed, it has aroused a lot of discussion. Although SM has not announced it, fans have reached a consensus after discussions and some big fans with information channels revealed that they all know Chi Jingyuan. Yuan cut his hair so short for the first time for filming. At that time, it aroused the interest and expectations of many people, who wanted to know what kind of drama was worthy of him doing this.

When the news came out two days ago, it naturally became the focus immediately. Especially after the creators and cast of "Signal" were announced, it surprised many fans and passers-by.

"Dafa! Oppa's new drama is finally out. He is paired with Kim Hye-soo and Jo Jin-woong. It is a special project for tvN's 10th anniversary. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this lineup is so awesome and the anticipation is really high. When will it premiere?" Broadcast!"

"Chi Kyung-yuan is still awesome. Being able to join a TV drama case of this level and still play the leading role, and working with an actor of Kim Hye-soo's level, is really not something that can be done easily. Gee, it feels like he and the others are still there Compared to male and female idols who are scratching their heads trying to transform themselves into actors, and beating their heads to pieces for a role in an idol drama, he is already at the next level."

"Yuan's resources are great, right? The creators and cast of "Signal" are among the best in the film and television industry. Is it a special project for tvN's 10th anniversary? SM can even get such resources?"

"The company is really too biased. Look at what dramas they have accepted for Chi Kyung-yuan, and what kind of lineup is in "Signal"? Look at what dramas Wuli Yoona has filmed in the past two years, and what kind of lineups they have? Even Yuli It’s been a long time since I’ve filmed a movie, and the film and television resources are extremely poor. The seniors have made so many contributions to the company, but in the end are they just to serve as foils for juniors like this?”

"kkkkk I laughed so hard. Lin Yoona's acting skills can only play the role of a little girl in Japanese dramas. She can't do this kind of serious dramas. Look at her artificiality in crying in "Love Rain"... It's not like I didn't give her the resources before. After a few years, she is still 'Miss Shibi'. Do you blame the company for not giving her resources? Her resources are good enough, right? When Yuan Oppa first debuted, her film and television resources were not as good as those of Lin Yoon-ah. She started with a small-budget TV series, and she is still there now. I worked it out step by step with my own efforts, please don’t be upset with these senior fans, it’s really embarrassing.”

"It is customary for Oppa to act in one drama every year, but "Signal" will probably not be aired until next year. So is this drama this year or next year? He won't stop filming next year, right?"

The discussion on the Internet was very lively. Seeing that our oppa has received such good resources, the fan base was naturally overjoyed. While they began to pay close attention to the filming progress, they also spontaneously started crazy Amway promotions on major websites. As an idol The actor's own fans and a lot of popularity show his role without hesitation.

Passers-by are also optimistic about this lineup. Kim Hye-soo and Zhao Zhenxiong are both powerful film actors, and Ji Kyung-won is one of the representatives of young actors. Together with the main creator, as soon as the lineup came out, many people have already expressed that they will definitely watch it. .

However, there are also some fans of SM groups who feel that Chi Jingyuan's resources are too good, and they are mentally unbalanced and expressed their dissatisfaction online for their own Unnie.

Unfortunately, these words basically had no effect other than being sour, and they were soon drowned in the sea of ​​countless sarcastic comments from Ellie.

Just making an announcement created such a lively attitude, which made the crew of "Signal" extremely happy when they saw it. Especially Kim Won-seok, who had already enjoyed this kind of "hot before filming" treatment once last year, was even more amused. Hehehe made a few jokes with Chi Jingyuan.

It has been several days since the news of the appearance was announced. Although the popularity has subsided a lot, there is still a lot of discussion on the Internet. Coupled with the spontaneous publicity from fans, the official SNS opened by the crew of "Signal" has become a daily basis for many people. The check-in place has become even more lively until today when Chi Jingyuan joined the group.


"Anihasay, I am Ji Kyung-won who plays Park Hae-young in "Signal"..."

After the script seminar, the interview began. Sitting in front of the promotional board of "The Signal", Chi Jingyuan looked at the wireless microphone, smiled at the camera and introduced himself: " "The Signal", my main role is in During the investigation of a long-unsolved case, he is a character who communicates with the past and present through a walkie-talkie, and then solves the case.”

"Thoughts on directors and writers." The staff member in front of him raised a question board.

Chi Jingyuan didn't think much after taking a look at it, and quickly continued: "I have always liked watching mystery and suspense TV series. I have watched the works of writer Kim Eun-hee before, such as "Ghost", "Sign" and " "Three Days". At that time, when I learned about the drama "Signal", I thought about how great it would be if I was lucky enough to participate..."

"Director Yuan Xi's words, haha..." Chi Jingyuan said with a smile: "We have already collaborated once during the filming of "Misborn" last year. His thoughts and inspirations during filming, his own thoughts on filming and the crew His control is amazing. Being able to work with one of the best directors on the peninsula again, I don’t think I have to think too much.”

Kim Won-seok was very instrumental in having Ji Kyung-yuan star in this drama. When given the opportunity, Ji Kyung-yuan would of course praise this director with whom he has collaborated many times.

And he really feels that Kim Won-seok is really capable and is considered to be among the best. This has been proven by the explosion of "Misheng", which was not optimistic at all. If "Signal" becomes popular again, then Kim Won-seok will be successful in several consecutive dramas, and his golden body will be very shining.

Hearing Chi Jingyuan's rainbow fart, Jin Yuanxi, who was sitting next to him, also laughed and looked a little embarrassed.

"What do you think of the other actors?" A question board was raised.

Seeing this question, Chi Jingyuan's eyes turned slightly to where the actors were sitting next to him. When Jin Huixiu was being interviewed just now, he praised him very much, saying something like 'very handsome' and 'very good at lines' Words like 'one of the most outstanding young actors' and 'a promising junior'.

Although she is the lead in the same crew, there is no need to praise her so much. This sister's way of expressing her good intentions is obvious.

"Kim Hye-soo's achievements are obvious to all, so I don't need to say anything more. She has always been an actress that I like and respect very much, and the same goes for Jo Jin-woong. The acting skills of both seniors are my goals to study seriously. , I really feel safe and at the same time very honored to be able to cooperate with them..."

Chi Jingyuan complimented him very humbly, and showed a very correct attitude that a young actor should have when facing his seniors. At the end of the interview, he raised his hand in a playful way, beat the following words, winked and said:

"Please support tvN's 10th anniversary special project, "signal", Fighting!"

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