Peninsula Asteroid

Chapter 579 Thank you

"for you."

Listening to the voice, feeling the touch and strength in his hands, Chi Jingyuan looked at the delicately made-up Pei Zhuhyun in front of him and blinked.

It turns out you are also prepared.

"I was so busy that I forgot..."

The young lady put the gift in his hand and glanced at him, pretending to be relaxed and said casually: "I just remembered..."

She had actually wanted to take it out for a long time, but because of Zhou Ziyu's sudden intrusion, the feeling of being robbed of the opportunity made her a little uncomfortable, so she changed her mind.

Gifts represent special thoughts, but if you give them behind others at the same time, some things will be covered up and they will no longer be so conspicuous and special.

So it was only now, when the two were about to separate, that she finally took it out.

And as if she was worried that Chi Jingyuan would misunderstand something, Pei Zhuxuan looked at the side and smoothed her hair, and explained inadvertently: "Although you said there is no need to send it...but we just had some time two days ago..."

He took the gift in his hand and looked at it. Chi Jingyuan was not the same as before. He didn't ask anything like, "Did I tell you that I've been busy recently and didn't have time to prepare?". The other party's tone and expression actually showed it clearly. .

And with a pair of eyes, he almost understood what she meant.

"Thank you and Merry Christmas."

Chi Jingyuan held the gift box tightly, looked at Pei Zhuxuan's eyes, smiled and thanked him, then took the shoulder bag behind him, unzipped it and put the box in.

Hearing his tone, Pei Zhuxuan looked at his movements from the corner of her eye. She also turned to look into his eyes. After a few seconds, she also smiled and said: "Merry Christmas..."

Then she pursed her lips and said, "I'm leaving first." Then she carried her bag and walked out of the waiting room quickly, leaving only Chi Jingyuan's graceful figure behind.


The live broadcast of "Music Bank" ended at around seven o'clock. Ji Kyung-won and Bae Joo-hyun said goodbye. After leaving KBS TV station, they went to have something to eat, and then returned to the company's music room to start working overtime.

This time, the main purpose of this time was to improve the arrangement of the song "Come on" that was previously assigned to JYP. Park Jin Young had already asked him to do it at the beginning of the month. Although he was really busy at the end of the year, he still did it himself anyway. Chi Jingyuan thought about it and agreed to the song.

The related ideas have actually been in my mind for a long time, and I have actually done some work some time ago. However, after I joined the group for filming, I postponed it because I completely ran out of time, and it has been postponed until today.

Although there was no specific time limit at the beginning, it was agreed that the song would be released by the year before at the latest. Now there are only a few days left before 2016.

Moreover, we have already agreed before that we should not delay it any longer. Although we don’t know the specific return time that JYP has arranged for Twice, it is not appropriate to delay other people’s plans because of a song.

Chi Jingyuan is sitting alone in the music room that has been dedicated to him in the SM building. The music room is cleaned regularly. Chi Jingyuan is also a person who likes to be clean. Although he has not been here for more than ten days, the room is not big. It still looks neat and bright, with incandescent lights shining on the computer and speakers, indicating another busy night of overtime work.

However, he did not start working directly. Instead, he sat there for a while. After smelling the familiar smell, Chi Jingyuan took the shoulder bag and took out the two gift boxes inside.

It was quite surprising to receive two gifts from Bae Zhuhyun and Zhou Ziyu today, but compared to the helplessness that the two had to prepare despite being warned in advance, it was more of a subtle sense of surprise.

In fact, in his mind, it is quite normal for Pei Zhuxuan to give gifts. After all, the relationship between the two is extraordinary. Compared with ordinary friends, they are much closer and more ambiguous. Zhou Ziyu's words...

Still growing up.

Chi Jingyuan sighed, picked up the gift box Zhou Ziyu gave him, fished for the ribbon and pulled it, and the exquisite packaging was torn open by him mercilessly. After opening the box, a colorful plush sock appeared. In front of you.

The upper part is a colorful group of intermittent stripes. The colors are rich in red, orange, white and purple. At the toes, there is a big dog head painted. The dog has its eyes wide open and sticks out its tongue. It also wears a Christmas hat on its head. , looks like a strong sense of naivety.

Chi Jingyuan picked it up and touched it. It was fluffy and soft, and it felt quite good... Then he held the sock upright and looked at the silly dog ​​head.

Sure enough, it was still Zhou Ziyu's usual style. In fact, we shouldn't have expected too much just now.

How could he wear such socks? He just kept them in the cabinet...

Chi Jingyuan took one last look at the silly dog ​​head in a Santa hat, and suddenly felt that the dog head pattern had a familiar feeling. The smile was silly, and the face was a bit short.

He smiled and shook his head, rolled up the socks and put them in his bag.

He took back what he just said. In fact, he hasn't grown up yet...

Immediately afterwards, Chi Jingyuan opened the Bae Zhuhyun gift box. It was a pair of exquisite knitted gloves in contrasting colors. The lines of different colors blended together and were not obtrusive. They looked very comfortable and felt good in the hand.

Chi Jingyuan tried to put it on, and when he turned his hand over, he found that there was a small letter 'Y' on the edge of the glove. Compared with the color next to it, it looked very harmonious. It seemed that it had been specially added later.

He flexed his fingers with his gloves on. Although he didn't usually wear gloves, he was still quite warm.

In addition, there is a small knitted keychain in the gift box. The pattern is of a cute little girl wearing antlers. Her bulging fair face is slightly flushed, and paired with dark eyes, she looks... There are also some similarities with Bae Zhuhyun.

Maybe it's psychological.

What a coincidence. One of Bae Zhuhyun and Zhou Tzuyu gave away socks, and the other gave gloves, which directly kept their hands and feet warm in winter. It's a pity that one was too bright and the pattern was too stupid to wear, while the other was They look great, but he doesn’t actually wear many gloves.

As for the keychain, it can be directly attached to the mobile phone and used as a mobile phone chain, but the knitted material is easy to get dirty, and he is also worried that Bae Zhuhyun owns the same thing. If the two of them are photographed, bad news will easily appear.

Not very practical...

However, even though he found a lot of flaws and none of them were valuable, Chi Jingyuan smiled and played with several gifts for a long time and seemed to be in a good mood.

After playing with all the gifts for a while, he put them back into the bag. Chi Jingyuan opened all the computers and recording equipment he needed and officially started working. He listened to the initial version of "Come on" and looked for the previous ones. That feeling, I operate it twice from time to time.

Although what I was talking about at first was a song included in Twice's new album, it was mainly used to strengthen cooperation and publicity stunts. The quality was not actually important, but through the other party's words and attitude, Chi Jingyuan actually had some idea of ​​JYP's It seems that he has changed his mind.

I discussed the style of the song with him, and asked him to improve the arrangement. Maybe there were other things waiting for him afterwards. This obvious increase in enthusiasm and attention made me feel like the other person no matter how I looked at it. I don't think of this song as an ordinary song.

Chi Jingyuan couldn't comment on this. His views on this song are still the same. He feels that this is a very ordinary girl group song with a cute style. Maybe the melody is not bad, but other than that it is not. There was nothing too special or eye-catching, and he didn't even fill in the lyrics very seriously at the time. There were a few places where he filled in the lyrics very casually.

I vaguely remember that when he showed this song to Li Xiuman and wanted him to comment on it and see if there were any suitable singers in the company, Li Xiuman listened carefully and pondered for two seconds before squinting and smiling sincerely. He said to him: "The song is very good, with a unique style and a refreshing feeling. It is a good quality song from the girl group. As for the singer, I think about it... unexpectedly it is very suitable for Girls' Generation who have just debuted... ...I think Jingyuan, you should focus more on your own songs. Do you have any good ideas recently?"

Li Xiuman's attitude confirmed Chi Jingyuan's thoughts,

I don’t know whether Park Jin Young or JYP valued this song. Do you think the style of this song goes well with Twice? Or are you confident that Twice can perform an unusual charm?


Although JYP seems to be very concerned about it, Chi Jingyuan does not pay too much attention to it. He just completes his work step by step to make the arrangement more refined and perfect.

But when he started working on this song again, he recently had some more inspiration that he didn't have before.

"This piece of piano is a bit redundant and does not fit the overall style. It will be deleted directly."

"Insert some drum beats in the interlude here..."

Although some of the ideas were not very suitable, and a lot of them were picked and deleted after careful consideration, the progress was still quite fast. In the eyes of SM, this extremely ordinary song was also slowly changing.

As the night deepened, the moon outside the window gradually rose. Time passed quickly under Chi Jingyuan's serious work. When the hour hand passed zero and pointed to one, the silent mobile phone next to him suddenly vibrated. He I picked it up and looked at the time and found that it was already so late.

But the work went quite smoothly, and I think it will be done in another hour or two.

The call was from Zhou Ziyu. Although he was wondering what the girl was doing so late, Chi Jingyuan still clicked the call directly. However, because he was busy, he turned on the speakerphone after answering and put the phone away. On one side, computers and equipment are still being operated.

"What's wrong?" Chi Jingyuan clicked on a programmed bass drum sound and asked Zhou Ziyu while listening.


Zhou Ziyu seemed to be shocked by the drum beat. He was stunned for a while before weakly asking: "What are you doing? The sound is a bit far away."

"at work."

"What kind of job?"

"Do you understand what I said?" Chi Jingyuan was a little impatient with her curiosity and said something in a high tone.

But then his momentum immediately dropped again, and after a pause he calmed down in anticipation: "I'm perfecting the arrangement of the song."

"Oh..." Zhou Ziyu responded with a slightly longer ending, sounding as if he was blaming Chi Jingyuan, as if he was saying:

Who says I can’t understand? I’ll understand as soon as you say it.

"Tell me what you are doing."

Chi Jingyuan tapped the keyboard a few times and asked casually.

Calling her so late, he guessed from Zhou Ziyu's tone that something was wrong with this girl.

"Today, today we..." Speaking of this, Zhou Ziyu's voice became less fluent, and it felt a bit difficult to speak.

"You guys had a bad attitude in rehearsal today. Not only did you fall asleep, but you also didn't respond when you yelled. As a result, you were scolded by the PD." Zhou Ziyu said embarrassedly, but Chi Jingyuan said it directly for her, with a calm tone, as if he was just narrating a story. Just facts.

"No, why do you say that..." Hearing this tone and wording, Zhou Ziyu was obviously dissatisfied. He immediately raised his voice and complained, then paused, lowered his voice suddenly, and explained in a low voice: "Actually, it's because We had too many trips in the past few days. We didn't get much rest these days. We could only sleep for two hours a day. You don't know how sleepy you are. There was no one to talk to in the nanny car..."

Zhou Ziyu complained nonchalantly, but her crooked tone sounded sweet, and she didn't sound angry at all.

"Last night, Sana Ouni had a program that she stayed up all night to record. She came on "Music Bank" with almost no sleep. At that time, she couldn't hold on any longer, so she dozed off, and she didn't react..."


Chi Jingyuan calmed down slightly when he heard the words: "It's really tiring, thank you for the hard work."

He had actually guessed it in the afternoon. Either he was too tired from the trip and didn't get enough rest, or he was sick. Anyway, that's probably what happened, because no newcomer would deliberately do things like dozing off or not answering to provoke the PD.

Twice may have had a crazy schedule recently, but which idol is not tired? They are all working hard for popularity. Chi Jingyuan had to work overtime until midnight when filming a while ago, and then he had to go to work again early in the morning. , also had a very bad rest.

However, it was quite hard for Minatozaki Saka to keep working all night long, so it was understandable that she couldn't hold on any longer and took a nap.

But PD doesn’t care whether you are tired or not.


Zhou Ziyu held the mobile phone and felt warm after hearing the words "Thank you for your hard work". However, the comfort he expected later did not come. The sound of keyboard tapping and the sound of some strange musical instruments came on the phone, mixed with the sound of pool music. Jing Yuan made a strange sound: "What are you trying to explain to me? It's not me who scolded you..."

Hearing this, Zhou Ziyu couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth, and the strength of holding the phone also increased significantly.

I wasn’t seen by you when I was so embarrassed in the afternoon. I want to explain...

Why are you so annoying... I originally wanted to thank you.

Zhou Ziyu frowned and bit her little tiger teeth. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but didn't say anything. At this time, she looked up and saw someone who had been standing outside the glass door of the balcony, looking at her with pursed lips. Saka Minazaki, who was on the phone, seemed to have remembered something. She suppressed her annoyance, hesitated for a moment and then said: "...By the way, Sana Oni wanted me to say thank you, thank you for your help this afternoon... …”

This phone call was actually made because of Minazaki Saka's request.

Just after returning to the dormitory after running the trip, while the other sisters were taking a shower and doing their own things, Zhou Ziyu was pulled over by Sasha Minatozaki and whispered to her.

Zhou Ziyu actually understood her quite well. In the afternoon, when she was so embarrassed and pitiful, crying so helplessly and aggrieved, she was suddenly rescued by Chi Jingyuan. With Saka Minatozaki's character, it was actually natural for her to want to say thank you. It's a pity that I don't know Chi Jingyuan very well and have no contact information, so I can only ask the maknae Zhou Ziyu, who everyone knows to be very familiar with Chi Jingyuan, for help.

"She's the only one to thank you, won't you?" Chi Jingyuan's focus was not on this.

"Huh?" Zhou Ziyu was stunned for a moment. After reacting, the little irritation he had just disappeared instantly, and he muttered in an embarrassed voice: "Then, I...I also thank..."

"Haha..." Chi Jingyuan couldn't help laughing, causing him to type two words wrong on his computer. He quickly pressed the back button and said casually with a smile: "Okay, I received it."


"I said I received her there anything else?"

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