Chapter 148: The Defect of the Only Commander.

“Need help?”

After sending the gods away from the battlefield, the senior members of the three major clans of Artemis, Apollo, and Hermes arrived on the battlefield, and the elves were among them.

LV5 Adventurer Two.

LV4 Adventurer Six.

Six elves.

A total of fourteen people, even if you add him, it is only fifteen people, and it is quite difficult to solve the Scorpion Legion with more than 20,000 people.

“Spread out, attract the attention of those Scorpios, and avoid conflict head-on.”

Hearing Lu Qiao’s instructions, everyone nodded, Lu Qiao looked at Mad San and said softly, “Use your doppelganger to grasp the overall situation and avoid casualties.” ”

“Ahhhh Do you trust people so much? ”

The elf of time nodded with a smile, and the work of controlling the overall situation in the center was actually the most suitable for her.

“The core of the operation is to distract the Scorpion Legion.”

Lu Qiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and the next moment, a group of elves and adventurers quickly dispersed and surrounded them in multiple directions in the direction of the Scorpio Legion’s advance.

Groups of two.

Divided into seven groups of centaurs.

When all seven groups were in place, Lu Qiao did not hesitate to use the negative infinity gravitational ball again and launched towards the center circle of the Scorpio Legion.

Using the same trick again, the giant scorpio seemed to sense something abnormal, and it was extremely careful not to directly emit its own heat rays.

These British beasts have wisdom that is not weaker than humans, and humans are an extremely cunning existence, which it knows very well.

The second use of the same pattern attack scheme usually means that the enemy wants to have a special idea for the same solution.

Of course.

It is also possible to exclude the possibility that the other party has only this one way to shoot.


The low hiss was transmitted in the Scorpio Legion, and many Scorpions crawled, pressed down their bodies, and tried hard to resist the negative infinite attraction in mid-air, while the Scorpions outside the attraction raised their heads and shot out concentrated heat rays.

Even if the single destructive power is far from catching up with the destructive power of the giant scorpion, but-

Up to a certain number, there is still the possibility of destroying gravitational balls.

“The command of tens of thousands of legions depends on only one commander, and it may be possible to achieve a completely unified order and prohibition.”

“But it can lead to a different situation.”

That’s —

Until waiting for the commander’s next order, the corps will not carry out the superfluous order.

For example.

Mode of action changes.

“The Last Sword (Halvanhelev)”

The Sword Spirit wielded the huge Throne Sword, which was powerful enough to cut through the mountains and cut straight through the Scorpion Legion.


The wings of light that spread out behind the Light Spirit shot out countless rays of light, shooting small scorpions crawling above the ground and resisting the attraction of the gravitational ball.


The Flame Spirit turned his giant axe into a giant cannon, gathering the surrounding spiritual energy, turning into a terrifying shock wave ejected from the scorching heat, penetrating the Scorpion Legion.


The ice elf still controls the huge puppet, turning into a realm of ice rain, slightly blocking the path of the Scorpio Legion.


The elves of time incarnated into thousands, a continuous rain of bullets covered all the scorpions, and the huge city of time devoured the ‘life’ of these creatures.

“Hurricane Knight (raphael)”

Transformed into a wind spirit, a violent hurricane rolled up over the legion, strengthening the attraction of the negative infinity ball.

The Scorpio Legion, which was originally in an extremely neat formation, was frantically hit by the elves at the first time it made a resistance posture in order to resist the gravitational ball.

The adventurers couldn’t help but be stunned when they saw the destructive power of the elves.

“They… Are these kids all LV6 adventurers? Are Eulari’s adventurers really so terrifying? ”

The members of Artemis’ clan couldn’t help but exclaim.

The people of the Hermes clan shook their heads, but the matter about the elves was a forbidden topic, and they didn’t say much, and according to the original arrangement, they also began to attack the Scorpion Legion.

Magic from a distance.

Throw magic items at short and medium distances.

Shoot arrows.

As requested, never come near the Scorpio Legion to harass.

The outer scorpions are constantly killed by attacks from elves and adventurers, and even the fierce hot steam and hot wind cannot become the protective layer of the outer scorpions.

The giant scorpion looked at the enemies in all directions and slowly let out a low hissing sound.

It began to make a creeping gesture, and Lu Qiao watched the giant Scorpio’s every move, and the first time he saw its movement, his expression became solemn.

The ability to see through the world began to spread.





The whole body was concentrated together, he watched the target of Scorpio’s next action, reddish-brown markings began to spread from his face, and when he locked the target of Scorpio’s intended attack, the soles of his feet suddenly hit the ground, like a missile shot out.


The giant heat ray, the dark orange light cannon roared out again, and this time it aimed at the target, the first target was the two elves that caused the greatest damage to the legion formation.


“Flame Demon”

Wrapped in a heat ray with a temperature of nearly eight thousand degrees, it rushed straight towards the Flame Spirit, although it was an elf that could absorb flames, it was not an elf that could absorb temperature.

When this heat ray cannon rushed at great speed without warning, Qinli’s expression couldn’t help but condense, she gritted her teeth, and strengthened the protection of the spirit suit to the limit, intending to resist this shelling.

“”Kamui Spirit Costume Goban”—”

The flames between the feather coats wrapped herself, but when the heat ray cannon was about to reach the near place, she still felt a terrifying burning sensation, as if the layers of her skin were about to be ignited.


A calm voice suddenly appeared in her ears, and in the line of sight of the piano, the man’s figure blocked her without warning, and a repulsive force directly flew her whole person upside down, avoiding the attack trajectory of the heat ray cannon.


Before he finished saying the name, in the heat ray, a figure gradually melted in the light, and Qin wanted to say something, but…

This moment.

But at a loss.

That person…

He’s dead?

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