Xu Feihua's companion walked to the ticket sales point, only to find that he had no experience ticket.

"Can I play without a trial ticket?" He asked.

No one responded.

He wrinkled his brows and turned back to the others, "Do you necessarily need an experience coupon

" Xu Feihua: "I needed it yesterday, I don't know today, but it's safe to be safe..." Wang

Er was also among the buying and selling intelligence, and he suggested that everyone board the machine directly and interrupt Xu Feihua's words.

"If the machine turns, it proves that it is not needed. In addition, there are many of us, so if something really happens, we can support each other. Among

these people, Xu Feihua's companion and another had experienced shaking heads and flying chairs without encountering any attacks. Xu Feihua, as a bystander, also witnessed that scene.

Everyone discussed with each other and decided to go up in groups of three to try.

Xu Feihua: "Let's both go together."

The companion refused, "Still separate, I remember you have a trial ticket, we just happened to do a controlled experiment."

Xu Feihua thought about it and agreed. There are six players here, the five-person group I saw before did not come, and Duan Chen Jinglong, who performed prominently, was not there.

In yesterday's thrilling experience, 13 players survived.

This should be a good thing, but Xu Feihua always had a bad premonition in his heart.

There was a sudden noise nearby, and he couldn't help but look for it, just in time to see a huge flower leaving the samba balloon area and running towards the central area.

"A flower-like ghost? Unheard of..." Before

the words fell, he saw the flower open its mouth wide, revealing its dense teeth. Look closely, there are countless faces in that mouth.

They were shouting, and the voices came together to form a sharp laugh.

He felt a chill and quickly ran back, wanting to share the news. Only then did he find that his companion and the other two players were already sitting in the shaking chair, and the machine was running.

"It's great that you don't need a trial ticket to play."

Hearing the emotion, he turned his head and found that it was Wang E, who had suggested it before.

For some reason, he became wary when he saw this person.

Look at a player on the shaking head flying chair, that person is a companion with Wang E. But he vaguely remembered that when he first entered the game, the player around Wang Er didn't seem to be that person.

Just as I was about to think about it, the roar of the machine came.

"Here we go." Wang Er raised his head, his eyes burned, his hands in his pockets, and he squeezed two experience tickets tightly.

The machine rotated at a constant speed, and the players began to swing as the flying chair began to sway, and nothing happened.

Xu Feihua breathed a sigh of relief and waited for the game time to end.

Just then, he heard a 'hoo-hoo' sound.

"Did you hear anything?" He asked Wang E.

Wang Er wrinkled his eyebrows, "Snoring?

At this time, the female players, who were also waiting for the second batch of games, screamed.

"Look at it!"

Xu Feihua looked up and saw a scene that made him chill.

The originally safe and uneventful bobblehead flying chair suddenly appeared with two huge eyes.

At the same time, he opened his mouth to reveal a large mouth of blood.

Even so, his body was not fully visible.

The players on the flying chair broke out in a cold sweat and quickly took out the props.

At this time, the empty rope and chair next to it turned into an incredibly white hand and directly snatched the props.

Without waiting for them to take the new props, the seats under them also turned into hands that could retract, grabbed them and shoved them directly into their mouths.



Xu Feihua hurriedly used attack props, but there was no way to attack the ghost in midair.

"How..." The

screams stopped abruptly, and Xu Feihua's face turned dejected.

All three players were eaten.

Just when Xu Feihua was sad, a fist came from the side and smashed him down.

Dizzy, Xu Feihua tried to sit up, and another fist smashed over, and he passed out directly.

Wang Er sneered and took away his experience ticket.

"3 sheets, not enough insurance."

He kicked Xu Feihua, and if it weren't for the game's stipulation that players can't kill each other, he would definitely cut the grass and remove the roots.

"You also have a lot of experience tickets, right?"

Wang Er took out a prop and looked at the female player who tried to escape with an unkind expression.

"Obediently hand it over, I'll leave you with your life."

The female player pulled out her legs and ran, and the next second she was hit by an attack prop, screamed, and threw herself directly on the ground.

She tried to get up, but found that her body weighed a thousand pounds, which was a prop that took effect.

"It's all said and handed over obediently."

Wang Er half squatted down, reached out to take her experience ticket, and said disdainfully, "The game does not allow players to kill each other, but if I tie you two up and leave you on the path of ghosts, what do you say will happen to you?" The

female player looked at him in horror, "I'll give you the experience ticket, and give you a few props!"

Wang Er smiled and suddenly lifted her chin.

"If you can leave this copy alive and reach the resting point, why don't you come and accompany me?"

The female player's eyes widened, "You..."

A long leg directly kicked Wang Er into the air.

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