People are in Naruto, I am Aizen

Chapter 213 Different People

The world of Naruto may not be worth mentioning to the gods of death.

Because they don't have a stable structure and organization, and they don't have a balanced world and cycle. For the gods of death who live under the political system of the soul king, everything in the world of Naruto looks like some unbalanced things bred in chaos. Delusional and crazy.

Peace, is it so difficult to want peace? All you need is the idea of ​​the strongest, and other people can maintain it. If there is no strongest, then contacting everyone to exchange benefits, how could it be possible to fight like that. The gods of death don't understand the shallowness and pain of ninjas with an average survival age of more than 30 years old, and the ninjas can't understand why the god of death is at ease with the pain and despair that happens around them.

If peace and the future are the kind of people who may die anytime and anywhere, and disappear directly because of some people's likes and dislikes, then what is the difference between them and the war period?

So ninjas and Shinigami cannot understand each other.

They can borrow each other's strengths and learn from each other's strengths, but they cannot understand each other's core.

On one side are the parasites who live among the carcasses of the sublime and eat Hesse, and on the other side are the miserable slaves whose minds have been modified to fight endless cycles on bloody battlefields. From a third-party point of view, I really can't tell which one is better and which one is worse.

"...but I think they're very dynamic."


"Yes, everyone is working hard to survive."

Telling stories about the ninja world, Aizen Soyousuke narrated like an ordinary storyteller.

He didn't give a direct affirmative or complacent answer. He didn't hide anything about the things he did and the modifications he made in the Naruto world, and he said it directly. This is a kind of examination, but also self-examination.

Aizen Soyousuke doesn't need any recognition or encouragement, nor does he need the pity or approval of others. But in terms of the experience of the two worlds, the more he talks and confides, the more Aizen Soyousuke can feel the clearer light in his heart. He's on the right path right now, a path where he can arguably grow himself. But now, he wants to share the scenery he saw in the past with passers-by.

This time, what he shared was the sorrow and pain in the ninja world, as well as the dazzling things that happened to them.

"It's not the same as here. Their battle is to survive better."

Drinking tea, looking at the world built by the quiet and leisurely spirits around him, Aizen Soyousuke said in a low voice:

"Although most people don't know the reason for fighting, each of them yearns for a peaceful world. This also creates their desire for power and self-expression. They are all very good The chaser, when he sees the light, will rush forward without hesitation."

"They are all mortals. They will die if they don't eat, and they will be injured in battle. Moreover, because of the perennial wars, it is difficult for them to do any big things. What's even more sad is that because someone has been secretly shooting, they even It is impossible to choose a real leader who can lead them to a better future. Their candidates have long been eroded and secretly modified."

"Generation after generation, year after year, and millennia, they have fought forever, constantly watering the planet with blood and life."


Urahara Kisuke didn't say anything, just drinking tea in silence, listening to the painful stories from the chakra's original world.

From his point of view, Kisuke Urahara could understand what Aizen Soyousuke said.

But Kisuke Urahara was a little uncomfortable with the blood and cruelty contained in it.

This is different from the killing of the god of death against wandering souls that belongs to the world mechanism, as well as their natural killing behavior for research. Although it's a bit shameless, that's the education received by the god of death. Reaper's attack on wandering souls is to maintain the balance of the world, and the same is true for his colleagues.

They hate pointless killing, but respect combat itself. The Grim Reaper hates this kind of meaningless endless loop. This is completely contrary to the aesthetics and philosophy of Grim Reaper. They know the ugliness of this world and maintain it, which is completely different from ninjas who don't understand the nature of the world at all, but run around like headless flies.

But, how should I put it, it's not that I can't understand this pain and its source. Thousands of years of bloody battles and death all around, I'm afraid normal people would have gone crazy long ago.

Urahara Kisuke has not traveled through the world, it might be better to say that this was originally an excuse to understand the current Aizen Soyousuke.

But now, the answer given by Aizen Soyousuke made Kisuke Urahara a little uncomfortable.

It's as if what Urahara Kisuke is doing now is wrong.

"That is really a very sad, even miserable world. A world where ten-year-olds have easily mastered killing techniques."

Aizen Soyousuke drank the tea, and explained in a low voice to Urahara Kisuke and Tōsen Kamo the world that made people clench their fists.

"At the age when their parents are married, basically all children have mastered the basic killing techniques and understand the weaknesses of the human body. Women even have to learn to use their bodies reasonably. Even children under the age of ten Children, from the age of three or four, they must start practicing and learning this kind of thing."

"On the battlefield, adults and minors fight desperately, sending their weapons into each other's hearts. In the short decades of peace, they are only accumulating stronger power and more In order to start this cycle of cruelty and killing again one day. There is no such thing as cultural courses in their lives, and learning is only for better use of weapons."

"Even death will not have the existence of the soul world. Their souls will also be confiscated into an area, summoned by various secret and forbidden techniques, and continue the eternal battle. Brothers kill brothers, sons kill fathers , is constantly moving forward under the control of the spell. In my eyes, this sad cycle is a very heartbreaking thing. I cannot accept such a fact, especially when I am living in that world time. But at the beginning, I didn’t dare to do too many things, because from my memory, I knew. In this world, there are more powerful figures.”

"Even the ecological circle of the planet can be wiped out, and the whole sad world is the result of their creation. Although it turned out afterwards that these things were really I thought too much, but I had no choice at the time, I was just working hard Just doing what I'm supposed to do..."


Everything that happened in the Naruto world was slowly told by Aizen Soyousuke.

Urahara Kisuke could tell that Aizen Soyousuke was not lying. In other words, to this day, in terms of his ability, there is no need to lie.

A world that has fallen into the abyss is gradually rising from chaos and despair. The originally painful and desperate war has gradually evolved into a healthy competition. Constantly analyze the essence of Chakra, analyze the story behind Chakra, and finally complete the so-called transcendence and redemption.

Although it is only a short period of several decades, Aizen Soyousuke feels that this is still an irreplaceable time. Because of this, after gaining a lot of things, I was able to break free from the original cage of self-pity. Because in memory, there are more people moving forward in the dark. And you can also turn other people into your allies. Just confirming that he is definitely not alone is already a very happy thing for Aizen Soyousuke.

In a sense, he even felt lucky. Although from his situation, fortunate is a very delicate word, but he is indeed very fortunate.

What would he do if he really arrived at a world without any ability, even a world that the universe itself wouldn't allow?

Facing that kind of absolute loneliness and loneliness, Aizen Soyousuke always rejoices in his luck.

So he didn't plan to be a villain, but he just planned to use his own way to solve the problems related to himself.

Among them, of course, includes the soul world in front of him, and Kisuke Urahara, who he once regarded as an understanding person, even now feels that he should not waste his life here.

Aizen Soyousuke would not say such things as the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and he would not bother to say it. However, let a person give full play to his talents, hope that he can walk a new path from infinite pain and despair, and hope that such a person can show his own brilliance, which is what Aizen hopes.

"So here I am."

Looking at Urahara Kisuke in front of him, Aizen Soyousuke said.

"At the beginning, I didn't do anything. I was very confused about my existence."

"Whether am I the Aizen Soyousuke of the Naruto world who got the memory in the dream, or was I in the middle age of the original world and watched the comics and traveled to time and space, or was I in the hazy illusion in the endless after the millennium bloody battle, In the beginning, I couldn't tell the difference."

"No matter which one is true, it is true that I lived in Naruto's orphanage. I also have memories of other times. I even know that I am in the world of Naruto. Even, I can use my soul and ability to release ghosts. Dao and Zanpakuto. So after months of confusion, I finally understood. No matter what my nature is, no matter what my appearance is, I am the real me now.”

"A person's character and actions will be affected by memory and what happened. Therefore, the me now is indeed different from the me in the past."


Kisuke Urahara, who was on the edge of the dojo, looked at the black cat in his arms with an extremely flat expression on his face.

Maybe Aizen Soyousuke said the truth, but for the victim, this kind of statement is obviously not enough to convince him.

It's just that Aizen Soyousuke didn't intend to persuade Urahara Kisuke. From the beginning to the end, he unilaterally exported his thoughts and emotions, his egoism reached the limit, and he didn't care about other people's thoughts and considerations at all. This is the character of Aizen Soyousuke.

"I know that there are different worlds, I know that there are completely different people who can live, and I also have different choices and understandable lives. I even know that in some universes, there may be people who are better than me. Even more lonely. At least I am convinced that although the roads are different, whether it is you, Hikifune Kiryu, or Nirvana Mayuri, we are all close to each other, and we can see the truth. But what about those people?"

"Even if it's the so-called ingenuity, in a world that doesn't even have the most basic supernatural ability, I can't help but be amazed when I look at those real wise men. What exactly do they have to do to be able to survive in a world of darkness? Such a brilliant civilization has been developed? Even today, I can’t face it.”

"So I think that people should not be confined in a narrow space and ignore the world around them. I hope that there will be a brighter and brighter future waiting for us."

"Even if I use some means, I will let the good things I think appear in the world I live in."

"It doesn't matter if it's called arrogance, or it doesn't matter if it's said to be a single husband. If I think it's good, then I will let him realize it. It's like this now. I think the soul king system is wrong, so I will introduce chakra. Break this imprisoned system. I think the arrival of Naruto World is good, and I will leave traces and coordinates."

"...So, don't you think about the follow-up?"

Kisuke Urahara stroked the black cat in his hand, and asked plainly:

"I care about a lot, Ms. Yeyi, everyone of Shinigami, Masked Legion, Soul Society. Can you guarantee that these things will not be affected?"


Aizen Soyousuke looked at Kisuke Urahara and smiled slightly, before expressing his own conclusion.

"I can't guarantee it. After all, I'm just a changer. As for what will happen after the change, it has nothing to do with me, a person who is already going to travel. The world doesn't like me, but I still give He is a gift. But you are the ones who unwrap the gift and make the decision.”

"Totally egotistical, Aizen. That's why I don't like your ways."

"I don't need anyone's likes and approval now, I just do what I want to do."

Seeing Urahara Kisuke's expression of disapproval, Aizen Soyousuke shook his head, and shouted at a certain figure hiding in the corner.

"Ichigo, get ready to go. Today is the second time to show Seireitei. You can choose whether to save Kuchiki Rukia. This is your right."

"Oh, but Wandering Soul Street doesn't seem to be finished yet."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we win, they will naturally follow us. Most people don't care what the future and the past look like. But the actual victory now can bring them the real reality that they are still alive." Feeling. Just that is enough."

"Well, I see. The clog hat, let's go first."

Glancing at the silent Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Ichigo made a confession, followed Aizen Soyousuke and left the dojo.

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