Many times, people think that what they see is real.

So magic came into being.

Because what you see is not real, or what you see is actually what other people want you to see, this is how magic is born. The essence of magic is to deceive, to deceive your vision, to deceive your cognition, so in the description, magic is also a special existence.

Like magic, it is often used to describe an adjective that is completely unreasonable, incomprehensible, or shocking to the point where it cannot be added. And the magic show represents an audio-visual feast, which means that there is a special gap and gap between this person and the common people. But only when you really understand and understand, can you know what the essence of these things is.

Many people don't understand why Aizen Soyousuke and Kurosaki Ichigo are like ghosts, haunting everywhere, and they don't know why they tear the space and appear around them, let alone what strange and weird abilities they have. , can make everyone bow their heads and obey their ears. For ordinary people, all of this can only be described as magic. But they didn't do anything extraordinary in essence, because for Chakra, for some of the knowledge and common sense they know, these are all normal things.

As long as you act, you will achieve this illusion.

Kurosaki Ichigo is one of Aizen Soyousuke's favorite characters, and Aizen Soyousuke himself is a person who likes to hide. Then why did the two of them appear in front of everyone in such a high-profile way, and why did they like to show themselves in front of others, and were not afraid of being beaten to death by others?

Is it because they are confident that their abilities will never be cracked? This is negative. Because underestimating others is arrogance, and arrogance is the root of failure. Aizen Soyousuke never felt that he was superior to using chakra, nor did he feel that others were inferior to using spiritual sons. In fact, there is no distinction between high and low in the nature of the energy utilization of the two.

Is it because they feel that their power can handle all enemies and ghosts? Neither is it.

Aizen Soyousuke really didn't save much power, and Kurosaki Ichigo really hadn't been studying for a long time, and there was no too strong power on both sides. In the field of absolute power, Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen Soyousuke are the weakest of the two big organizations.

Why? In fact, the reason is very simple, because of poor information. They don't understand Chakra at all, and they don't know what Chakra can do. Nirvana Mayuri and Urahara Kisuke worked hard to develop it, but in fact they only developed the superficial part. If you really regard everyone in the whole world as incompetent, then you are the most incompetent. Often a little knowledge will lead to cognitive errors.

Just like now, Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo essentially appeared in several places at the same time, but because of poor information, no one knew about it.

The Reapers don't know what happened, they don't communicate with the Quincy.

The Quincy masters didn't believe what the god of death saw, because they knew that all the gods of death in Aizen Soyousuke's Jinghua Suigetsu had been tricked, but the Quincy master had no problem.

Then they would have no way of knowing that after Kurosaki Ichigo was directly arrested, there was an incident that Kurosaki Ichigo was by Aizen's side. I don't know why there is Aizen who is giving a lecture in Wandering Soul Street, and I don't know that Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo also appeared inside Xuyue Palace.

The two seem to be everywhere in this world, but under the ingenious information gap and cognitive gap, all the trajectories of actions seem to be transparent. Whether it is Aizen Soyousuke or Kurosaki Ichigo, their action tracks are complete without any gaps. So people naturally believed that their every move was under surveillance.

And the only one who knew there might be a problem was Kisuke Urahara. But because of the internal problems of Seireitei, Urahara Kisuke has no right to know what happened inside the virtual circle and Seireitei, and can only learn about it through indirect means.

The eyes of all forces are covered with a black cloth, and it is impossible for them to know what the plan of the two people is.

It seems to be very purposeful, as if there are various evidences and ideas among each other, and even the zero team in the sky has been restrained by this commotion and ideas, without any results. Juhabach is also working hard to act on the prophecy in his mind.

But only Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen Soyousuke have been hiding in the fog of history. They could casually dig out various historical evidences that gave everyone a headache, as well as the records that all the nobles wanted to erase. And many horrible stories that record all kinds of cruel deeds, which are enough to completely subvert the Seireitei.

Especially with the appearance of Yuhabach, things seem to be a little more complicated.

The Seiring Court began to summon the nobles, and gradually began to release the former captains and gods of death. Some prisoners with relatively minor crimes were also released and reintroduced into the team of gods of death.

The Goutei Thirteenth Division has realized that all of this may not be as simple as a few captains rebelling against the nobles. All gods of death must contribute part of their strength, so that the entire riot can be calmed down.

Captain Yamamoto and the others don't have any ability or means to predict the future. All they can do is try their best to make the chaotic scene, which has become completely chaotic, a little more orderly. But after a certain prisoner started to use Chakra, it seemed that there was no possibility of this kind of scene being able to settle down.

Facing Aizen Soyousuke and Kurosaki Ichigo who had already left again, the entire Seireitei was completely insulted and exploded.

Unfortunately, it doesn't make much sense.

When the goal is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it is meaningless.

Nirvana Yuri kept herself locked in the gate all the time, and even had no intention of rushing to deal with the matter of Quincy Master. And those nobles and prisoners also behaved evasively, each of them acted for their own interests and ideas, and there was no so-called common hatred.

To be honest, the idea that you let a group of prisoners and nobles have a common hatred and defend the Seiring Court together is a bit too much. The gods of death wanted to slaughter a group of nobles, not to mention that many prisoners were directly falsely accused by the nobles and thrown into it. They have maintained the greatest restraint by not rebelling in front of the battle. It is absolutely impossible for them to understand each other.

Compared with the desperation inside Seireitei, the Quincy Division has clearly entered a state of combat readiness.

They were already at a disadvantage, and they kept collecting information, understanding the information about the other party's solution and deciphering it, so as to continuously strengthen their own possibility of victory. In the end, the Lingwang Palace will be opened to make this world a good world again. This kind of result will satisfy all the Quincy masters.

In the end, how long did it take? Aizen Soyousuke dragged their boss out at once, and revealed all the relevant information over and over again. Even the Grim Reaper doesn't have much time to talk to them now, but the whole Quincy team couldn't bear to walk around with his hand drawn from behind. But what makes them feel a little complicated is that they don't know whether the current internal situation of Seireitei is good or bad for them.

The turmoil caused by the spread of Chakra continued to erode the surroundings, and groups of people who had the power to avenge the nobles appeared in every corner.

Theoretically speaking, this kind of riot is the best time, but they already know the existence of their Quincy, do you want to bet that the other party will be unprepared and can be directly attacked by you? This is also unacceptable to the Quincy Master.

Only Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen Soyousuke are still smiling all over the place, acting like shit sticks everywhere. Disrupt all situations. Whenever there is a slight improvement in an area, Aizan and Kurosaki Ichigo will always be there as scheduled, and then give a big blow to the local organization. This is true for Seireitei, this is true for the Intangible Empire, and it is true even for the streets of Ruukon Street.

Only now, for the invisible empire, they can breathe a little easier.

One of the two groups, the younger Kurosaki Ichigo, had already been knocked down by the lethal Akins attack, so he just dragged him over to meet Yuhabach.

Many Quincy masters were waiting inside, waiting for the Supreme Majesty to hold the dog's head of Kurosaki Ichigo, and then declare revenge on the world of souls. Then the Knights of the Star Cross fought against the Goute 13th Division, and the avenues fought by both sides were wiped out.

This is what is in everyone's interest and what everyone thinks. Or, normally, they should have done so long ago. Aizen Soyousuke no longer rebelled, and the original Seireitei was full of beacon fires. At this time, in the eyes of many young people, it was a great opportunity to rush out and kill people. But the seasoned members, as well as Julhabach himself, felt that such action was pointless.

Instead of letting the enemy unite directly, it is better to unite the enemy.

The Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him is obviously made of such material.

"You are my son born in the darkness. You have the blood of the Quincy Master flowing through you. If Aizen Soyousuke told you this, he should also tell you other news. For example, my existence .and my relationship with you."

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