Chapter 66 Generating Income!!

Hikiya Hachiman thought that this uninhabited island should be dangerous.

But I never thought that this uninhabited island would be so dangerous.

As soon as I came up, I met thirty or forty four-armed orangutans, which was also too scary.

The earth burial was also frightened, “Shouldn’t a four-armed orangutan be a solitary animal?” ”

At least when they were in the Novice Village, there had never been groups of four-armed orangutans.

Hiratsuka narrowed his eyes and looked around at the four-armed orangutan that was gradually approaching him, “In the novice village, the four-armed orangutan is indeed a solitary animal, but it seems different on this island.” ”

Erina, Cherina reacted immediately, “You think there are more dangerous animals on the island, forcing this group of four-armed orangutans to report for warmth.” ”

The premise of one mountain and two different tigers is that there are no animals on the mountain that can threaten the tiger If there are more powerful animals than tigers on the mountain, then tigers will also hunt in groups.

After all, face is important to survive.

Tu Ma said tremblingly: “What should we do now, do we want to go back first.” ”

Luo Wei waved his hand and said, “No, let you see my ability now.” ”

He lifted his right foot and stomped the ground.

Alchemy Earth Golem Knight.

With a ray of light released from under Rowey’s feet, the ground near him shook gently, and a knight made of stone rose from the ground.

Dressed in armor and armed with stone swords, these knights come to life one by one.

There are at least hundreds of them before and after.

The number of people has changed dramatically at this moment.

“Kill ——!”

As soon as Luo Wei ordered, the stone knights brandished their great swords and pounced on the four-armed orangutans.

When Hikiya Hachiman and the others saw this, they couldn’t help but be dumbfounded.

“Hey, hey, this is also the ability of the Devil Fruit?”

Luo Wei said with a full mouth: “Yes, I used the fruit ability to turn the earth into a stone knight, but I just changed the structure of the soil, what is there to fuss about.” ”

Hiratsuka couldn’t help but glance at Luo Wei, and rushed towards the four-armed orangutan for the first time.

As a teacher, she couldn’t let Luo Wei stand out alone.

Seeing this, he rushed up.

With the Stone Knight as cover, they can shoot with confidence.

After a while, everyone killed thirty or forty four-armed orangutans and won an overwhelming victory.

After the battle, Tu Ma buried and said with admiration: “No wonder Luo Weijun, you dare to go to the trouble of the evil dragon pirate group, with such a powerful fruit, a group of fish people is indeed not your opponent.” ”

Luo Wei said with a smile: “I’m just temporarily ahead of everyone, and when everyone finds a suitable devil fruit in the future, they will definitely be able to catch up.” ”

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh, thinking of a bright future.

After that, everyone continued to go deeper into the uninhabited island.

Along the way, you will encounter a large number of fierce and fierce beasts.

But none of them were opponents of Rowe’s group.

The stone knight created by Rowe using alchemy is not only extremely powerful, but also very hard, even if it is broken, it can be repaired by Rovey.

The Earth Puppet Knight is frank, but just a puppet.

If you don’t kill Luo Wei, even if this group of puppets is broken a hundred times, Luo Wei can repair them easily.

In this way, even if there are more fierce beasts and fierce beasts on the island, in the face of Luo Wei’s sea of people tactics, it is still a delivery of food.

A morning passed.

Luo Wei harvested thousands of divine powers.

And the levels of Hikiya Hachiman, Hiratsuka Shizune and others have broken through the tenth level.

This means that the physical fitness of Hiratsuka Jing’s group is still more than ten times that of ordinary people, and in every way, they are a group of little supermen.

If in the real world, this group of people enter the sports world, as long as they exercise for a year, with their physical fitness, they can completely hang the current world champion.

With the motivation to upgrade, the next two days.

Everyone continued to upgrade on the uninhabited island.

The mighty beasts on the island have become stepping stones for everyone.

The dead animals were created by Erina, Erina, and the secretary, and all the meat was stored in the Shinigami’s freezer.

One freezer could not fit, so Luo Wei made several more freezers.

That’s how the meat of these animals is preserved.

As for why the meat of these animals should be preserved… The reason is simple.

For selling for money.

These animals are full of vitality, the meat is very delicious, if it is made into a delicacy, it can be sold for a very good price…

That’s why Erina’s meat is preserved.

Instead of letting them rot in place.

Because that’s so much… Wasted.

For the ideas of Erina, Rovi did not oppose it, but agreed with it very much.

He knew very well that the reason why Erina, who was doing this, was actually generating income for the Rowe Pirates.

Don’t look at Luo Wei forming a Luo Wei pirate group, but in fact, their pirate group is different from the regular pirate group.

Because they never rob homes.

After all, the members of the ship are people with modern education, how can they do such a thing.

And an organization like the pirate group, if it does not go to rob the house, there will be no income.

Without income, you can only drink the northwest wind.

Of course, this deserves the pirates in general.

The Luo Wei Pirates are different, even if they don’t go to rob the house, they can live well.

Because you can use your own alchemy to make a lot of gold.

But the problem is that whether it is Shizune Hiratsuka or Erina, or the burial of the earth, the secretary is not the kind of waste that comes to eat and open his mouth.

They have hands and feet, they can be self-reliant, why let Rowe feed them.

Can’t afford to lose that person.

Therefore, everyone will find ways to generate income for the Luo Wei Pirates.

If you spend money in the future, you can also feel at ease and be justified.

Instead of blindly asking for Luo Wei, the future of the province will be inferior in front of Luo Wei.

It is precisely because Luo Wei understands this that he will agree with the ideas of Erina.

This is the style that the new generation of women should have.

Two days later, Luo Wei’s group finally penetrated the entire uninhabited island, killing not a thousand but eight hundred fierce beasts.

They killed a third of the animals on the entire uninhabited island.

After a lot of killing, everyone was about to kill Ye.

The short time of killing cast a shadow over their hearts.

From a distance, they are full of murderous aura, not like good people.

In order to prevent them from distorting their minds and ignoring life because of excessive killing.

Luo Wei hurriedly took them away from the uninhabited island, and even used his divine power to correct their hearts silently…

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