Chapter 75 Seafood Fried Rice!!

When it was Erina’s turn, she hit the nail on the head by pointing out, “The fried rice for seafood was a few seconds late when it was cooked, and the oil temperature was a little higher.” ”

“The charcoal grilled steak takes a bit of a long time to sit on, and it’s not the freshest meat.”

“Although the meat of smoked ham is firm, it is not evenly heated when smoked, and although it is cooked, the taste is not so perfect.”

Erina, Sagiri, smiled slightly, “Of course, these are just a little flaw. ”

“The flaws are not hidden, the sea restaurant Bharati is indeed an excellent restaurant.”

After hearing these words, Sanji couldn’t help but be dumbfounded and stunned.


At this moment, the chef and owner of the restaurant, Jepp, came over, “Little girl, you are also a chef.” ”

Erina, Sakekiri, nodded, “I’m a first-year student at Engetsu Gakuen, Sagiri Eri~Nai.” ”

“Engetsu Gakuen?”

“A school dedicated to the training of chefs.”

Erina, Sakei.

Jepp shook his head, “I haven’t heard of it at all, but it doesn’t matter, the sea is so vast, there are too many things that I haven’t heard of.” ”

He turned his head to look at Sanji, and said with hatred that iron could not be made of steel: “Now you finally know what it means to have people outside the world, and there is a heaven outside the sky.” ”

Sanji’s face turned solemn, and he said to Erina, “Taught.” However, this guy is only three seconds handsome. ”

A puff of smoke came to Erina, “Since Erina-chan is also a chef, I don’t know if I have the honor to taste the dishes made by Erina-chan.” ”

Of course, Erina, Erina Sakuri, would not refuse, “Can I use the kitchen?” ”

“Of course, please here, please here.”

Sanji hurriedly opened the way in front and invited Erina.

Barati’s chefs initially wondered how guests had come to the kitchen.

However, when they heard that Erina, who was also a chef and was about to cook, they became interested one by one and loudly clamoured to give Erina.

Sanji kicked the guy with the loudest voice into the air, “Say something stupid, the one who laid the hand on Erina-chan, who will leave me alone.” ”

After saying that, another smoke slipped to Erina’s side.

Both eyes are deformed into the shape of a heart.

“Erina-chan, how about I give you a hand?”

Erina, who changed into a chef’s uniform, decisively refused, “No need, I have a cook.” ”


“Of course it’s me.”

The secretary rushed in from outside and walked to Erina’s side, “I am Miss Erina’s follower.” ”

Erina, who saw the secretary walk in, immediately issued an order, “Crimson Sand, help me prepare the ingredients.” ”

“No problem, what is Erina-sama going to cook?”

“I’ll make a seafood fried rice too.”


The secretary glanced over, picked up a kitchen knife, and simply began to prepare the accessories for seafood fried rice.

First, Mari opened the back of the shrimp, then picked out the shrimp thread inside, and finally took off the shell.

The whole action is done in one go, without the slightest dragging mud and water.

Surprisingly crisp and neat.

As soon as Bharati’s cooks saw it, they knew that the little girl was basically a solid mess, not much worse than them.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Are all the little girls so powerful now?

After a while, the secretary processed all the condiments and placed them in front of Erina.

Erina, who boils the oil, puts the seasonings into the pot in turn, stir-frys over high heat, and a fragrance wafts from the kitchen and even enters the dining room.

Jepp smelled this smell and his expression changed.

He involuntarily looked at the kitchen, and concluded that this smell was definitely not fried by his cook, and it was probably the little girl named Erina.

The afterlife is terrifying.

After a while, Erina, Erina Sakuri, came out of the kitchen with a large plate of fried rice and placed it on a table.

“Seafood fried rice, use lightly.”

Jepp picked up a spoon, scooped a spoonful of fried rice, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it carefully.

A few seconds later, his old face full of seriousness involuntarily blossomed.

At this moment, he felt that he was in a blue sea, surrounded by the rich resources of the sea.

From shrimp to lobster, king crab to all kinds of fish, from dried scallops to coral.

This bite, he ate the taste of the sea.

Bharati’s chefs rushed over, saw Jepp’s smiling face, picked up the spoon, and held out their hands towards a seafood fried rice.

After a while, everyone smiled, and some even twisted their bodies while laughing.

The little boss called the insider when he saw it.

It is worthy of the spirit of the medicine king, oh no, it should be the spirit of the halberd.

This kind of medicine cannot be practiced in ten or eight years.

“Delicious, it’s delicious.”

Yamaji ran to Erina’s side and praised Erina.

Erina, who waited for everyone to come to their senses, asked, “How does my seafood taste good?” ”


Jepp said, “At your age, I definitely don’t have the cooking skills of you, and there is no doubt that you are a genius, Miss Erina. ”

Erina, said: “I want to intern at Barati for a few months, and I don’t know what Chef Jepp thinks. ”

Jepp couldn’t help but be stunned.

Sanji was first shocked, then overjoyed, “Welcome, welcome, we Bharati really need a good chef like you in Erina-chan.” ”

On the other hand, Luo Wei’s group of people were surprised one by one.

Tsuchima couldn’t help but ask, “Erina, do you want to stay here for an internship?” ”

Erina, Sakekiri, nodded.

“It’s too sudden.”

Rowe walked over, pulled Erinael to the side, and asked, “When did you have such an idea?” ”

Erina, who did not hide it, told Luo Wei with an embarrassed face, “Actually, I was temporary. ”

“Impromptu, why?”

“In fact, when I ate their seafood fried rice just now, I found that the seafood fried rice they made was completely different from the seafood fried rice I recognized, but it was equally delicious.”

A glint of essence flashed in Erina’s eyes, “At this time, I realized that the cooking methods of this world and our methods began to get acquainted, but there are great differences. ”

“So I want to stay and learn the cooking techniques of this world.”

“I want to take my cooking skills to the next level, it’s my dream.”

Luo Wei listened and understood Erina’s thoughts.

Although the world of One Piece is somewhat similar to the real world, it is a real other world after all, and the cooking methods are a little different from the real world, which is normal…

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