Poor American?

Can't one's own blood be polluted?

Watery eyes.

Bright waves.

It's just eyes full of tenderness, with three points of taste, and seven points of seriousness and prudence.

It's very weird in my heart,

You can support yourself to go out and fuck, but you are not allowed to pass blood.

Naoto Nagano can't be rectified,

The inner turmoil, I don't know why it went down, was replaced by an indescribable turmoil, but also a deep pride and self-confidence.

Kurata Feili saw a pair of fiery eyes, and before she could react, she was pushed onto the bed: "I can't call you.

"If you don't want my bloodline to be stained, please take everything away! Ah! This will lead to pregnancy.

The air was as quiet as time stood still.

Just exuding scorching heat, making this summer even hotter.

Occasionally, the whistle of cars driving on the road outside is heard, indicating that the chaotic and prosperous world outside the window is continuing, and the wonderful nightlife has just begun.

A new day comes,

The gentle sun rose slowly, and a ray of warm sunshine slowly fell, and the vibrant energy penetrated into the room. The spacious bedroom also became brighter, and the blue sky was cloudless, indicating that yesterday's violent storm had passed, Kurata Feili was a little tired, and the faint haggard on her beautiful face had not yet melted away.

The slender eyelashes moved, the eyelids moved slightly, and the arms were comfortably opened, so that the whole body was bathed in the morning sun, feeling this beautiful and comfortable spring day.

Under the sun, her fair figure has gradually matured, developing towards a graceful figure, which is full of charm set off by the light pajamas.

The breeze blew and lifted the corner of the pajama skirt, and the delicate skin that was unintentionally revealed, under the transmission of bright light, was pure and flawless, like a perfect piece of suet white jade.

The state of being free just after waking up gradually dissipated, and the bright eyes gradually returned to their former agility, looking down at the big hand covering him.

Gently broke free from the shackles of the big hand, turned over, and looked at the man who was still sleeping.

The lines on his handsome face are resolute, and a white scar is a bit hideous, which seems to be fierce.

He has collected everything by himself, even if the master wants to play outside, his blood will not be polluted by those inferior races, right?

Concubine Kurata tapped herself lightly, secretly secretly delighted, and a little proud.

Evaluating her actions ironically, with a charming smile on her beautiful face, she looked up at the window, the bright sunshine outside, she felt like bathing in the spring breeze, and her mood was naturally comfortable. disperse.

What's so great about Opie!

The master wouldn't give blood to a woman of an inferior nation like you.

Gently moved to the side of the bed to avoid scaring the sleeping man, but it was awkward and uncomfortable just to move slightly.

It's too hard for me to be alone. It would be great if Xingzi was here, but even so, I must avoid the occurrence of the master's blood being tainted by the inferior race.

Fist up front.

Kurata Fei Li stared at the sleeping man, her eyes overflowing with determination.

In the next few days, Zhan Tianfeili expressed her determination with practical actions, flirting with sensuality and temptation in every possible way, and even bought sets of **** lingerie after another, using all kinds of solutions.

Naoo Nagano laughed secretly at the boldness of the little secretary.

She's always been so shy and passive, so tired to cry because she didn't go out and fool around, she still insisted so.

What a fool!

But these days, all over New York, Naoto Nagano already understands why the little secretary discriminates against the crooked nuts so much. One yin and one yang is the Tao

The cold war between the east and the west is like the sun star and the lunar star, which drives the tides of the sun and the moon, determines the storm, thunder and lightning, and all things survive.

Japan, like the earth, orbits and is influenced by the lunar and sun stars, but it is the unique planet of life in the solar system.

Water and oxygen allow life to form here.

But the basic conditions for the existence of life do not determine the development of civilization. It also requires the continuous evolution and hard work of life. Speaking seriously, the current Japan, in fact, can be regarded as answering the sentence. lucky.

The moon, a natural satellite, has blocked most of the natural disasters for them, life can continue, and civilization has benefited and multiplied.

And Japan has also seized this opportunity very well. Life on the planet can get some nutrients and thrive. Relying on technology and wisdom, it even affects the sun and the moon in turn.

Fighting against the strong with the weak and defeating the country, sandwiched between two celestial bodies, the 140 million population has become the first in terms of GDP and per capita income. Conquer this vile country.

Nothing but more money!

Whether it is Manhattan where the rich gather, Wall Street, Broadway, Times Square, global luxury stores, Disney, and other fun and shopping places that represent the financial center, there are only two kinds of people you meet.

A kind of person with hatred and hostility in his eyes. As long as he sees Naoo Nagano's gang, he can't wait to take out his gun and chug these little devils who are slaughtering them.

These people tend to wear shabby clothes, sloppy clothes, rough skin, and bleak eyes. At first glance, they are the bottom of society.

As long as they hear the screeching Japanese, they are full of anger. The angry little Japan has made them lose their jobs, the business has turned bad, and their income has become less and less.

The other kind of person is naturally the blonde beauty of the major luxury stores, the financial elite of Wall Street, the store merchants of Bainaohui, and the service staff of the restaurant.

As long as I see Little Japan, the service attitude is extraordinarily enthusiastic, with a smile to please.

Especially in some service industries, just like the servants who welcomed God to the world, the beauties knelt on the ground reverently, took off their shoes and pressed their feet for these little Japanese.

The humble smile, warm service, envious eyes, and always winks and phone calls make people involuntarily swell and arrogant.

New York at night.

The lights were bright and the colors flashed everywhere.

A girl in bright clothes attracts customers in suits and leather shoes, and if you see a guy in a kimono, the smile will become more enthusiastic.

standing on the street.

Naoo Nagano smoked a cigarette and looked at everything around him.

He was thinking, what kind of era is this era that has been repeatedly told by later generations?

In the eyes of later people, when it comes to the 1990s, in addition to the changes in Eastern Europe, the most talked about is the stupidity of the Japanese, the burst of the Plaza Accord bubble, and chicken feathers everywhere.

But when he came to this era, he realized that it was not the case at all.

"Rely on the race!"

There are blond white girls, bowing, speaking Japanese, greeting a group of yellow-skinned customers, humble attitude, no discrimination against yellow people at all.

Watch this scene.

Naoto Nagano is both ironic and laughing.

It is said that racial discrimination in the United States is serious. As a small Japan, I really can't feel it!

The city with bright lights, skyscrapers rising from the ground, skyrocketing, steel jungle buildings, with prosperity and splendor not found in other countries.

But the building obviously cannot give Americans dignity, nor can they make Americans happy and satisfied.

Countless homeless people were lying on the ground with blank eyes, without brilliance, like walking dead, hating and staring at Naoo Nagano's bastards.

But for this look,

Naoto Nagano didn't mind at all, dropped his cigarette butts and stepped into a luxury store again.

A beautiful lady of manners, with fluttering blonde hair and fair complexion, the security guards and police nearby, holding batons, drove out the homeless begging here, so as not to affect the city's appearance.

Naoo Nagano and his party arrived.

Because Shitian Fei Li was wearing a kimono and perfunctory sales with customers, she bowed her proud body.

"Take off your clothes and stuff them right away!"

The mighty and mighty shopping, the family has piled up into a hill.

Watching the airline pack the items one by one, Kurata Concubine reluctantly glanced at the love nest that had been there for a week.

"Don't you want to leave?" Naoto Nagano joked, amused by the cute appearance of the little secretary.

"No!" Zhan Tianfeili was embarrassed to quibble, looked up at the man who spoiled her, and rolled her eyes Hu Lingling said, "Didn't Miss Felina agree to come to work? Master, won't you wait for her?"

"Master, my blood has been given to you, concubine, how can you be defiled by such a woman!"

"I hate it! The master laughs at others! But it seems that there is no movement yet.

"Then go back and let's keep working hard!"

"Ah! I can't do it. If I want to call Xingzi, people can't stand it.

Too much!

I'm leaving, I'm still talking like this

Tokyo, Chuo Ward.

The sky is like ink, and the rain is like pouring down.

A pair of black umbrellas are held open, densely packed and covered in blackness. They are men and women returning home from work.

On both sides of the street, the rain hit the roofs and glass of passing cars, making a ticking sound. Countless cars moved slowly on the road, and the bright headlights illuminated the night sky that should have been dark as day.

At this time,

An emergency cabinet meeting was held.

The leader is the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, the prime minister of the cabinet, who has always been smiling and friendly, with a rare seriousness.

Followed by a group of ministers such as Hashimoto Ryutaro, listening to the deputy minister talking about what happened in the Middle East.

Because of the eight-year war with Iran, Iraq was in debt. During the eight years, the losses caused by Iraq and Iran reached at least 900 billion US dollars, and Iraq owed Kuwait 14 billion US dollars during the Iran-Iraq war.

With the war over and the economy stuck, a few days ago, the OPEC meeting on the oil price agreement initiated by Iraq was held in Vienna.

Having owed a lot of foreign debts, Iraq naturally hopes that countries will reduce oil production, increase international oil prices, and repay the debts with profits.

But there is nothing in the world more tragic than a powerful neighbor.

As the fourth most powerful country in modern times, Kuwait has always been under pressure with such a tough neighbor as Iraq.

Therefore, for Iraq's request for OPEC to cut production to revive oil prices, Kuwait, a major oil-producing country, expressed what you want. Not only did not agree to reduce oil production, but instead expressed that it would increase production, resulting in a rapid drop in international oil prices

At first, Kuwait wanted to use this means to force Iraq to make concessions on the border issue between the two countries. Saddam initially tried to negotiate a solution to the oil issue, but Kuwait was tough and refused to budge.

For a variety of reasons, other member states argue and accuse each other and disagree with the coordinated price increase proposed by Iraq.

Originally, Iraq owed Kuwait a debt of 14 billion US dollars. By doing this, Lao Sa found an excuse. The army assembled in Kuwait, and the war could break out at any time.

There was a lot of discussion.

As an island country that cannot produce oil, there is no immediate concern and long-distance filtration is required.

In particular, when the fourth Middle East war broke out in 1973, in order to attack Israel and its supporters, the Arab countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries took back their oil pricing power and raised oil prices substantially, causing the price of crude oil to more than triple.

The oil crisis lasted for three years, detonating the most serious global economic crisis after World War II. Developed economies were hit hard. Industrial production in the United States fell by 14%, and industrial production in Japan dropped by more than 20%.

The economy was traumatized, and he was determined to accelerate the electric vehicle research plan launched two years ago. In April 1977, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan set a goal of mass production of 200,000 electric vehicles by 1986, that is, the electric vehicle research plan 1.0.

Now is the turning point of Japan's operation. If a war breaks out between Kuwait and Iraq, and the price of oil rises, it will inevitably have a major impact on overseas investment and the layout of the country's transportation.

In this case, more preparations must be made.

"Kuwait has a huge market share in OPEC, and if there is a war with Iraq, the price of oil will definitely skyrocket. This must not happen, otherwise it will seriously affect our economy."

"But at this time, we can only wait and see the situation further and see how Su Mao and the United States will react."

at the same time.

Naoo Nagano drank tea and looked at Koba Ikeda who came uninvited.

Today's Ikeda Xiaoye wears hundreds of black OL commuter formal attire, with a graceful and concave figure, a black tie on a white shirt, gently floating on her chest,

The black slim-fitting commuter pants on the lower body make her two beautiful legs look extra slender and straight, while the commuter pants tightly wrap her graceful figure, the undulating arc and the slender waist are very pleasing to the eye.

The cool breeze in the drizzle brushed her beautiful cheeks, and the strands of hair in front of her white forehead floated in the air, and her delicate white cheeks were even more attractive.

Even if her face is expressionless and her eyes are like knives, the beauty is still a beauty after all, and her delicate face still makes people feel infatuated with it. drinking tea.

Naoto Nagano was very interested and said, "Miss Xiaoye, you mean, Ikeda-kun is under house arrest?"

"Yes. That's why you have to help me save the young lady." Ikeda Xiaoye said coldly, with no emotion in his tone. Naoto Nagano laughed: "That is to say, Miss Xiaoye, are you begging me now? But I don't seem to see the attitude of begging!"

"Bastard! Miss has helped you so much. When you encounter difficulties, shouldn't you lend a helping hand, Nagano-kun?" "Nah, you all say I'm a bastard, so I'm not a bastard, so I'm sorry. your salutation. Since you have something to ask me, please show your sincerity!'

Hear this.

Ikeda Xiaoye's chest swelled with anger, and his eyes shot with murderous intent.

White light flashed.

A long sword with a cold light was placed on the neck,

However, Naoo Nagano didn't care at all, he smiled and drank tea, looking at the beautiful woman who was close at hand.

"Believe it or not, if something happens to Miss, I will kill you!" Ikeda Xiaoye said coldly, his eyes full of chills.

Naoko Nagano put on a gesture of surrender: "I believe! Of course I believe. But as long as I am here, Ikeda will be fine. "Then you come with me right away!"

"Yes, yes, but you have to promise me a request."

any request?

Ikeda Leaflet did not ask.

But those squinting eyes had already said everything.


Ikeda Xiaoye glared fiercely, but Naoto Nagano snapped the knife away.

Seeing those hands, reaching out towards his forbidden area, a nausea of ​​anger and humiliation could not be suppressed at this moment.

Naoto Nagano suddenly smiled: "Sister Xiaoye, what is your expression, I'm just joking with you.

just kidding?

Ikeda Xiaoye's eyes flashed blankly.

As a dead man, she didn't quite understand what an emotion was.


I felt like someone was touching my face.

Only then did I realize that I lost my mind and was taken advantage of.

Stab it!

The long knife was drawn again.

"Kill me, no one will save your lady!"

"Qingbenjia, why are you always fierce? Look at the outside world. People are equal. You are not the private property of Ikeda."

"You didn't think I was really going to molest you just now, did you? Please, how could I be that kind of person!"

Naoo Nagano seems to have become a chatter, talking to himself.

In fact, he could see that this woman, who had been a dead man since childhood, lacked emotional cells.

But no matter what he said, Ikeda Xiaoye became the usual mute again, with an expressionless face and an infertile appearance, which made people helpless.

that's it,

The two rushed to Chiba Prefecture together.

After reporting the name of the Nakamura family, the Ikeda family was obviously not surprised. They let Naoo Nagano come in and followed Xiaoye Ikeda to a wooden house.

The flowers on the pavilions are withered, and the balconies become shaded.

Under the wall of pink flowers intertwined with green branches and green leaves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ikeda Sakurako is holding a book in both hands, her delicate appearance is beautiful like a young girl, and her gentle temperament makes people feel that she is a beautiful and intellectual peerless generation talented woman.

"You came.'

"I am coming

"I knew you would come."

"Of course I will come, of course you know, otherwise why would you let Ikeda Takaheng meet me." Naoto Naoo sat uninvited, stared at the woman in front of him, and after a long time he slowly said, "What is Seto? time was bought by you.'

"Half a year ago!"

"Who else?'

Ikeda Sakurako put down the book and smiled mischievously: "Guess what."

"Believe it or not, I am now proposing to the Ikeda family.

"Then even if you get Sakurako's body, you won't get Sakurako's heart, and you might get a cuckold!"

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