Off the luxurious living room is a spacious hallway.

At this time, Luo Chen, who was surrounded by all the women, paused when he saw the maid of the garden family.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that you want to see it, although the head maid is not low in appearance and figure.

But don't forget, at this time, he is surrounded by many beautiful women.

What can make him pause is naturally because he has found strangeness and difference.

"Your eyes?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm so sorry that my muscles are so stiff that I can't open my eyes. "

"Not because of this, but—"

"Chen-kun, what's wrong with Mei Yi's eyes?!"

"It's nothing, it's just something special. "

The women: "Huh?"

Except for what Yu Yu thought of in the garden, the rest of the girls didn't expect the head maid to be so calm as Luo Chen.

So, I couldn't help but look at the head maid.

But apart from being good-looking, and then smiling and squinting all the time, it doesn't seem to be anything special, huh?


"Rainbow?!Where did you get the setting?"

"Is there a person in the world with rainbow-colored eyes?"

"Yes~ Mei Yi is~ I don't believe you asked Yu Xiangli. "

Nodding ~ nodding ~


Isn't it, there are really rainbow-colored glasses?

If it's just colored glasses, then although rare but not nothing, the rainbow color is a bit exaggerated, right?

But seeing that the mother and daughter of the garden were in trouble, and the head maid was also smiling respectfully, the other girls couldn't help but believe it.

After all, none of the people present are ordinary people, so the ability to accept them is naturally stronger.

What's more, it's just a heterochromic pupil, and they've even seen something like a magic eye.


But Luo Chen was interested in more than that, he looked at the head maid who was holding his hands together and bowing his head slightly, and unconsciously raised his hand to hold his face.

Don't get me wrong, he's not taking advantage, he's really just interested in his rainbow eyes, because—

This is an unawakened magic eye!

It can only be said that it resembles superpowers or eyes with abilities and special powers.

To put it simply, the maid chief's eyes are a bit special, which is one of the reasons for the stiffness of her eyes and facial muscles.

If cultivated or trained properly from an early age, then you will definitely be able to become a powerful witch or shrine maiden.

It's a pity that the other party missed the opportunity and began to have a certain impact on the body.

"It's fun, let's come along~. "



"Yes, sir. "

Hearing Luo Chen's order, the head maid hesitated slightly to "look" at the garden feather.

Although she can't see, she has developed a super ability to "listen to voices and distinguish positions".

"Mei Yi~ In the future, Chenjun's order is equal to what I said~"

"Yes, ma'am. "

"By the way, Chenjun, her name is Meito Mingto, and she will be the head maid of our family in the future, but I have always treated her as a daughter~"

"Mei Yi, that's a good name, I know. "


Although it was delayed, it did not affect everyone's travel plan.

Luo Chen, who took all the women, soon came all the way to the large bathhouse in Red Maple City.

And then needless to say, in addition to Chito Isuzu, it is still a little unnatural, and there is also the dizzy Yuri Wanri Valley who has not returned to his senses at all.

Whether it's the garden mother and daughter, or the Foggy Hollow sisters.

Even the maid Chang Mingto Meiyi, who had just joined the team, followed calmly and calmly, maybe because of her invisible relationship?

None of this is important, the important thing is that the head maid served indifferently from beginning to end.

It wasn't until Luo Chen and the girls had finished their fun and interaction, and then everyone sat in the big bath, that Luo Chen let her come to him.

"My lord—"

"Mei Yi, you want to call the master~"

"Yes, sir. "

"Uh, am I that old? But forget it, come over and I'll help you look at your eyes. "

"Okay. "

Hearing Luo Chen's command, the head maid did not hesitate or be unnatural, so she came to Luo Chen and knelt down, and then approached and let him check her face and eyes.

Seeing that Luo Chen was in trouble, the girls present naturally did not bother, and even the garden Yuyu looked nervously and worriedly.

Mingto Mei Yi was picked up by her since she was a child, and she originally wanted to adopt her as an adopted daughter, but Ming to Mei Yi didn't want to go in her heart, so she became a maid in the garden family.

And then, with his ability, he became the head maid of the garden family!

"Chenjun, what's the matter?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Minor problem. "

"Really, that's great~"


The problem of the head maid is very simple to him, and it can be cured casually, but this is a symptom but not a cure.

The ability of her eyes has already caused a certain "burden" on her!

So after thinking about it, the next second in the surprise of the women, he directly approached to restore and strengthen it in the way of French "chirp".



"Broken, broken!"

"Wow, you're awake? scared me. "

Naturally, the other people present had different reactions to this.

Then suddenly, they were startled by the voice of Yuri Wanli after waking up.

Then, when she saw the girl react and realized that she was embarrassed by her situation at this time and the surrounding environment, she immediately raised her hands to cover her ears.


It has to be said that they were very prescient. []

The deafening sound directly seemed to cover the large bath, and then Wanli Gu Yuri squatted with a red face, almost sinking into the big bath.

If you want to say that you haven't been scared or affected, probably only Luo Chen and the maid chief.

Luo Chen was because he had constructed a silent barrier in his ear, and the maid Chang Mingto Mei was caught in the interaction.

And as she gained something, soon her facial problems began to recover, and then her beautiful and peculiar eyes slowly opened.

Rainbow Eyes!

It's really a gorgeous rainbow color, and the pupils are too beautiful.

It's hazy, it's beautiful, it's so beautiful!

Extraordinarily beautiful, without contact lenses, it is more natural and beautiful than contact lenses, as if you are seeing a "rainbow".

It's very unique and very interesting.

"Hmm~huh~ Master. "


"Handsome and dashing, suave—"

"Although what you said is true, who asked you this?"

"Yes, it feels...... It seems that something is different, don't worry, ma'am, I won't rob the master. "

"Eh?!What?Mei Yi, I haven't said anything (for the money)!" (Garden Feather)


Hearing the surprised opening of the garden feather, the head maid was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly realized something.

"Interesting, similar to mind reading, or the ability to see other people's mental worlds?"

That's right, with his help, the head maid's glasses with special abilities awakened.

The ability to be similar to mind reading, that is, to be able to see things or scenes that are in the minds of other people's mental worlds, is definitely a useful and powerful ability.

The women: "Reading, mind reading?!"

Hearing him say that, the first reaction of all the women except the head maid was naturally to raise their hands to protect themselves.

Then after reacting, he put down his hand a little embarrassed, and then looked at the head maid with a subtle gaze.

After all, this ability is really too "dangerous"!

"Don't worry, madam, and all the young ladies, I can only see your superficial thoughts, and they are also very vague, and they just don't work for the master. "

"Whew~ That's good, that's good. "

"Uh...... Meta".

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