At the end of half the game, Xiang Long and others took a break.

The men’s running team are chatting and laughing here, and the atmosphere is relaxed;

The youth league is miserable and gloomy.


The scoreboard on the side shows all the reasons.

“Lili, are you tired?”

Seeing Xiang Long and the others coming down, Bai Lu quickly came over with a bottle of water to inquire.

Before Xiang Long could answer, Chen He smiled and said:

“Bai Lu, this is your fault. We were all playing basketball on the court for fifteen minutes. Why do you only care about the little elephant?”

“If you score, I care about you too.”

Bai Lu is not the kind of character who doesn’t know how to fight back after being teased.

“what about me?”

Deng Chao smiled and said, “I also scored.”


Bai Lu smiled and said, “Sister Li will take care of you when you go back.”


Hearing Bai Lu’s words, Zhou Shen blinked and said, “Brother Chao will be taken care of by Sister Li, and the little elephant will be taken care of by you?”

“Of course – cough.”

As soon as Bai Lu nodded, she realized that there was something in Zhou Shen’s words. When she admitted it, wouldn’t she be admitting that she was Xiang Long’s wife in disguise?

She quickly shut up, glared at Zhou Shen with a blushing face, and handed the water bottle to Xiang Long.

Xiang Long smiled, took the water bottle and drank half of it.

“Drink slowly, don’t choke.”

Bai Lu smiled.

“Oh, I suddenly remembered the time when I first entered college. I was playing basketball on the basketball court, and then a girl brought me water…”

Deng Chao said with a sad face about the past.

“Who is that girl? Does your Majesty know?”

Bai Lu Bagua asked.

“Go, go, go, where is all this nonsense?”

Deng Chao was so frightened that he quickly waved his hand.

Everyone laughed.

at this time,

Yao Yitian walked over from the side.

Because of the intermission at this time, the radios on Xiang Long and others had been turned off, and the cameras were also farther away. They only shot long shots, which gave everyone a short rest. It was okay for Yao Yitian to come over.

“Tell everyone something.”

Yao Yitian said: “The second half of the basketball game will be cancelled.”


Xiang Long and others were all stunned.

Immediately, Zheng Kai glanced at Zeng Huale and others on the other side, and sneered: “Are you afraid of being beaten by a little elephant?”

“Absolutely. If you were beaten 46:8, you would be afraid.”

Li Chen smiled.

“The same goes for baby elephants. They don’t know how to hold back and beat them.”

Chen He pretended to complain and said: “I was still preparing to show my strength in the second half, but the result is good, I have no chance.”

“What kind of strength do you have, body bomb impact?”

Zheng Kai smiled.

“Just kidding, even if my basketball level is not as good as that of Little Elephant, I’m still half as good as him, right?”

Chen He said shamelessly.


Everyone booed.

The running men’s team was laughing and joking, but the youth team’s atmosphere was very solemn.

It wasn’t until their agent Zhao Zhengyi came over and told them that the second half of the game was canceled that they heaved a sigh of relief.

“Great, I finally don’t have to face Xiang Long!”

One member blurted out.

In the first half that just passed, Xiang Long’s pressure on them was too strong.

If they were to face Xiang Long again, he felt like he would burst into tears.


After all, Zeng Huale is the captain and thinks more: “Brother Zhao, if you rashly cancel the second half of the game, will it have an impact on our reputation?”

Anyone who is not blind can see why the second half of the game was canceled.

“It’s okay, as long as your fans don’t dislike it.”

Zhao Zhengyi said indifferently.

It is impossible for a traffic star to be liked by everyone, and his reputation has never been good, so he said this.

Zeng Huale and others also nodded.


Zhao Zhengyi thought of something and said: “You all go to your own fan groups later to show your face, make a show, and appease the fans’ emotions.”

Zeng Huale and others were stunned.

“Because your score is so far behind, the fans who just watched the live broadcast now have a very bad impression of Xiang Long.”

Zhao Zhengyi smiled and said: “Just now your fans almost got into a fight with Xiang Long’s fans.”

Only then did Zeng Huale and the others understand.

“Then what should we say? Is there anything we need to pay attention to?”

Zeng Huale asked.


Zhao Zhengyi thought for a while: “You can decide the details yourself, but be careful – don’t say bad things about Xiang Long, just say how wronged and helpless you are, and let the fans figure it out for themselves, do you understand?”


Zeng Huale and others nodded immediately.


Their mobile phones were taken away.


Entering his fan group, Zeng Huale saw that there were already 999+ messages in it. After browsing through it, he saw that they were all messages about the same enemy and insulting ‘xl’.

After being reminded that Zeng Huale had entered the fan group, these fans suddenly became excited.

“Lele, how are you?”

“Lele don’t cry, we will always support you!”

“That xl is so abominable.”

“Brother Le, it doesn’t matter. Victory or defeat is a common occurrence for military strategists.”

“Brother Le, we will avenge you!”

Looking at these fans’ messages, Zeng Huale typed a reply:

[Hello everyone, I’m sorry to make you worry. My performance on the basketball court just now was very bad. I’m sorry. 】

Seeing their brother actually admitting his mistake, fans became even more distressed. Various words of comfort continued to appear, and at the same time, they were also mixed with many abusive messages.

[Thank you, thank you for your concern. 】

Zeng Huale continued to reply: [Actually, I’m fine, I just lost… Of course I will feel sad, but when I think of your support, the grievances I suffered are nothing. 】

Brother Le has been wronged?

As soon as Zeng Huale said these words, the fans suddenly became excited:

“Lele, tell the truth, did xl bully you on purpose?”

“I’ve long seen that he doesn’t look like a good person!”

“Brother Le, don’t cry, we support you!”

“Speak out what xl did to you and we will help you get him!”

“Trash xl, how dare you bully Brother Le”


Zeng Huale came to the fan group just to calm down the fans’ emotions according to Zhao Zhengyi’s instructions, but seeing the fans protecting him so much, his mentality gradually changed.

The unwillingness caused by Xiang Long crushing him in the match just now was completely ignited, and an unspeakable malice spread in his heart.

Weren’t you so violent and abusive to me on the court?

Then I will let you taste the feeling of being bullied on the Internet!

Thinking of this, he typed in the group and said:

[I feel a little wronged, but what can I do? After all, this is their territory… The only thing I can do is to endure it silently… Can I still scold and fight back on the spot? 】


As soon as he said this, fans couldn’t sit still.

What, my brother was really wronged?

I can’t bear it!

“Brother Le, it doesn’t matter. If you can’t scold me back, then we will scold you for you!”

“The Yulin Guards swear to protect Brother Le to the death!”

“The Yulin Guards swear to protect Brother Le to the death!”

“Brother Le’s order is our trumpet!”

“If Brother Le is wronged, I will be wronged. I will never agree!”

“We will vent our anger on you!”

Seeing the fans supporting him so much, the anger in Zeng Huale’s heart quietly rose, and all the grievances he had suffered since the recording of the show burst out.

[I’m so touched by your concern… In fact, for a moment just now, I wanted to fight back on the spot, or even take action… But I didn’t dare, because once I did that, I knew that what was waiting for me would definitely be bad. The result… Haha, am I so useless and useless? 】

“No! Brother Le, you are not cowardly at all!”

“Brother Le, you are the best!”

“Lele, don’t say that, I feel so sad.”

“My tears never stopped…”

“Lele, tell us, what can we do to make you happier?”

“Yes, if you tell us, we will do it!”

“It doesn’t matter whether you go up a mountain of swords or go down into a sea of ​​fire!”

“We just want you to be happy!”

Seeing hundreds of messages supporting him flash by in an instant, Zeng Huale could no longer hide the malice in his heart and typed:

[There is no need to do anything, after all, it is troublesome to hit people in reality, and it also costs money…]

[As long as you can help me uphold justice on the Internet and let some bad guys get the punishment they deserve]

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