Accompanied by the low and sad tunes of the piano and cello, the expressions of the entire audience gradually became serious.

The prelude music had already brought them into a low mood.

When the sound of the musical instruments gradually became lower, Xiang Long’s voice seemed to come from a desolate and distant place:

“I once doubted myself, walking in the desert”

“Never bear fruit, no matter what dreams you sow”

Xiang Long held the microphone, with a hint of silence in his expression, and sang softly.

“I just opened my wings, but the wind became silent”

“Can getting used to pain be considered gain?”

After singing the first verse, the audience who had been happily interacting with Xiang Long just now fell silent.

From Xiang Long’s melancholy singing, they seemed to see a Xiang Long who had dreams in his heart and wanted to fly high, but found that he couldn’t fly, and only ended up with bruises all over his body.

Feeling distressed.


These two emotions appeared in everyone’s expressions.

Some of the attentive female spectators had their eyes reddened, and they crossed their fingers tightly and looked at Xiang Long with concern.


The second verse of the song begins.

“Fortunately, I never looked back.”

“I finally discovered that there really is an oasis.”

Judging from the lyrics, it is obvious that the people who have been through hardships in the past have finally seen the light after going through hardships.

But Xiang Long did not use a relaxed singing style. Instead, he used a kind of relief that the boat had passed the Ten Thousand Mountains.

But the more he pretended to be relaxed, the more he stimulated the audience’s imagination.

‘Behind his relief, it was all in exchange for pain, right? ’

‘What kind of ups and downs did you go through to develop such an open-minded temperament? ’

Xiang Long didn’t give everyone much room to express emotion.


The next two lyrics were also sung.

“Every time you sweat, life becomes thicker”

“Only when you get out of depression can you see a new universe!”

When the words “New Universe” were sung, Xiang Long used a soft singing method at the end of the song.

In an instant, a relaxed and relaxed attitude appeared in front of everyone.

Many in the audience even smiled.

They know that Xiang Long has endured all the hardships and gained happiness, and he has been able to keep the clouds clear and see the moonlight.

at this time,

The rhythm of the music also became exciting, like the thunder before the approaching storm, making everyone’s hearts gradually surge!

“The sea and the sky are brighter, after you are brave!”

“Be persistent and break the shackles of fate!”

It was obviously the chorus part, but Xiang Long did not immediately raise the tone, but instead deliberately suppressed it.

The audience at the scene only felt that Xiang Long was like a skilled storyteller. It was clear that the plot of the story was about to reach its climax, but Xiang Long just woke up at this moment and told everyone, “If you want to know what happened next, listen to the next episode.” —

It makes people have the urge to send him a blade.


Didn’t keep them waiting long,

The second half of the chorus finally arrives.

Xiang Long’s calm expression showed a kind of forbearing happiness, and he sang in a relaxed but restrained tone:

“Indifferent people”

“Thank you for ever looking down on me.”

“Keep me from bowing my head”

“A more exciting life——”


As soon as these lyrics came out, the audience felt as if they had eaten a bucket of ice cream in the summer, or drank a bowl of hot soup in the winter. Every cell in the body felt comfortable.


Because Xiang Long was still a little restrained when he sang just now, everyone still felt unsatisfied.

It’s like there is an invisible thin film blocking everyone,

Xiang Long can bring incomparable happiness to everyone with just one poke, but Xiang Long just rubs there and refuses to go in…

It stirred everyone’s little hearts and kept hanging there, unable to let go for a long time, and their emotions kept accumulating.

But there was no way, Xiang Long had the right to sing the song, so they could only wait obediently on the side like a dog being licked by the goddess PUA.


Amid everyone’s anticipation, the song interlude ended.

Xiang Long also picked up the microphone again and sang:

“The early morning window, after a whole night of insomnia”

“Looking at the dawn, raising my head from the clouds”

“Sunset is submergence, sunrise is maturity.”

“As long as it is light, it will be brilliant!”

When singing these lines, Xiang Long’s voice was different from before.

His tone became more and more relaxed, like the first ray of sunshine that was about to break through the darkness, letting everyone see hope.

Realizing that the real climax was about to come, many spectators had already stood up, clenching their fists, waiting for Xiang Long to explode.

Xiang Long did not disappoint everyone,

He took two big steps forward, holding the microphone in both hands, and his voice gradually became louder, as if he wanted to break some invisible shackles.


“The sea and the sky are brighter, after you are brave!”

“Be persistent and break the shackles of fate!”

This time, when he sang the last word ‘break’, veins burst out on Xiang Long’s forehead, and he swung his right hand down at the same time!

at the same time,

The chorus part is like a surging river, rushing crazily into the boundless sea!

“Indifferent people”

“Thank you for ever looking down on me.”

“Keep me from bowing my head”

“More exciting life-!”

good! ! !

Sounds good! ! !

marvelous! ! !

As Xiang Long’s song reached its climax, the audience all got high and stood up from their seats, waving their arms vigorously and cheering loudly!

But Xiang Long wasn’t done yet.

After this chorus, Xiang Long suddenly raised his hands, looking excited and excited.

next moment,

The band was directly promoted to key!

The chorus rolls over like a violent storm!

“Broad sea and sky”

“After bravery!”

“Be persistent”

“Break the lock of fate!”

“Indifferent people”

“Thank you for ever looking down on me.”

“Keep me from bowing my head”

“More exciting life——!!!”


Xiang Long’s key-raising operation directly sent all the audience to the cloud of happiness.

Everyone seemed to have lost their consciousness. They waved their arms as much as they could, shouting crazily along with the people around them, as if they wanted to throw away all the unhappiness, discomfort, and pain in their hearts!

Without waiting for the cheers to end, Xiang Long raised his arms again.

next moment,

Continue to upgrade the key!

Xiang Long took a deep breath, held the microphone in both hands, and his voice exploded over the heads of the 500 audience members like thunder from the sky!

“The sea and the sky are vast!”

“After bravery!”

“Be persistent!”

“Break the lock of fate!”

“Indifferent people!”

“Thank you for ever looking down on me!”

“Keep me from bowing my head!”

“More exciting life——!!!”


It was like a cannonball exploding in the center of the studio.

This time,

The audience went completely crazy!





The 500 spectators used up the last bit of strength in their bodies to make all the sounds.

At this moment, they forgot who they were, where they were, and why they were here.

They just want to give their bodies, their souls, and everything they have to Xiang Long, to music, and to this song – “Broad Sea and Sky”!


The curtain slowly fell.

Xiang Long’s expression slowly recovered from his excitement.

He held the microphone in his hand, and his voice changed from hoarse to a low voice.

But this time, it is different from the low mood at the beginning. This time, there is endless hope shining in the lyrics.

“The sea and the sky are brighter, after the storm.”

“Turn your head and smile away the old sadness.”

“The person who understands me best, thank you for silently accompanying me all the way.”

“Let me have good stories to tell.”

“Look at the future, come step by step~~”

As the last note falls,

Xiang Long also raised his head, his handsome face now covered with a layer of fine beads of sweat. Then, he raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a relieved smile.

This smile seemed to trigger a switch. The next moment, the audience stood up again and gave Xiang Long a thunderous applause.


“sounds amazing!”

“This song is great!”

“Xiang Long is awesome!”

“Xiang Long! Xiang Long! Xiang Long!”

At this moment, Xiang Long’s name resounded over the studio. He stood in the center of the stage and accepted the worship of the audience, just like a lion king patrolling his territory.

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