The twentieth day of the sixth lunar month.

It is an ordinary day for many people, but this day is very important to Bai Lu because it is the birthday of her best friend and assistant ‘Hehe’.

Due to customs, both Bailu and Hehe are more accustomed to celebrating their birthdays according to the lunar calendar.

As for her birthday on the Gregorian calendar, she chooses to spend it with her fans.

In previous years, whenever Hehe celebrated her birthday, Bai Lu would choose to buy her some of her favorite items as gifts.

Sometimes it’s a new mobile phone, sometimes it’s a beautiful doll, sometimes it’s a concert ticket, sometimes it’s a note asking for leave…

But this year,

Because of Xiang Long’s suggestion, Bai Lu decided to give Hehe a song.

A song about friendship composed by her loved one and sung to her favorite friend called “One Like Summer, One Like Autumn”.

June 20th afternoon.

Bai Lu is going outside to shoot a cover magazine.

Hehe and the driver drove over to pick her up.

Bai Lu went downstairs, and as soon as the car door opened, she saw Hehe stretching out his hands towards her:

“Boss, where is my gift?”

“Huh? A gift? What gift?”

Bai Lu opened her eyes wide and pretended to be stupid.

However, her disguise was immediately seen through by Hehe, who curled her lips and said:

“Okay, Bai Mengyan, stop pretending. We are so familiar with each other. Even if I believe that I will forget my birthday, I don’t believe that you can forget it.”

Bai Lu couldn’t hold it in anymore and laughed loudly: “He Hanlian, what’s going on with you? Can’t you cooperate with me and act?”

“I would like to cooperate, but the key point is that I feel it is against the rules.”

Hehe smiled and said: “When I think that you will forget my birthday, I feel like the sun is coming out of the west.”

“Eh? Are you trying to flatter me?”

Bai Lu didn’t know what to think, so she turned around and asked.


Haha, a question mark.

“Oh, okay, I’ve prepared a gift for you.”

Bai Lu pretended to wave her hands helplessly.

“Really? What is it? Take it out quickly!”

Hehe started to rummage around Bai Lu.

“Ah, where are you touching!”

Bai Lu clapped Hehe’s hand and said, “Be honest, your gift is not on me.”

“Not with you?”

Hehe asked curiously: “Where is that?”

“it’s here!”

Bai Lu pointed to her head.

“In your mind?”

Hehe was stunned for a moment and blurted out: “Besides water, what else is in your mind?”

? ? ?

Bai Lu blushed angrily: “He Hanlian, if you want to lose such an excellent and considerate boss like me, please speak clearly, okay?”

“Hahaha, no, just kidding, just kidding, don’t be angry.”

Hehe quickly hugged Bai Lu and rocked her like a child:

“My dear boss, may I ask what you have in mind, a prepared poem?”

“about there.”

Bai Lu smiled and said, “It’s a song.”


Hehe was surprised: “Did Xiang Long write it?”

Others don’t know Xiang Long’s talent, but as Bai Lu’s best friend, Hehe naturally knows how talented Xiang Long is in music.

Xiang Long wrote a song for her birthday, how could he not make her happy?

“Hey, hey, hey, He Hanlian, what do you mean, why couldn’t it be written by me?”

Although Hehe liked the song written by Xiang Long, Bailu was very happy, but the surprise shown by Hehe made her dislike it.

“Ah, no, if you create something Yanyan, I will also like it very much.”

Hehe quickly comforted Bai Lu, who was obviously a little angry.

“Hmph, that’s pretty much it.”

Bai Lu snorted and said, “This song was indeed written by Lili…”

Before she could finish her words, Hehe shouted excitedly.

Bai Lu: “…”

“He Hanpian, I’m angry, and I can’t coax him out of it!”

After a lot of persuasion and five meals of fried chicken legs,

Bai Lu then accepted Hehe’s apology and said again:

“This song is called “One is like summer, the other is like autumn.”

“One is like summer, one is like autumn?”

Hehe smiled and said: “You are definitely the one who looks like summer, you are lively, enthusiastic, and crazy. In autumn, you are the one who looks like me. I am usually quieter.”


Bai Lu nodded and said, “When Lili composed this song, I told him many stories between the two of us, and then he composed this song.”

“As expected of Xiang Long, he is great at music creation.”

Hehe nodded in approval.

at this time,

A Bailu makeup artist in the car said:

“Speaking of Teacher Xiang’s music creation, people on the Internet are making noise right now.”

“What’s the noise about?”

Bai Lu immediately asked with concern.

“Some people think it’s impossible for Mr. Xiang to write songs so fast.

The quality is so good…”

The makeup artist tells the whole story.

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

After listening to the other party’s story, Bai Lu felt relieved.

Bai Lu was not anxious at all about this dispute, and was even happy to see it come to an end.

Because she knew that Xiang Long had the ability to compose an excellent song in a short period of time.

Therefore, the more fierce the quarrel online, the better for Xiang Long.

“No, I have to add fuel to this argument.”

Thinking of the song “One Like Summer, One Like Autumn” that she was about to give to Hehe, Bai Lu rolled her eyes and had an idea.

So, she said to the makeup artist: “When I sing to Hehe later, you can record it for me.”

The makeup artist naturally agreed.

Hehe immediately understood Bai Lu’s intention and said with a smile:

“You’re afraid that people on the Internet won’t be noisy enough.”

“Of course.”

Bai Lu pretended to be fierce and said: “It’s so boring to argue like this. I want to see blood flowing like a river, hahahaha!”

At the end of the sentence, I couldn’t help laughing.


After the makeup artist set up his mobile phone, Bai Lu played a song accompaniment.

Boom, boom, boom…

Along with the rhythmic drum beat, a pleasant melody began to sound in the carriage.

Hehe looked at Bai Lu intently, with an expectant smile on his lips.

Bai Lu also smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, held it, and sang:

“I didn’t like you the first time we met.”

“Who knew the relationship would become so close later?”

“One of us is like summer and the other is like autumn.”

“But it can always turn winter into spring——”

As Bai Lu’s soft voice sounded, the attention of everyone in the car was attracted.

With just this short section of lyrics, everyone realized that the quality of this song is not bad!

The subsequent songs confirmed everyone’s suspicions. Whether it was the main song or the chorus, they all had beautiful melodies and sincere lyrics.

Especially for Hehe, this song pierced her heart.

The sentence “Meeting someone and then changing your life, it turns out that love is not the only plot” reminded her of the time when Bai Lu had just become a star and called her to ask her to help.

Every moment the two have spent together over the years comes to mind.

From a kindergarten teacher to Bai Lu, the best friend of an A-list star, she even has a lot of fans on the Internet. Doesn’t it fit this lyrics?

Looking at Bai Lu, whose eyes were also moist in front of him, Hehe couldn’t hold back any longer, pouted his lips, and burst into tears.

When she cried, Bai Lu couldn’t help it anymore. She couldn’t sing out of tune and said while crying and laughing:

“Oh, haha, what are you doing? This is not the time to be sensational, but you made me cry.”

“I’m sorry, I…I don’t want to, but Xiang Long’s song is so well written, I…I can’t help but think of our experiences over the years, and I can’t hold myself together all of a sudden.”

Hehe said while wiping his tears.

“Forget it, I can’t sing anymore. Anyway, this is a birthday gift for you. Just don’t blame me for not singing well.”

Bai Lu also wiped away her tears, then turned her head and said to the camera:

“Friends, this is my birthday gift to Hehe this year, a song “One is like summer, one is like autumn” composed by Lili. At the same time, this song is also given to all the sisters. I wish you all happiness, huh? !”

After recording, Bai Lu threw the phone to Hehe and smiled:

“Go to work, be a laborer!”


Bai Lu said confidently: “Don’t look at me like that. This birthday gift was created by Xiang Long, and now he is being questioned by netizens on the Internet. Shouldn’t you do your part to cheer him up?”

“Bai Mengyan, you are Zhou Bapi!”

Hehe gritted his teeth and cursed, hummed and turned on the computer, and started to add subtitles and special effects to the video…

that’s all,

More than an hour later,

Bai Lu posted this singing video on her Weibo.

At the same time, she deliberately left a line of text for fear of causing chaos in the world:

“I think everyone seems to be curious about the time it took @xianglong to compose the song, so why don’t you guess how long it took him to write this song?”

“A: One day”

“B: One hour”

“C: One week”

“D: One year”

Bai Lu is a popular little flower. Once her Weibo post was posted, it was like flowers blooming on brocade and fire cooking oil. Discussions about Xiang Long’s musical talent suddenly increased on the Internet.

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