Xu Ningtai is a loyal viewer of “Gold Medal Singer-Songwriter”.

He has loved the show since its first season last year.

In his opinion, programs that just cover classic old songs are meaningless at all. Even if the quality of original new songs varies, they are at least fresh.

As for this season’s gold medal singer-songwriter, he is naturally very concerned about it.

In particular, Xiang Long’s song “Boundless Sea and Sky” in the first issue made him very fond of it.

Because this song made him feel very connected——

He is an online novel author.

An online novel author who is disliked by his family, friends, and classmates.

Because he was born in a rural area, his family did not know much about his online writing. They only knew that Xu Ningtai had returned home after graduation, and then sat in front of the computer all day without moving.

They don’t know what online novels are, but they have heard people say that playing with computers is equivalent to playing with things to lose one’s mind.


In their eyes, Xu Ningtai became a member of the ‘cheating old’ family.

Later, after Xu Ningtai explained everything, his family finally understood that it was possible to make money just sitting in front of the computer and playing.

But unfortunately, because of the poor performance of his novel, he only gets a monthly royalties of three to four thousand, which still makes his family feel a little unable to hold their heads high——

You should know that if you go out to work, even if you are just delivering food, as long as you pay hard enough, it is not a problem to earn several thousand a month.

As a college student, Xu Ningtai actually stayed at home and worked for a job that only earned three or four thousand a month. This was regarded by his family as indolent work.

Xu Ningtai could only respond silently. After all, in online novels, food is the original sin.

Just because of his love for writing, he still chose to persevere.


He lost his girlfriend because of this.

Or to be more precise, they were torn apart by their future parents-in-law.

Because his girlfriend is very supportive of his writing, and even said that she is willing to make money to support the family, so that Xu Ningtai can concentrate on writing at home.

Xu Ningtai is extremely grateful to his girlfriend and has long made up his mind not to marry anyone but her.


Love is a matter of two people, but marriage is a matter of two families.

Just because his girlfriend supports his writing does not mean that his father-in-law and mother-in-law also support him.

They only saw Xu Ningtai staying at home, playing in front of the computer, and even having to rely on his daughter to go out to work to support him.

Therefore, they unanimously concluded that Xu Ningtai had no ambition, and decisively stopped the loss and separated the two.

Before the official breakup, Xu Ningtai had a conversation with his girlfriend.

His girlfriend told him at that time that as long as he was willing, she didn’t care what her parents thought and was willing to elope with him.

However, Xu Ningtai chose to refuse.

He doesn’t want his girlfriend to break up with her parents who have raised her for decades because of him.

But his girlfriend felt that Xu Ningtai was not firm enough.

At that time, the two people’s emotions were very tense, so the original small quarrel quickly expanded. In the rush of words, both of them said many words that hurt each other.

Just like that, they were completely separated.

Because of the departure of his girlfriend, Xu Ningtai was really depressed for a long time.

She regretted not being able to hold back her temper that day, but also regretting that she was incompetent and could not have an identity recognized by her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

He even lost confidence in himself for a time, thinking that maybe his family and friends were right, that he was not suitable for writing, and that he could not make a living as an online novel at all.


He actually went to the factory to make screws and earned more than 7,000 a month.

It wasn’t until later that I accidentally injured my leg due to an accident at work, so I had no choice but to go home for a vacation.

That is, while he was lying at home, because he had nothing to do, he turned on the computer again and logged into the writer’s backend.

This time, he did not choose to follow the trend of popular themes, but created a love novel based on the story of himself and his girlfriend.

To his surprise, the novel became an instant hit.

At 200,000 words, it was read by millions.

The daily income increased from 800 to 1,000, then 2,000, 3,000…

That month,

He earned a commission of 100,000 yuan.

He cried the day the six-figure remuneration hit his bank card.

Like a child, crying loudly.

the next day,

He limped and took a taxi to find his ex-girlfriend.

He wants to save his love!


After arriving at the address, they learned that the ex-girlfriend’s family had moved away and her whereabouts were unknown.

Back home,

Xu Ningtai was silent for a few days, and then continued to write hard.

As if he wanted to pay back everything he owed to his ex-girlfriend, he kept writing every day and night, because every time he closed his eyes, the figure of his ex-girlfriend would appear in his mind.

As his writing performance improved, Xu Ningtai discovered that the people around him looked at him differently.

God has all changed.

When I called him before, I always said “that so-and-so from the old Xu family” with a disdainful tone.

But now, people call him, ‘Old Xu Family’s Wenquxing’, which is full of praise.

There are even many relatives who want to send their children to him to help with Chinese lessons. In their opinion, Xu Ningtai can make so much money by writing novels, so he must be very good at Chinese…

Because of these previous experiences,

When Xiang Long sang “Indifferent people, thank you for once looking down on me and letting me have good stories to tell” in the last episode, his sense of involvement was so strong.

Because he really felt the change of people around him from rolling eyes on him to favoring him.

“In this issue, Xiang Long is going to sing a breakup-themed song…”

Turning on the computer, Xu Ningtai put on his headphones, his eyes sad and lonely.

The word “breakup” was like a thorn that had already penetrated deeply into his heart, causing pain every time his heart beat.


The show begins.

When the low and melancholy prelude of “Faith” just started playing, Xu Ningtai, who thought he had dried up his tears, suddenly found that his face was wet with tears again.

Especially when Xiang Long sang the three words “It’s you”, the figure of his ex-girlfriend clearly appeared in front of him again.

Her eyes were still so bright, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was still so gentle. In a daze, he seemed to see his girlfriend pretending to be angry, putting her hands on her hips, stamping her feet and pouting:

‘Xu Ningtai, you big idiot, I like you so much, why don’t you want to marry me? ’

“I do! I am willing to marry you!”

Xu Ningtai grabbed the clothes on his chest hard, gasping for breath, and burst into tears.

at this time,

The lyrics of the second verse sung by Xiang Long appear:

“I know those words that I shouldn’t have said, making you feel angry and wandering.”

“I wonder if you are also homesick after all these years of floating around?”

“If I had kissed you or hugged you at that time, the ending might have been difficult to tell.”

“I have so many regrets and so many expectations, you know?”

this moment,

Xu Ningtai felt that Xiang Long was singing every lyric to him, and his chest seemed to be pressed by a huge boulder, making him unable to breathe and his face turned red from holding back.

“If I hadn’t said those angry words at that time, but had hugged her and kissed her, maybe we would have really been together… And when my grades in the book improve now, wouldn’t everything be wonderful? ”

He knew it was wrong to think so,

But he still couldn’t help thinking, assuming, and regretting.

And every time I think about it, my heart aches;

Every time you assume, there will be more tears;

Every time I regretted it, my mood collapsed.

Just when Xu Ningtai was so uncomfortable that he almost fainted,

The chorus of “Faith” finally comes——

I love you

What a clear and solid belief

I love you

What a warm and brave force

I don’t care how sad my heart is, or how panicky my love is

No matter what others think

love is a belief

Take me to your side——!

These few lyrics are like a floodgate, completely releasing the emotions that Xu Ningtai has accumulated for many years.

Just like when I first received a six-digit manuscript fee,

He burst into tears again.

His parents were startled by his movements and hurried over to check.

“Dad, Mom, I want to find Xiaoyun!”

Xu Ningtai’s voice was choked but she said to her parents firmly:

“No matter what, no matter what happens, I have to find her and marry her!”

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