“Okay, let’s try it first.”

Regarding Yao Yitian’s proposal, Xiang Long and Bai Lu looked at each other and agreed immediately.

Immediately, the staff brought an answer board to each of them.

“Next, I will ask a question. Please write your answers on the answer board. No interaction or hints are allowed during this period. Do you understand?”

Yao Yitian said.

Xiang Long and the two agreed.

“Okay, my question is – if you find the other person lying in front of you with his eyes closed, what would you do?”

Yao Yitian asked.

Lying in front of yourself with your eyes closed?

An image not suitable for children suddenly appeared in Xiang Long’s mind.

Shaking his head vigorously to put away the thoughts in his mind, Xiang Long drew a heart on the answer board, and then wrote the word ‘kiss’.

When he looked up at Bai Lu, he saw that she was also looking up at him.

When their eyes met, Bai Lu seemed startled and quickly avoided Xiang Long’s eyes.

Xiang Long couldn’t help but curl up the corner of his mouth when he saw this, secretly thinking that Bai Lu had the same answer as him.

Seeing the two of them writing the answers,

Yao Yitian asked: “Both of you, do you think that with the tacit understanding between you two, the answers will be the same?”

“It must be the same!”

Xiang Long glanced at Bai Lu and said firmly.

The tone of voice was firm, as if he had already seen Bai Lu’s answer.

“Oh, is it so?”

Yao Yitian nodded with a half-smile, and then asked Bai Lu: “What do you think?”


Bai Lu looked at her answer, then looked at Xiang Long, who was looking confident, and coughed lightly: “Maybe… there will be a little difference?”

Xiang Long was startled when he heard this and looked at Bai Lu in surprise.

Bai Lu didn’t look at him, just lowered her head.

Just when Xiang Long was secretly wondering, he heard Yao Yitian laugh and say:

“In that case, let’s each show our own question boards!”

Xiang Long and Bai Lu looked at each other and showed their answer boards together.


Xiang Long saw a slap clearly drawn on Bai Lu’s answer board, with two big words written next to it – Bang! Snapped!


Bai Lu wanted to take advantage of Xiang Long’s eyes being closed to slap him.

Seeing this answer, Xiang Long was stunned and looked at Bai Lu in disbelief.

Bai Lu also saw Xiang Long’s ‘kiss’ answer at this time, and she almost instantly understood why Xiang Long made such a choice.

After all, he had been ‘holding back’ Xiang Long, so it was completely reasonable for him to give this answer.

But the more this happened, the more guilty she felt when she thought about her ‘papa’ answer.

Looking up at Xiang Long,

She happened to meet his shocked eyes mixed with grievance.

It seems to be saying, just forget it if you don’t let me kiss you, but you still want to take the opportunity to hit me?


Xiang Long’s eyes somehow touched Bai Lu’s smile, and he covered his face with the answer board and laughed.

Seeing this,

Xiang Long is even more aggrieved. He just refused to let me kiss him. He took the opportunity to beat me without even mentioning it. Now he still laughs at me?


Even though netizens didn’t know the inside story, they still laughed very happily when they saw Xiang Long and Bai Lu’s answers that were off-topic:

[Xiang Long: After all, I paid everything by mistake]

[Xiang Long: The Wail of the Defeated Dog]

[Xiang Long: Lulu, do you think I am considerate and love you? Bai Lu: Get out! 】

[Hahaha, how sweet Xiang Long’s answer is, how bitter Bai Lu’s answer is]

[Little Elephant, don’t blame me for speaking out. Bai Lu is too cruel. She is not worthy of you – let me take the responsibility! 】

[As mentioned above, I heard your calculations in Antarctica]

[The look in Little Elephant’s eyes just now can be regarded as a god, from the determination at the beginning, to the confusion in the middle, to the shock and doubt at the end… It perfectly interprets the humbleness of a dog-licker who was rejected by the goddess [dog head]]

[But Goose, a licking dog, actually hugs a beautiful woman…]

[Uh… am I the only one who thinks the word ‘papa’ is an onomatopoeia for a certain behavior [dog head]]

[The one in front, something is wrong with you]

[Hey, why does it feel like a yellow filter was suddenly added! 】

[Kiss first, then have sex—nothing wrong! 】

[Mountain roads are rugged, please do not drive]

[So, the two people’s answers are actually the same? 】

recording scene,

Seeing Xiang Long and Bai Lu’s very different answers, everyone laughed.

Deng Chao asked Bai Lu:

“I can completely understand Xiao Xiang’s answer, but I’m curious, Bai Lu, why do you want to fan Xianglong? Is he usually not nice to you?”

“No no!”

Bai Lu quickly waved her hand and was about to answer when she saw Xiang Long’s aggrieved look again and couldn’t help but laugh again.

Xiang Long pretended to be angry and shouted:

“Bai Mengyan, you bully others too much. I have tolerated you for a long time!”

Bai Lu quickly took a deep breath, holding back her laughter and said, “I’m sorry, I lost my temper just now. What I meant was that Lili is so cute. Seeing him close his eyes, I couldn’t help but go over and pat him gently. Cheeks—snap.”

“Bai Mengyan, do you think I’m stupid for believing such a clumsy lie?”

Xiang Long asked expressionlessly.

“Pfft hahaha!”

Bai Lu couldn’t help it anymore and laughed again.

Xiang Long stood up and asked Yao Yitian:

“Yao PD, please, I want to regroup with my teammates now, is that okay?”

“Of course – no!”

Yao Yitian answered immediately.

Xiang Long: “…”

Seeing Xiang Long’s deflated appearance, everyone laughed again.

Bai Lu also pretended to be a playboy, barely exposed Xiang Long’s neck, and said teasingly:

“Little lady, don’t be angry. From now on, you are mine, and I will pamper you well, hiahiahiahia~”

Seeing Bai Lu’s performance,

Xiang Long became even more tearful and cried to the camera in Changzhou dialect: “Uncle, can I return the product?”

Bai Lu couldn’t help it anymore. She hugged Xiang Long’s arm and laughed. After a moment, she blushed and gave Xiang Long a look:

“I want to return it now, but it’s too late. I’ll be relying on you for the rest of my life!”

Joking for a while,

Only then did Deng Chao get the program back on track.

“The next step is our first round of challenges.”

Deng Chao took the task card and said:

“Xiao Xiang, the team you and Bai Lu are going to challenge in the first round is Zhou Shen and Lang Lang.”

“They have two challenges. One is called ‘Who is the Piano Master?’ You will have a one-on-one personal battle with Lang Lang later…”

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Long interrupted directly:

“OK, well, Brother Chao, there is no need to elaborate on the content of this challenge. I can still understand the personal battle – let’s just talk about the low-difficulty challenge!”

Deng Chao laughed: “Okay, the low-difficulty challenge is called ‘Rhythm Master’. Later, both groups of you will hear a song respectively, but in the middle of the song, the music will disappear, and you need to count silently in your mind. Follow the beat, and then sing the specified lyrics accurately. As long as the difference between Zhou Shen and Lang Lang is small, it will be considered a success.”

Xiang Long and Bai Lu both breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this low-difficulty challenge.

Compared with the personal battle with Lang Lang, this is indeed much easier.

“Of course, in order to take on the low-difficulty challenge, you need to complete the first round of the couple’s chemistry test – are you ready?”

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